2,605 research outputs found
Communication and Coordination in the Laboratory Collective Resistance Game
This paper presents a laboratory collective resistance (CR) game to study how different forms of non-binding communication among responders can help coordinate their collective resistance against a leader who transgresses against them. Contrary to the predictions of analysis based on purely self-regarding preferences, we find that non-binding communication about intended resistance increases the incidence of no transgression even in the one-shot laboratory CR game. In particular, we find that the incidence of no transgression increases from 7 percent with no communication up to 25-37 percent depending on whether communication occurs before or after the leader’s transgression decision. Responders’ messages are different when the leaders can observe them, and the leaders use the observed messages to target specific responders for transgression.Communication ; Cheap Talk ; Collective Resistance ; Laboratory Experiment ; Social Preferences
This paper presents a laboratory collective resistance (CR) game to study how different forms of non-binding communication among responders can help coordinate their collective resistance against a leader who transgresses against them. Contrary to the predictions of analysis based on purely self-regarding preferences, we find that non-binding communication about intended resistance increases the incidence of no transgression even in the one-shot laboratory CR game. In particular, we find that the incidence of no transgression increases from 7 percent with no communication up to 25-37 percent depending on whether communication occurs before or after the leader’s transgression decision. Responders’ messages are different when the leaders can observe them, and the leaders use the observed messages to target specific responders for transgression.Communication, Cheap Talk, Collective Resistance, Laboratory Experiment, Social Preferences
This paper presents a laboratory collective resistance (CR) game to study how different forms of repeated interactions, with and without communication, can help coordinate subordinates' collective resistance to a ???divide-and-conquer??? transgression against their personal interests. In the one-shot CR game, a first???mover (the ???leader???) decides whether to transgress against two responders. Successful transgression increases the payoff of the leader at the expense of the victim(s) of transgression. The two responders then simultaneously decide whether to challenge the leader. The subordinates face a coordination problem in that their challenge against the leader's transgression will only succeed if both of them incur the cost to do so. The outcome without transgression can occur in equilibrium with standard money-maximizing preferences with repeated interactions, but this outcome is not an equilibrium with standard preferences when adding non-binding subordinate ???cheap talk??? communication in the one-shot game. Nevertheless, we find that communication (in the one-shot game) is at least as effective as repetition (with no communication) in reducing the transgression rate. Moreover, communication is better than repetition in coordinating resistance, because it makes it easier for subordinates to identify others who have social preferences and are willing to incur the cost to punish a violation of social norms.Communication, Cheap Talk, Collective Resistance, Divide-and-Conquer, Laboratory Experiment, Repeated Games, Social Preferences
Uncertainty and Resistance to Reform in Laboratory Participation Games
This paper presents a participation game experiment to study the impact of uncertainty and costly political participation on the incidence of reform. Fernandez and Rodrik (1991) show that uncertainty about who will ultimately gain or lose as a result of a reform can prevent its adoption. We introduce intra-group conflict into this framework by incorporating costly political participation, which creates a natural incentive for free-riding on fellow group members’ efforts to influence policy outcomes. An agent, however, may still be willing to participate if her participation is likely to affect the policy outcome given the probabilities of participation by others. Our experimental findings show that uncertainty reduces the incidence of reform even with costly political participation, and that an increase in the cost of participation reduces the participation of all agents, regardless of whether they belong to the majority and minority. This second result cannot be reconciled with the standard mixed strategy Nash equilibrium, but is consistent with the quantal response equilibrium.Reform, Uncertainty, Experiment, Participation Game, Bounded Rationality, Quantal Response Equilibrium
Security of Continuous Variable Quantum Cryptography
We discuss a quantum key distribution scheme in which small phase and
amplitude modulations of CW light beams carry the key information. The presence
of EPR type correlations provides the quantum protection. We identify universal
constraints on the level of shared information between the intended receiver
(Bob) and any eavesdropper (Eve) and use this to make a general evaluation of
security. We identify teleportation as an optimum eavesdropping technique.Comment: 6 figure
Learning, Teaching, and Turn Taking in the Repeated Assignment Game
History-dependent strategies are often used to support cooperation in repeated game models. Using the indefinitely repeated common-pool resource assignment game and a perfect stranger experimental design, this paper reports novel evidence that players who have successfully used an efficiency-enhancing turn-taking strategy will teach other players in subsequent supergames to adopt this strategy. We find that subjects engage in turn taking frequently in both the Low Conflict and the High Conflict treatments. Prior experience with turn taking significantly increases turn taking in both treatments. Moreover, successful turn taking often involves fast learning, and individuals with turn taking experience are more likely to be teachers than inexperienced individuals. The comparative statics results show that teaching in such an environment also responds to incentives, since teaching is empirically more frequent in the Low Conflict treatment with higher benefits and lower costs.Learning, Teaching, Assignment Game, Laboratory Experiment, Repeated Games, Turn Taking, Common-Pool Resources
Quantum Cloning of Continuous Variable Entangled States
We consider the quantum cloning of continuous variable entangled states. This
is achieved by introducing two symmetric entanglement cloning machines (or
e-cloners): a local e-cloner and a global e-cloner; where we look at the
preservation of entanglement in the clones under the condition that the
fidelity of the clones is maximized. These cloning machines are implemented
using simple linear optical elements such as beam splitters and homodyne
detection along with squeeze gates. We show that the global e-cloner
out-performs the local e-cloner both in terms of the fidelity of the cloned
states as well as the strength of the entanglement of the clones. There is a
minimum strength of entanglement (3dB for the inseparability criterion and
5.7dB for the EPR paradox criterion) of the input state of the global e-cloner
that is required to preserve the entanglement in the clones.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure
Gaussian Post-selection for Continuous Variable Quantum Cryptography
We extend the security proof for continuous variable quantum key distribution
protocols using post selection to account for arbitrary eavesdropping attacks
by employing the concept of an equivalent protocol where the post-selection is
implemented as a series of quantum operations including a virtual distillation.
We introduce a particular `Gaussian' post selection and demonstrate that the
security can be calculated using only experimentally accessible quantities.
Finally we explicitly evaluate the performance for the case of a noisy Gaussian
channel in the limit of unbounded key length and find improvements over all
pre-existing continuous variable protocols in realistic regimes.Comment: 4+4 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with
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