2,702 research outputs found

    Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies from Scaling Seeds: Generic Properties of the Correlation Functions

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    In this work we present a partially new method to analyze fluctuations which are induced by causal scaling seeds. We show that the power spectra due to this kind of seed perturbations are determined by five analytic functions, which we determine numerically for a special example. We put forward the view that, even if recent work disfavors the models with cosmic strings and global O(4) texture, causal scaling seed perturbations merit a more thorough and general analysis, which we initiate in this paper.Comment: LaTeX file with RevTex, 6 pages, 6 PS figs., submitted to Phys. Rev. D. A version with higher quality images can be found at http://mykonos.unige.ch/~kunz

    Dark Energy versus Modified Gravity

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    There is now strong observational evidence that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating. The standard explanation invokes an unknown dark energy component. But such scenarios are faced with serious theoretical problems, which has led to increased interest in models where instead general relativity is modified in a way that leads to the observed accelerated expansion. The question then arises whether the two scenarios can be distinguished. Here we show that this may not be so easy, demonstrating explicitly that a generalized dark energy model can match the growth rate of the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati model and reproduce the 3+1 dimensional metric perturbations. Cosmological observations are then unable to distinguish the two cases

    Microwave Background Anisotropies Induced by Global Scalar Fields: The Large N Limit

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    We present an analysis of CMB anisotropies induced by global scalar fields in the large N limit. In this limit, the CMB anisotropy spectrum can be determined without cumbersome 3D simulations. We determine the source functions and their unequal time correlation functions and show that they are quite similar to the corresponding functions in the texture model. This leads us to the conclusion that the large N limit provides a 'cheap approximation' to the texture model of structure formation.Comment: 11 pages Latex, 5 postscript figures include

    A Tale of Two Distances

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    There are two basic ways to measure physical distances in cosmology: One based on standard candles and one based on standard rulers. Comparing current data for each method allows us to rule out axion-photon mixing and dust-extinction as the sources of supernova dimming and generally protects the case for cosmic acceleration from attacks based on loss of photons. The combined data constrains the energy densities in a LCDM model to 0.19 < Omega_m < 0.32 and 0.47 < Omega_Lambda < 0.82 (at 2\sigma) without recourse to any further data sets. Future data will improve on these limits and allow us to place constraints on more exotic physics.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, uses moriond.sty. To be published in the Proceedings of the XXXIX Rencontres de Moriond 'Exploring the Universe

    Observational constraints on the inflaton potential combined with flow-equations in inflaton space

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    Direct observations provide constraints on the first two derivatives of the inflaton potential in slow roll models. We discuss how present day observations, combined with the flow equations in slow roll parameter space, provide a non-trivial constraint on the third derivative of the inflaton potential. We find a lower bound on the third derivative of the inflaton potential V'''/V > -0.2. We also show that unless the third derivative of the inflaton potential is unreasonably large, then one predicts the tensor to scalar ratio, r, to be bounded from below r > 3 * 10^{-6}.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Important sign mistake corrected. Conclusions, abstract and discussion change

    The traces of anisotropic dark energy in light of Planck

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    We study a dark energy model with non-zero anisotropic stress, either linked to the dark energy density or to the dark matter density. We compute approximate solutions that allow to characterise the behaviour of the dark energy model and to assess the stability of the perturbations. We also determine the current limits on such an anisotropic stress from the cosmic microwave background data by the Planck satellite, and derive the corresponding constraints on the modified growth parameters like the growth index, the effective Newton's constant and the gravitational slip.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures; matches version accepted for publication in JCA

    Constraints on dark-matter properties from large-scale structure

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    We use large-scale cosmological observations to place constraints on the dark-matter pressure, sound speed and viscosity, and infer a limit on the mass of warm-dark-matter particles. Measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies constrain the equation of state and sound speed of the dark matter at last scattering at the per mille level. Since the redshifting of collisionless particles universally implies that these quantities scale like a−2a^{-2} absent shell crossing, we infer that today w(DM)<10−10.0w_{\rm (DM)}< 10^{-10.0}, cs,(DM)2<10−10.7c_{\rm s,(DM)}^2 < 10^{-10.7} and cvis,(DM)2<10−10.3c_{\rm vis, (DM)}^{2} < 10^{-10.3} at the 99%99\% confidence level. This very general bound can be translated to model-dependent constraints on dark-matter models: for warm dark matter these constraints imply m>70m> 70 eV, assuming it decoupled while relativistic around the same time as the neutrinos; for a cold relic, we show that m>100m>100 eV. We separately constrain the properties of the DM fluid on linear scales at late times, and find upper bounds cs,(DM)2<10−5.9c_{\rm s, (DM)}^2<10^{-5.9}, cvis,(DM)2<10−5.7c_{\rm vis, (DM)}^{2} < 10^{-5.7}, with no detection of non-dust properties for the DM.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures: v2 reflects version accepted for publication by PRD. Added discussion of kinetic decouplin

    Intrinsic uncertainty on the nature of dark energy

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    We argue that there is an intrinsic noise on measurements of the equation of state parameter w=p/ρw=p/\rho from large-scale structure around us. The presence of the large-scale structure leads to an ambiguity in the definition of the background universe and thus there is a maximal precision with which we can determine the equation of state of dark energy. To study the uncertainty due to local structure, we model density perturbations stemming from a standard inflationary power spectrum by means of the exact Lema\^{i}tre-Tolman-Bondi solution of Einstein's equation, and show that the usual distribution of matter inhomogeneities in a Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology causes a variation of ww -- as inferred from distance measures -- of several percent. As we observe only one universe, or equivalently because of the cosmic variance, this uncertainty is systematic in nature.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Version as accepted for publication in Physics of the Dark Universe (Open Access

    Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies from Global Texture

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    We investigate the global texture model of structure formation in cosmogonies with non-zero cosmological constant for different values of the Hubble parameter. We find that the absence of significant acoustic peaks and little power on large scales are robust predictions of these models. However, from a careful comparison with experiments we conclude that at present we cannot safely reject the model on the grounds of published CMB anisotropy data. If bias is close to one on large scales, galaxy correlation data rules out the models. New, very stringent constraints come from peculiar velocities. Investigating the large-N limit, we argue that our main conclusions apply to all global O(N) models of structure formation.Comment: 20 page LaTeX file, 11 postscript figs. included, proceedings to the EC conference on 3K Cosmology in Rome, Oct. 9
