9 research outputs found

    Physical therapy program for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    The article considers the problem of the respiratory system pathologies, in particular chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the effectiveness of a set of means of physical rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Material and methods: the study involved 23 patients aged 40 to 60 years. The duration of treatment and rehabilitation was, on average, 15-20 days. The following research methods were used to assess the effectiveness of rehabilitation in the control and main groups: pedagogical research, anthropometry (age, weight, height, chest excursion), heart rate, respiratory rate, Spirograph examination, Stange and Genche tests. Results: a physical therapy program is based on paradoxical breathing techniques. The pro-is based on paradoxical breathing techniques. The pro-based on paradoxical breathing techniques. The pro-posed hypothesis is tested and substantiated. The result of the research was a significant increase in the main group performance. Conclusions: the use of physical therapy programs based on breathing techniques of paradoxical breathing (methods of O.M. Strelnikova and K.P. Buteyko) is one of the most effective means of restoring the functions of the respiratory system


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    The authors consider the results of chromatographic-mass spectrometric study of the essential oil of sweet clover grass of the Melilotus wolgicus, Melilotus tauricus and Melilotus albus


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    Qualitative and quantitative composition of aliphatic acids has been investigated via the method of gas chromato-mass spectrometry in ethyl acetate-alcohol extraction of white cinquefoil. 14 fatty acids have been identified. Among them 10 are saturated, 2 are monounsaturated and 2 are polyunsaturated carboxylic acids. Essential fatty acids (mg/1000g of the extract) linoleic – 704 and linolenic acids – 2193 are especially scientifically interesting


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    Examination of qualitative composition and quantitative content of fatty acids of the spreading bedstraw (Asperula humifusa (M.B.) Bess.) was carried out by the chromato-mass spectrometry method. As a result of the research 16 fatty acids, including 9 saturated (37,45% of all fatty acids) and 7 non-saturated (62,55%) have been revealed. Dominating components are palmitic, linoleic, oleic and linolenic acids


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    Examination of qualitative and quantitative content of acids of melilot (Melilotus albus L.) fruits, flowers and leaves has been performed by the method of chromato-mass spectrometry. In the current study 16 acids in fruits, 17 - in flowers and 16 - in leaves have been revealed. Dominant compounds are citric, oxalic and malonic acids

    Якісний та кількісний аналіз поліфенольних сполук п'яти Epilobium spp. як потенційних засобів для полегшенні гіперплазії передміхурової залози

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    Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a widespread male disease, affecting more than 50 % of men over the age of 60 years. Inhibition of the enzyme 5α-reductase is a common treatment strategy for this condition. Such potential can be found in willow flowers (Epilobium spp.), which are known in folk medicine for treating of prostate ailments, mainly benign prostatitis, hypertrophy and prostatitis. Smallflower hairy willowherb (E. parviflorum), which is rare, is the most recommended for treating BPH. The aim. The aim of the study was to investigate the qualitative and quantitative content of polyphenols in five Epilobium species (E. adenocaulon Hausskn., E. hirsutum L., E. montanum L., E. parviflorum Schreb. and E. palustre L.) growing in Estonia, to find the most promising species in terms of chemical composition to alleviate BPH. Materials and Methods. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of polyphenols in herbs of Epilobium spp. were performed using HPLC/MS. All five species were collected from the pond's shore in Pilkuse village (Otepää municipality, Valga county, Estonia) in July 2008. Research results. It was found that 20 % ethanol was optimal for extracting polyphenolic compounds from the herb Epilobium spp. with subsequent UV chromatogram analysis at 350 nm. In the analyzed Epilobium species, 12 polyphenolic compounds were identified. Oenothein B, myricetin rhamnoside and myricetin glucoside were the principal polyphenolic compounds among other identified constituents in the Epilobium spp. herbs. E. montanum had the highest content of oenothein B. The highest was the total content of myricetin glycosides for all five compared species, the total content of quercetin glycosides was slightly lower, and the total content of kaempferol glycosides was the lowest. Conclusions. The content of polyphenols is highest in E. adenocaulon and the lowest in E. parviflorum. Thus, E. parviflorum does not offer the best therapeutic potential for the to relief of BPH in terms of the quantitative content of polyphenolic compoundsДоброякісна гіперплазія передміхурової залози (ДГПЗ) є широко поширеним чоловічим захворюванням, яке вражає понад 50 % чоловіків старше 60 років. Інгібування ферменту 5α-редуктази є загальною стратегією лікування цього стану. Такий потенціал можна знайти у квітках Epilobium spp., відомих у народній медицині для лікування захворювань простати, головним чином доброякісного простатиту, гіпертрофії та простатиту. E. parviflorum, який зустрічається рідко, найбільш рекомендоване для лікування ДГПЗ. Мета. Метою дослідження було вивчити якісний склад та кількісний вміст поліфенолів у п’яти видах квіток Epilobium spp. (E. adenocaulon Hausskn., E. hirsutum L., E. montanum L., E. parviflorum Schreb. та E. palustre L. ), що зростає в Естонії для пошуку найбільш перспективних за хімічним складом видів для полегшення ДГПЗ. Матеріали та методи. Якісний та кількісний аналізи поліфенолів трав Epilobium spp. проводили методом ВЕРХ/МС. Усі п’ять видів були зібрані на березі ставка в селі Пілкусе (муніципалітет Отепяя, повіт Валга, Естонія) у липні 2008 року. Результати досліджень. Встановлено, що 20 % етанол є оптимальним для екстракції поліфенольних сполук з трави Epilobium spp. з подальшим аналізом УФ-хроматограми при 350 нм. У досліджуваних видах сировини виявлено 12 поліфенольних сполук. Енотеїн B, мірицетин рамнозид і мірицетин глюкозид були основними поліфенольними сполуками серед інших ідентифікованих компонентів Epilobium spp. трави. E. montanum мав найвищий вміст енотеїну В. Найвищим був загальний вміст глікозидів мірицетину для всіх п’яти порівнюваних видів, загальний вміст глікозидів кверцетину був дещо нижчим, а загальний вміст глікозидів кемпферолу був найнижчим. Висновки. Вміст поліфенолів найвищий у E. adenocaulon і найменший у E. parviflorum. Таким чином, E. parviflorum не має найкращого терапевтичного потенціалу для полегшення ДГПЗ з точки зору кількісного вмісту поліфенольних сполу

    Phytochemical Profiles and In Vitro Immunomodulatory Activity of Ethanolic Extracts from Galium aparine L.

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    Galium aparine L., family Rubiaceae, is a widely spread species in the Galium genus. The herb of G. aparine is part of folk remedies and dietary supplements. In this study, we analyzed the chemical composition and immunomodulatory activities of G. aparine herb ethanolic extracts obtained from the plant material by maceration with 20%, 60% or 96% ethanol. The contents of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, flavonoids and polyphenols were determined spectrophotometrically, with extractives and polysaccharides quantified gravimetrically. The qualitative composition was studied using UHPLC-DAD-MS/MS analysis; isolation not previously described in G. aparine quercetin rhamnoglucoside was carried out through column chromatography, and the immunomodulatory activity of extracts was determined in the reaction of lymphocyte blast transformation. Major constitutes of extracts were iridoids, i.e., monotropein, 10-desacetylasperulosidic acid and asperulosidic acid; p-hydroxybenzoic acid; hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, i.e., 3-O-caffeoylquinic, 5-O-caffeoylquinic, 3,4-O-dicaffeoylquinic, 3,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic, 4,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acids and caffeic acid derivatives; flavonoids, i.e., rutin, quercetin 3-O-rhamnoglucoside-7-O-glucoside, and isorhamnetin 3-O-glucorhamnoside. Significantly, quercetin 3-O-rhamnoglucoside-7-O-glucoside was first isolated and identified in Galium species so far investigated. All G. aparine herb ethanolic extracts stimulate the transformational activity of immunocompetent blood cells, with 96% ethanolic extract being the most active. The data obtained necessitate further research into the mechanisms of immunomodulatory activity of extracts from G. aparine herb

    Immunomodulatory Activity and Phytochemical Profile of Infusions from Cleavers Herb

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    Extracts from aerial parts of G. aparine (cleavers) constitute a herbal remedy with monography in British Herbal Pharmacopeia. On the European market, there are several drugs and food supplements consisting of Galium extracts. In folk medicine, cleavers was used topically in Europe, Asia, and the Americas to treat skin diseases. In several remedies, cleavers is also listed as an immunomodulatory active herb influencing the defense response of the human body. The aim of this study was to investigate the immunostimulatory activity and antioxidant potential in vitro of a raw infusion of cleavers and bioactive fractions. The functional activity of lymphocytes in the reaction of the lymphocyte blast transformation (RLBT) method was used for immunomodulatory activity assays and direct scavenging of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), nitric oxide (NO), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was chosen for the examination of antioxidant activity. It was shown that both the raw extract and fractions show significant immunostimulatory and scavenging activities. The obtained data partially justify the traditional use of cleavers as topical remedy for skin infections and for wounds