146 research outputs found
Isolated Biventricular Noncompaction in an adult with severe pulmonary hypertension : an association reviewed.
Biventricular noncompaction is a recently recognized rare form of cardiomyopathy. It
is characterized by altered structure of myocardial wall as a result of intrauterine
arrest of compaction of the myocardial fibers in absence of coexisting congenital
lesion. Left ventricle is the most affected site for noncompaction, but right ventricular
involvement has been reported in a few cases. Diagnosis is made with 2-dimensional
echocardiography or cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. While major clinical
manifestations are heart failure, arrhythmias and embolic events,pulmonary artery
hypertension ( PAH)has not been well elaborated in the literature. We present a 13-
year old boy who had Biventricular noncompaction complicated by severe pulmonary
hypertension. Pulmonary hypertension may be a consequence of increased pulmonary
venous pressures caused by systolic and diastolic left ventricular dysfunction
secondary to noncompaction. This article reviews the literature particularly with reference
to PAH in the context of this case.peer-reviewe
Virtual planning of dental implant placement using CT double-scan technique : own experience
Background: The correctness of CT performed with the use of a double-scan technique is the basis for achieving proper quality of 3D reconstructions of the maxilla or mandible and subsequent virtual planning of dental implant placement. The aim of this study was the presentation of the methodology of computed tomography scanning and own experience with the use of the double-scan technique. Material/Methods: The study group included 26 individuals who underwent MDCT with a double-scan technique using a MDCT scanner SOMATOM Sensation (Siemens, Germany). The parameters of the examination: slice-collimation 10x0.75 mm, slice-thickness 0.75 mm. The first CT scan in the procedure was the scan of the patient wearing a radiological prosthesis and occlusal index, which was followed by a separate scan of the radiological prosthesis. These two CT scans were copied and transferred to PC with Procera Software program (Nobel Biocare, Sweden) where dental implant placement was virtually planned. Results: In all 26 patients, precise three-dimensional reconstructions of the anatomical structure were obtained. In 11 patients, on the basis of the virtual planning, the implant placement was performed, 5 patients were referred to preparatory procedures, that is, restoration of the alveolar process, otolaryngological treatment of the maxillary sinuses. The remaining 10 patients did not qualify to the procedure because of unfavorable anatomical conditions. Conclusions: Correct computed tomography with double-scan technique enables virtual planning of dental implant placement, on the basis of which the real procedure of implantation can be performed
Genetic polymorphism and content of some milk protein fractions in Polish cattle
International audienc
Insulation of traditional Indian clothing: estimation of climate change impact on productivity from PHS (predicted heat strain) model
Major databases on western clothing and their thermal properties are available, but information on non-western clothing is lacking. A recent ASHRAE project 1504 TRP, Extension of the Clothing Insulation Database for Standard 55 and ISO 7730 dealt with the issue. Simultaneously, a co-operation study at Indian workplaces allowed us to acquire some sets of the traditional clothes used at construction sites in Chennai area. The work was related to mapping of present work conditions in order to allow predictions and measures to be taken if the mean temperature of the work environment would rise. We selected ISO 7933 on predicted heat strain (PHS) as a tool to estimate productivity loss in physical work. PHS criteria are related to reaching safe body core temperature limit of 38 °C or excess water loss. 3 sets of clothing were investigated: 2 female sets of traditional clothes (churidar and saree) modified as used at construction site (added shirt and towel to protect traditional clothes and hair), and a male set commonly used at the construction sites. The clothing insulation and evaporative resistance were measured on thermal manikins. The climatic conditions were based on weather statistics, and metabolic heat production was based on field observations at work places and the ISO 8996:2004 tables (Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Determination of metabolic rate). For the future scenarios all basic parameters were left the same except the air temperature was increased by 2 °C. Adding the protective layer on female clothing did increase clothing insulation by 25-31 % and evaporative resistance by 10-18 % respectively. This affected the performance showing lower capacity to maintain work pace already under present climatic conditions. Further increase in mean air temperature may decrease the productivity by 30-80 % depending on the parameter that is observed (limited exposure time or lower work load), and on the earlier capacity to carry out the tasks. The present evaluation may have several limitations related to the PHS model's boundaries, and validation of the presented method application is needed
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance findings in a case of Danon disease
Danon disease is a rare X-linked dominant lysosomal glycogen storage disease that can lead to severe ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure. We report a case of Danon disease with cardiac involvement evaluated with cardiovascular magnetic resonance, including late gadolinium enhancement and perfusion studies
Substantive Economic Due Process and Equal Protection in Pennsylvania: Are We Free from Restrictive Economic Regulation?
Recovery from drug and alcohol dependence: an overview of the evidence.
The remit of the Recovery Committee concerns recovery from dependence on drugs and alcohol, not use of drugs or alcohol per se. This first output of the ACMD Recovery Committee provides an overview of the evidence, or lack thereof of the factors that contribute to recovery. This document is not intended to offer definitive answers and did not involve an in depth analysis of evidence. Rather it is intended to „map out the terrain‟ that will be examined in more detail later in the work of the committee.
The ACMD identified 13 different themes that had a bearing on recovery: carers and families; communications including stigma and media; criminal justice; education (including adult education, higher education, schools) and training; employment and volunteering; housing; natural recovery; personal finance (including benefits); health and wellbeing; recovery communities; social care; local communities; and substance misuse treatment.
1. Introduction to and scope of this report
2. Informing future work
3. What is dependence and recovery?
4. Scoping the evidence: the contribution of different themes to recovery
5. Exploring the evidence: recovery capital
6. Discussion
7. Next steps
8. Reference
DEPEND: A Design Environment for Prediction and Evaluation of System Dependability
Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryJoint Services Electronics Program / N00014-90-J-1270National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) / NAG-1-61
Kosowscy entuzjaści contra kosowscy sceptycy. Dyferencjacja państw wobec legalności Republiki Kosowa
Za główny cel badawczy Autorka przyjęła ustalenie przesłanek, które legły u podstaw uznania Republiki Kosowa jako samodzielnego państwa przez te kraje, które Autorka zalicza do grona kosowskich entuzjastów, jak też wskazanie na powody, którymi kierują się inne, nazwane przez Autorkę kosowskimi sceptykami.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00
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