6 research outputs found
Asean Dalam Mendorong Negara Permanent 5 Untuk Mengaksesi Southeast Asian Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (Seanwfz)
This paper contains the dynamics of the establishment of nuclear weapons free zone form by ASEAN in the form of SEANWFZ treaty as an effort to maintain regional security of Southeast Asia. But in its implementation there are some obstacles and the most seats is the approval of the State Permanent 5 (P5). The five countries continue to delay reviewing the contents of the agreement until there are several reservations in the form of application zone, ship transit rights, sovereignty and negative security guarantees. Moreover, the problem of coverage of the region consisting of Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEE) of several ASEAN countries in the view is not yet clear related to claim of South China Sea. ASEAN continues to push the five nuclear states in a period of less than two decades by way of negotiation and dialogue. But in essence it will explain the dynamics of SEANWFZ itself, the various reservations that make P5 not willing to access SEANWFZ and the South China Sea settlement as one of the efforts in encouraging China and some P5 countries to access SEANWFZ. Tulisan ini berisi tentang dinamika pembentukan kawasan bebas senjata nuklir yang dibentuk (dibentuk) oleh ASEAN dalam bentuk traktat SEANWFZ sebagai upaya untuk menjaga keamanan regional Asia Tenggara. Namun pada implementasinya terdapat beberapa hambatan dan yang paling kursial yaitu persetujuan dari Negara Permanent 5 (P5). Kelima Negara tersebut terus menunda untuk mengkaji lebih dalam lagi isi-isi dari perjanjian hingga timbul beberapa reservasi berupa zona aplikasi, hak transit kapal, kedaulatan dan jaminan keamanan negatif. Terlebih lagi masalah cakupan wilayah yang terdiri dari Zona Ekonomi Ekslusif (ZEE) beberapa Negara ASEAN dianggap belum jelas terkait klaim Laut China Selatan. ASEAN terus mendorong kelima Negara pemilik nuklir tersebut dalam kurun waktu kurang lebih dua dekade dengan cara negosiasi dan dialog. namun pada intinya tulisan ini akan menjelaskan tentang dinamika SEANWFZ sendiri, berbagai reservasi yang membuat P5 belum bersedia mengaksesi SEANWFZ dan penyelesaian Laut China Selatan sebagai salah satu upaya dalam mendorong China dan beberapa Negara P5 untuk mengaksesi SEANWFZ
Analisis Perbandingan Persepsi dalam Perumusan Kebijakan Luar Negeri antara Moon Jae In dan Yoon Suk Yeol terhadap Aliansi Pertahanan Korea Selatan – Amerika Serikat Tahun 2017-2022
This study compares the perceptions of foreign policy of the two South Korean leaders, Moon Jae In and Yoon Suk Yeol. The comparison of perceptions leads to the continuation of the defense alliance cooperation with the United States. The political transition is very visible in the two figures in building the progress of cooperation. Moon is known as a liberal-leaning political figure with a humanist style, so he is careful to establish two-way cooperation with the United States and North Korea to avoid threats to security stability in the region. Meanwhile, Yoon Suk Yeol is better known as a leader who represents conservatives as his political principle. Yoon is showing more aggressiveness to increase military strength with the United States in the face of North Korea's possession of nuclear weapons. This study uses the theory of Ole R. Holsti to understand the foreign policy perceptions of each figure which leads to output as foreign policy. There are three components to form a perception scheme in foreign policy, namely information, belief system, and perception. This study found that there are party interests and paradigm values in the belief system that have a strong influence in shaping the perceptions of Moon Jae In and Yoon Suk Yeol. This analysis also shows the contrast between regime shifts which show that both of them have a closed image and there is resistance to the continuation of policies in the previous regime so that the alliance cooperation with the United States experiences dynamics
Idea, Identity and Interesubjective Means of India Act East Foreign Policy towards Taiwan
This article aims to examine the reason why India is continuing to maintain cooperation with Taiwan through the “Act East” policy, even though it has not provided high benefits for India? In order to answer the question, this article employed a constructivism perspective related to foreign policy analysis. In constructivism foreign policy analysis, ideas and identity are vital for the state. India's “Act East” towards Taiwan reflects some element of constructivism which encompass ideas, national identity and intersubjective means that influences preference, policy choice and state interest. The first, India’s “Act East” is an idea to revive strategic and historical relations with Taiwan. Second, the positive India-Taiwan intersubjective process formed a shared understanding based on the values of freedom, democracy, human rights, and the norms. Third, the national identity as an emerging power puts India to coexist peacefully with Taiwan and maintain security as well as stability in the region
The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit all regions of the world, including Indonesia, has had a significant impact on people's mobility. The economic impact is the most felt during this pandemic, especially the reduction in industrial and manufacturing activities, but the reduction in industrial activity is considered to have a good impact on environmental security because it can reduce the amount of gas emissions. This situation should be a good opportunity for Indonesia in its efforts to tackle climate change. However, during the implementation of COP-25, it failed to reach an agreement in article 6 of the Paris Agreement and could not describe concrete actions from climate action and Indonesia only managed to take points on the oceanic issue at the meeting, while Indonesia is a pioneer country for climate change action in the G countries. -20. This raises the question of the extent of Indonesia's diplomatic efforts and commitment to climate change. This study aims to see and analyse the direction of Indonesia's climate diplomacy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Indonesian Pavilion was a form of Indonesian diplomacy during COP-26 in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit all regions of the world, including Indonesia, has had a significant impact on people's mobility. The economic impact is the most felt during this pandemic, especially the reduction in industrial and manufacturing activities, but the reduction in industrial activity is considered to have a good impact on environmental security because it can reduce the amount of gas emissions. This situation should be a good opportunity for Indonesia in its efforts to tackle climate change. However, during the implementation of COP-25, it failed to reach an agreement in article 6 of the Paris Agreement and could not describe concrete actions from climate action and Indonesia only managed to take points on the oceanic issue at the meeting, while Indonesia is a pioneer country for climate change action in the G countries. -20. This raises the question of the extent of Indonesia's diplomatic efforts and commitment to climate change. This study aims to see and analyse the direction of Indonesia's climate diplomacy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Indonesian Pavilion was a form of Indonesian diplomacy during COP-26 in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic
Kebijakan Pembebasan Visa Kunjungan Wisata Indonesia dan Ancaman Keamanan
The government policy contained in Presidential Regulation Number 21 of 2016 contains the exemption of tourist visit visas for foreign tourists in an effort to increase state revenue through the tourism sector. Through several cases, the policy decision gave freedom to 169 countries wishing to make tourist visits to Indonesia. In the course of implementing the policy, there are several things that make this policy necessary to be reviewed. The exemption of tourist visas, which is expected to contribute the largest foreign exchange to the country, has not only succeeded in increasing state revenue but also has increased the threat to state security in several sectors. Given that Indonesia provides opportunities for foreign tourists to enter Indonesian territory easily, the government should carry out socialization and coordination with all national sectors as a form of preparation for the surge in foreign tourists. This study aims to explore information regarding the extent to which the security threats obtained as an implication of the visa exemption policy are divided into transnational crimes, ecological and economic damage.
Keywords: Policy, Visa, Tourism, Implications, Security
Kebijakan pemerintah yang tertuang dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 21 Tahun 2016 berisi tentang pembebasan visa kunjungan wisata untuk turis manacanegara dalam upaya meningkatkan pendapatan negara mellaui sektor pariwisata. Melalui beberapa klai putusan kebijakan tersebut memberikan kebebasan pada 169 negara yang ingin melakukan kunjungan wisata ke Indonesia. Dalam perjalanan implementasi dari kebijakan tersebut terdapat bebrapa hal yang membuat kebijakan tersebut perlu untuk untuk dikaji kembali. Pembebasan visa wisata yang diharapkan dapat menyumbang devisa negara terbesar tidak hanya berhasil menambah pendapatan negara namun juga menambah ancaman keamanan negara pada beberapa sektor. Mengingat bahwa Indonesia memberikan kesempatan wisatawan asing untuk dapat masuk ke wilayah Indonesia dengan mudah maka seharusnya pemerintah melakukan sosialisasi dan koordinasi dengan seluruh sektor nasional sebagai bentuk persiapan menghadapi lonjakan wisatawan asing. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali informais mengenai seberapa jauh ancaman keamanan yang diperoleh sebagai implikasi dari kebijakan pembebasan visa tersebut terbagi dalam kejahatan transnasional, kerusakan ekologi dan ekonomi.
Kata Kunci: Kebijakan, Visa, Wisata, Implikasi, Keamana
The existence of refugees in Indonesia in the past decade is gradually increasing. Some countries such as Afghanistan, Myanmar, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Somalia and Ethiopia make Indonesia as one of the transit areas as well as a destination for those who come out of their country to look for another place to live due to the ongoing conflict and war. But unfortunately Indonesia does not have the right and authority to accept asylum seekers because it is not yet a state party which ratified the 1976 refugee Protocol and the 1951. Convention. However, the government continues to provide assistance on a humanitarian basis. UHNCR and IOM became the first organizations to address the existence of refugees in Indonesia. Both are government organizations that have the authority to regulate the existence of asylum seekers in various countries. Given this, it is necessary to know the existence and role of non-governmental organizations in overcoming the existence of refugees in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method where data is obtained through observation and interviews with one non-governmental organization. This research results in an internationally accredited journal publication and will contribute to academics in the social humanities field