5,806 research outputs found
Prevalence of Plasmid-Mediated Quinolone Resistance Genes among Ciprofloxacin-Nonsusceptible Escherichia coli
OBJECTIVES:To analyze the prevalence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) determinants in ciprofloxacin-nonsusceptible Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from patients at a tertiary care hospital in Korea
The Impact of Prenatal Massage Experience Upon The Mother’s Delivery Confidence And Stress/ Anxiety
This study examined the differences in delivery confidence and levels of stress/anxiety among pregnant women based on their experiences with prenatal massage. For this research, the researcher randomly sampled and selected 629 expecting mothers, who were members of an online community for expecting mothers, between August 15 and August 30, 2022, and collected survey data, which was analyzed using the SPSS 25.0 statistical package program. The results of this study are as follows: First, examining the differences in delivery confidence according to prenatal massage experience, it was found that prenatal massage experience has a significant impact on delivery confidence. Mothers with more experience had higher confidence in delivery. Second, prenatal massage experience was found to have a significant effect on the levels of stress and anxiety, with mothers lacking prenatal massage experience showing higher levels of stress and anxiety. The results of this study suggest that professional and systematic education on prenatal massage is necessary to contribute to the development of programs for pregnant women that can increase consumer satisfaction as part of the general prenatal program
A photonic-crystal optical antenna for extremely large local-field enhancement
We propose a novel design of an all-dielectric optical antenna based on photonic-band-gap confinement. Specifically, we have engineered the photonic-crystal dipole mode to have broad spectral response (Q ~70) and well-directed vertical-radiation by introducing a plane mirror below the cavity. Considerably large local electric-field intensity enhancement ~4,500 is expected from the proposed design for a normally incident planewave. Furthermore, an analytic model developed based on coupled-mode theory predicts that the electric-field intensity enhancement can easily be over 100,000 by employing reasonably high-Q (~10,000) resonators
Computer-Aided Analysis of Flow in Water Pipe Networks after a Seismic Event
This paper proposes a framework for a reliability-based flow analysis for a water pipe network after an earthquake. For the first part of the framework, we propose to use a modeling procedure for multiple leaks and breaks in the water pipe segments of a network that has been damaged by an earthquake. For the second part, we propose an efficient system-level probabilistic flow analysis process that integrates the matrix-based system reliability (MSR) formulation and the branch-and-bound method. This process probabilistically predicts flow quantities by considering system-level damage scenarios consisting of combinations of leaks and breaks in network pipes and significantly reduces the computational cost by sequentially prioritizing the system states according to their likelihoods and by using the branch-and-bound method to select their partial sets. The proposed framework is illustrated and demonstrated by examining two example water pipe networks that have been subjected to a seismic event. These two examples consist of 11 and 20 pipe segments, respectively, and are computationally modeled considering their available topological, material, and mechanical properties. Considering different earthquake scenarios and the resulting multiple leaks and breaks in the water pipe segments, the water flows in the segments are estimated in a computationally efficient manner.ope
Stability of wheat germ oil obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide associated with lipase ethanolysis
Wheat germ oil was extracted using an environmental friendly solvent, supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) at a semi-batch flow extraction process. The supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction was carried out to extract oil at temperature of 40°C and pressure of 25 MPa. Ethanolysis was performed with 1,3-regiospecific lipase at different temperatures (40 to 70°C) to produce diglycerides and monoglycerides containing fatty acid ethyl esters. For determination of stability, wheat germ oil obtained by ethanolysis reactants was characterized by measuring the acid value, peroxide value, free fatty acid contents, thiocyanate method, DPPH radical scavenging effect and rancimat test. The optimized condition of 40°C shows the highest oil stability among the various conditions.Keywords: Supercritical carbon dioxide, wheat germ oil, ethanolysis, immobilized lipases, oil stabilityAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(22), pp. 3570-357
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