363 research outputs found
Do Bars Trigger Activity in Galactic Nuclei?
We investigate the connection between the presence of bars and AGN activity,
using a volume-limited sample of 9,000 late-type galaxies with axis ratio
and at low redshift (), selected from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7. We find that
the bar fraction in AGN-host galaxies (42.6%) is 2.5 times higher than in
non-AGN galaxies (15.6%), and that the AGN fraction is a factor of two higher
in strong-barred galaxies (34.5%) than in non-barred galaxies (15.0%). However,
these trends are simply caused by the fact that AGN-host galaxies are on
average more massive and redder than non-AGN galaxies because the fraction of
strong-barred galaxies (\bfrsbo) increases with color and stellar
velocity dispersion. When color and velocity dispersion (or stellar mass)
are fixed, both the excess of \bfrsbo in AGN-host galaxies and the enhanced
AGN fraction in strong-barred galaxies disappears. Among AGN-host galaxies we
find no strong difference of the Eddington ratio distributions between barred
and non-barred systems. These results indicate that AGN activity is not
dominated by the presence of bars, and that AGN power is not enhanced by bars.
In conclusion we do not find a clear evidence that bars trigger AGN activity.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
Galaxy evolution in the mid-infrared green valley: a case of the A2199 supercluster
We study the mid-infrared (MIR) properties of the galaxies in the A2199
supercluster at z = 0.03 to understand the star formation activity of galaxy
groups and clusters in the supercluster environment. Using the Wide-field
Infrared Survey Explorer data, we find no dependence of mass-normalized
integrated SFRs of galaxy groups/clusters on their virial masses. We classify
the supercluster galaxies into three classes in the MIR color-luminosity
diagram: MIR blue cloud (massive, quiescent and mostly early-type), MIR
star-forming sequence (mostly late-type), and MIR green valley galaxies. These
MIR green valley galaxies are distinguishable from the optical green valley
galaxies, in the sense that they belong to the optical red sequence. We find
that the fraction of each MIR class does not depend on virial mass of each
group/cluster. We compare the cumulative distributions of surface galaxy number
density and cluster/group-centric distance for the three MIR classes. MIR green
valley galaxies show the distribution between MIR blue cloud and MIR SF
sequence galaxies. However, if we fix galaxy morphology, early- and late-type
MIR green valley galaxies show different distributions. Our results suggest a
possible evolutionary scenario of these galaxies: 1) Late-type MIR SF sequence
galaxies -> 2) Late-type MIR green valley galaxies -> 3) Early-type MIR green
valley galaxies -> 4) Early-type MIR blue cloud galaxies. In this sequence,
star formation of galaxies is quenched before the galaxies enter the MIR green
valley, and then morphological transformation occurs in the MIR green valley.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
External Use of Propolis for Oral, Skin, and Genital Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Objective. The aim of this review is to provide the available evidence on the external use of propolis (EUP) for oral, skin, and genital diseases. Method. We searched twelve electronic databases for relevant studies up to June 2016. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) were included and analysed. Results. Of the 286 articles identified, twelve potentially relevant studies met our inclusion criteria. A meta-analysis of two studies on recurrent oral aphthae (ROA) indicated that there were no significant differences in total effective rate (TER) for pain disappearance between EUP and placebo groups (RR = 1.96, 95% CI = 0.97–3.98, and P=0.06). In two studies on skin diseases, the combined treatment of EUP with other interventions revealed significant effects on the duration of treatment or TER. In one study on genital diseases, EUP showed significant differences in genital herpes outcome measures compared to placebo. Conclusions. Our results on the effectiveness of EUP for treating oral, skin, and genital diseases are not conclusive because of the low methodological qualities and small sample sizes. Further well-designed randomized controlled trials, with high quality and large samples for specific disorders, must be conducted to obtain firm conclusions
Compact groups of galaxies with complete spectroscopic redshifts in the local universe
Dynamical analysis of compact groups provides important tests of models of
compact group formation and evolution. By compiling 2066 redshifts from
FLWO/FAST, from the literature, and from SDSS DR12 in the fields of compact
groups in \citet{McC09}, we construct the largest sample of compact groups with
complete spectroscopic redshifts in the redshift range . This
large redshift sample shows that the interloper fraction in the \citet{McC09}
compact group candidates is . A secure sample of 332 compact groups
includes 192 groups with four or more member galaxies and 140 groups with three
members. The fraction of early-type galaxies in these compact groups is 62\%,
slightly higher than for the original Hickson compact groups. The velocity
dispersions of early- and late-type galaxies in compact groups change little
with groupcentric radius; the radii sampled are less than kpc,
smaller than the radii typically sampled by members of massive clusters of
galaxies. The physical properties of our sample compact groups include size,
number density, velocity dispersion, and local environment; these properties
slightly differ from those derived for the original Hickson compact groups and
for the DPOSS II compact groups. Differences result from subtle differences in
the way the group candidates were originally selected. The space density of the
compact groups changes little with redshift over the range covered by this
sample. The approximate constancy of the space density for this sample is a
potential constraint on the evolution of compact groups on a few Gigayear
timescale.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 7 table
Nuclear starburst activity induced by elongated bulges in spiral galaxies
We study the effects of bulge elongation on the star formation activity in
the centers of spiral galaxies using the data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Data Release 7. We construct a volume-limited sample of face-on spiral galaxies
with 19.5 mag at 0.02 0.055 by excluding barred galaxies,
where the aperture of the SDSS spectroscopic fibre covers the bulges of the
galaxies. We adopt the ellipticity of bulges measured by Simard et al. (2011)
who performed two-dimensional bulge+disc decompositions using the SDSS images
of galaxies, and identify nuclear starbursts using the fibre specific star
formation rates derived from the SDSS spectra. We find a statistically
significant correlation between bulge elongation and nuclear starbursts in the
sense that the fraction of nuclear starbursts increases with bulge elongation.
This correlation is more prominent for fainter and redder galaxies, which
exhibit higher ratios of elongated bulges. We find no significant environmental
dependence of the correlation between bulge elongation and nuclear starbursts.
These results suggest that non-axisymmetric bulges can efficiently feed the gas
into the centre of galaxies to trigger nuclear starburst activity.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
Exploration of New Electroacupuncture Needle Material
Background. Electro Acupuncture (EA) uses the acupuncture needle as an electrode to apply low-frequency stimulation. For its safe operation, it is essential to prevent any corrosion of the acupuncture needle. Objective. The aim of this study is to find an available material and determine the possibility of producing a standard EA needle that is biocompatible. Methods. Biocompatibility was tested by an MTT assay and cytotoxicity testing. Corrosion was observed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) after 0.5 mA, 60 min stimulation. The straightness was measured using a gap length of 100 mm, and tensile testing was performed by imposing a maximum tensile load. Results. Phosphor bronze, Ni coated SS304, were deemed inappropriate materials because of mild-to-moderate cytotoxicity and corrosion. Ti-6Al-4V and SS316 showed no cytotoxicity or corrosion. Ti-6Al-4V has a 70 times higher cost and 2.5 times lower conductivity than SS316. The results of both straightness and tensile testing confirmed that SS316 can be manufactured as a standard product. Conclusion. As a result, we confirmed that SS316 can be used a new EA electrode material. We hope that a further study of the maximum capacity of low-frequency stimulation using an SS316 for safe operation
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