44 research outputs found
Dynamics of a Rolling Disk in the Presence of Dry Friction
In this paper we are interested in the dynamics and numerical treatment of a rolling disk on a flat support. The objective of the paper is to develop a numerical model which is able to simulate the dynamics of a rolling disk taking into account various kinds a friction models (resistance against sliding, pivoting and rolling). A mechanical model of a rolling disk is presented in the framework of Non-smooth Dynamics and Convex Analysis. In an analytical study, approximations are derived for the energy decay of the system during the final stage of the motion for various kinds of frictional dissipation models. Finally, the numerical and analytical results are discussed and compared with experimental results available in literatur
Shrinking Point Bifurcations of Resonance Tongues for Piecewise-Smooth, Continuous Maps
Resonance tongues are mode-locking regions of parameter space in which stable
periodic solutions occur; they commonly occur, for example, near Neimark-Sacker
bifurcations. For piecewise-smooth, continuous maps these tongues typically
have a distinctive lens-chain (or sausage) shape in two-parameter bifurcation
diagrams. We give a symbolic description of a class of "rotational" periodic
solutions that display lens-chain structures for a general -dimensional map.
We then unfold the codimension-two, shrinking point bifurcation, where the
tongues have zero width. A number of codimension-one bifurcation curves emanate
from shrinking points and we determine those that form tongue boundaries.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure
Scaling of Saddle-Node Bifurcations: Degeneracies and Rapid Quantitative Changes
The scaling of the time delay near a "bottleneck" of a generic saddle-node
bifurcation is well-known to be given by an inverse square-root law. We extend
the analysis to several non-generic cases for smooth vector fields. We proceed
to investigate vector fields. Our main result is a new phenomenon in
two-parameter families having a saddle-node bifurcation upon changing the first
parameter. We find distinct scalings for different values of the second
parameter ranging from power laws with exponents in (0,1) to scalings given by
O(1). We illustrate this rapid quantitative change of the scaling law by a an
overdamped pendulum with varying length.Comment: preprint version - for final version see journal referenc
Identifying models of HIV care and treatment service delivery in Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia using cluster analysis and Delphi survey.
BACKGROUND: Organization of HIV care and treatment services, including clinic staffing and services, may shape clinical and financial outcomes, yet there has been little attempt to describe different models of HIV care in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Information about the relative benefits and drawbacks of different models could inform the scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and associated services in resource-limited settings (RLS), especially in light of expanded client populations with country adoption of WHO's test and treat recommendation. METHODS: We characterized task-shifting/task-sharing practices in 19 diverse ART clinics in Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia and used cluster analysis to identify unique models of service provision. We ran descriptive statistics to explore how the clusters varied by environmental factors and programmatic characteristics. Finally, we employed the Delphi Method to make systematic use of expert opinions to ensure that the cluster variables were meaningful in the context of actual task-shifting of ART services in SSA. RESULTS: The cluster analysis identified three task-shifting/task-sharing models. The main differences across models were the availability of medical doctors, the scope of clinical responsibility assigned to nurses, and the use of lay health care workers. Patterns of healthcare staffing in HIV service delivery were associated with different environmental factors (e.g., health facility levels, urban vs. rural settings) and programme characteristics (e.g., community ART distribution or integrated tuberculosis treatment on-site). CONCLUSIONS: Understanding the relative advantages and disadvantages of different models of care can help national programmes adapt to increased client load, select optimal adherence strategies within decentralized models of care, and identify differentiated models of care for clients to meet the growing needs of long-term ART patients who require more complicated treatment management
Mieszana metoda strzałów i równowagi harmonicznych w zastosowaniu do systemów mechanicznych o jednostronnych więzach
In this paper we present a mixed shooting – harmonic balance method for large linear mechanical systems on which local nonlinearities are imposed. The standard harmonic balance method (HBM), which approximates the periodic solution in frequency domain, is very popular as it is well suited for large systems with many degrees of freedom. However, it suffers from the fact that local nonlinearities cannot be evaluated directly in the frequency domain. The standard HBM performs an inverse Fourier transform, then calculates the nonlinear force in time domain and subsequently the Fourier coefficients of the nonlinear force. The disadvantage of the HBM is that strong nonlinearities are poorly represented by a truncated Fourier series. In contrast, the shooting method operates in time-domain and relies on numerical time-simulation. Set-valued force laws such as dry friction or other strong nonlinearities can be dealt with if an appropriate numerical integrator is available. The shooting method, however, becomes infeasible if the system has many states. The proposed mixed shooting-HBM approach combines the best of both worlds.W artykule przedstawiono metodę będącą połączeniem metody strzałów i metody równowagi harmonicznych zastosowaną do dużych systemów mechanicznych, w których występują lokalne nieliniowości. Standardowa metoda równowagi harmonicznych (HBM), w której aproksymuje się rozwiązanie okresowe w dziedzinie częstotliwości, jest bardzo popularna, gdyż dobrze nadaje się do dużych systemów o wielu stopniach swobody. Niemniej, jej wadą jest to, że lokalne nieliniowości nie mogą być bezpośrednio ocenione w dziedzinie częstotliwości. W standardowej metodzie HBM wykonuje się odwrotną transformację Fouriera, potem oblicza nieliniową siłę w dziedzinie czasu, a następnie wyznacza współczynniki Fouriera siły nieliniowej. Silne nieliniowości są źle reprezentowane przez obcięty szereg Fouriera, co jest wadą tej metody. W przeciwieństwie do niej, metoda strzałów działa w dziedzinie czasu i opiera się na symulacji numerycznej przebiegów czasowych. Metoda działa skutecznie gdy prawa sił są oparte na wartościach zadanych, tak jak dla tarcia suchego i innych silnie nieliniowych, pod warunkiem, że dysponuje się odpowiednim integratorem numerycznym. Metoda strzałów nie daje się jednak stosować gdy system ma wiele stanów. Proponowana metoda mieszana, strzałów i równowagi harmonicznych, łączy zalety obydwu podejść