193 research outputs found
Superstring Extension of the Standard Model and Gravitation
Some of the four-dimensional Superstring solutions provide a consistent
framework for a Supersymmetric Unification of all interactions including
gravity. A class of them extends successfully the validity of the standard
model up to the string scale . We stress the importance
of string corrections which are relevant for low energy
predictions of gauge and Yukawa couplings as well as the spectrum of the
supersymmetric particles after supersymmetry breaking.Comment: plain LATEX, no figures, 22 page
Universal Thermal Instabilities and the High-Temperature Phase of the N=4 Superstrings
Using the properties of gauged N=4 supergravity, we show that it is possible
to derive a universal thermal effective potential that describes all possible
high-temperature instabilities of the known N=4 superstrings. These
instabilities are due to non-perturbative dyonic modes, which become tachyonic
in a region of the thermal moduli space M={s,t,u}; M is common to all
non-perturbative dual-equivalent N=4 superstrings in five dimensions. We
analyse the non-perturbative thermal potential and show the existence of a
phase transition at high temperatures corresponding to a condensation of
5-branes. This phase is described in detail, using an effective non-critical
string theory.Comment: 15 pages, LATEX file, no figure
Construction of String Solutions around Non-trivial Backgrounds
We present a way of constructing string solutions around non-trivial
gravitational backgrounds. The proposed solutions are constructed using
superconformal building blocks with . We give two different and
inequivalent realizations of non-trivial four-dimensional subspaces, and we
show the emergence of the globally defined superconformal symmetry. The
existence of world-sheet symmetry stabilizes our solutions and implies
in target space a number of covariantized supersymmetries around space-time
dependent gravitational and dilaton backgrounds.Comment: Latex file, 15pp, CERN-TH.6790/9
String and Particle with Two Times
An action for a string and a particle with two timelike dimensions is
proposed and analyzed. Due to new gauge symmetries and associated constraints,
the motion of each system in the background of the other is equivalent to
effective motion with a single timelike dimension. The quantum constraints are
consistent only in critical dimensions. For the bosonic system in flat
spacetime the critical dimension is 27 or 28, with signature (25,2) or (26,2),
depending on whether the particle is massive or massless respectively. For the
supersymmetric case the critical dimensions are 11 or 12, with signature (9,2)
or (10,2), under the same circumstances. Generalizations to multiparticles,
strings and p-branes are outlined.Comment: Latex, 19 pages, misprints and references correcte
Instabilities in Strong Magnetic Fields in String Theory
We construct groundstates of the string with non-zero mass gap and
non-trivial chromo-magnetic fields as well as curvature. The exact spectrum as
function of the chromo-magnetic fields and curvature is derived. We examine the
behavior of the spectrum, and find that there is a maximal value for the
magnetic field . At this value all states that
couple to the magnetic field become infinitely massive and decouple. We also
find tachyonic instabilities for strong background fields of the order where is the mass gap of the theory. Unlike the
field theory case, we find that such ground states become stable again for
magnetic fields of the order . The implications of
these results are discussed.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Conference on Gauge Theories,
Applied Supersymmetry and Quantum Gravity, Leuven, July 199
Infrared-Regulated String Theory and Loop Corrections to Coupling Constants
Exact superstring solutions are constructed in 4-D space-time, with positive
curvature and non-trivial dilaton and antisymmetric tensor fields. The full
spectrum of string excitations is derived as a function of moduli fields
and the scale which is induced by the non-zero
background fields. The spectrum of string excitations has a non-zero mass gap
and in the weak curvature limit ( small) plays the role of
a well defined infrared regulator, consistent with modular invariance, gauge
invariance, supersymmetry and chirality.
The effects of a covariantly constant (chomo)magnetic field as well as
additional curvature can be derived exactly up to one string-loop level. Thus,
the one-loop corrections to all couplings (gravitational, gauge and Yukawas)
are unambiguously computed and are finite both in the UltraViolet and the
InfraRed regime. These corrections are necessary for quantitative string
superunification predictions at low energies. The one-loop corrections to the
couplings are also found to satisfy Infrared Flow Equations. Having in our
disposal an exact description which goes beyond the leading order in the
-expansion or the linearized approximation in the magnetic field, we
find interesting clues about the physics of string theory in strong
gravitational and magnetic fields. In particular, the nature of gravitational
or magnetic instabilities is studied.Comment: Based on talks given by the authors at the Strings-95 conference in
USC, Los Angeles. Contains some new result
A new supersymmetry
We propose a new supersymmetry in field theory that generalizes standard
supersymmetry and we construct field theoretic models that provide some of its
representations. This symmetry combines a finite number of standard 4D
supersymmetry multiplets into a single multiplet with a new type of
Kaluza-Klein embedding in higher dimensions. We suggest that this mechanism may
have phenomenological applications in understanding family unification. The
algebraic structure, which has a flavor of W-algebras, is directly motivated by
S-theory and its application in black holes. We show connections to previous
proposals in the literature for 12 dimensional supergravity, Yang-Mills, (2,1)
heterotic superstrings and Matrix models that attempt to capture part of the
secret theory behind string theory.Comment: Latex, 27 page
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