68 research outputs found

    Healthcare professionals' perceptions of a digital parental support, Childbirth Journey, constructed as a serious gameā€”An intervention study

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    BackgroundGlobally, the digital sources developed and available in antenatal care differ, and infrastructure challenges may impede the further development of such sources. Challenges accompanying digital developments can include the commonly occurring high workload, which affects healthcare professionals' ability to acquire professional knowledge about how to best support parents in using digital sources. Including healthcare professionals in the development process of digital sources may increase the likelihood that such sources will be adopted and employed by these professionals in their future care work. Therefore, the present research explored healthcare professionals' perceptions of the digital support intervention Childbirth Journey, which was constructed as a serious game for expectant parents.MethodsData were collected through semi-structured focus-group interviews with 11 midwives at antenatal, labour and postnatal clinics as well as with child healthcare nurses. Prior to the interviews, all participants were provided the intervention, Childbirth Journey, which is a serious game in a mobile application format consisting of two distinct parts: (1) a story-driven game and (2) a Knowledge Portal. The data were analysed using phenomenographic methods.ResultsThe perceptions of Childbirth Journey by healthcare professionals, midwives and child healthcare nurses are presented in four descriptive categories: extended professional support, trustworthy contents, diversity or individuality, and both appealing and in need of development.ConclusionsCurrent study revealed that Childbirth Journey may be utilised as a digital support for parents, allowing healthcare professionals to offer a digital solution as a complementary support to standard, face-to-face meetings with caregivers. However, the research results also revealed that some elements of Childbirth Journey must be improved, thereby representing a main contribution of this study: insights into how to better develop digital tools under the umbrella of health care. Thus, we conclude that in order to create sustainable and safe digital care solutions that function as trustworthy professional supports instead of technical products that risk harming users, the perspectives of both patients and healthcare professionals should be considered in the exploration and development of these solutions

    Parental Quality of Life in the Framework of Paediatric Chronic Gastrointestinal Disease

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    Chronic gastrointestinal diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and celiac disease (CD), might have impact not only on the affected child but also on their parents since inside the family framework, a change in each member may have influence on the whole system. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that parents whose children have IBD or CD will have a lower quality of life (QoL) compared to parents of healthy children, as well as that lower QoL will be found among parents who perceive lower health related quality of life (HRQOL) of their child. 55 parents of children with IBD, 49 of CD and 53 parents of healthy children were included in the study. Children were aged 7ā€“18 years. In order to measure parental QoL, a Croatian version of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was administered, with four domains: physical health, psychological health, social relationship and environment. The Total QoL was calculated as a sum of all domain items. The parent-proxy report of childrenā€™s HRQOL, PedsQLTM 4.0 Generic Core Scales was used.Main result shows that parents of children with IBD report a significantly lower psychological health, compared to parents of other children, and significantly lower physical health compared to parents of healthy children. Among parents of children with CD and parents of healthy children, better parental Total QoL was significantly correlated with better parental report of childrenā€™s HRQOL, while for parents of children with IBD those associations were not found. Results of study show association between presence of the disease in offspring with poorer parental QoL, thus highlight the importance of supporting not only children with chronic disease but also involving their parents in psychosocial interventions, as well as supporting the patientā€™s association groups which gather both children with chronic disease and their parents


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    Obsessive traits, neuroticism, as well as obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) may be notably found among adult patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), while the results are not so clear among children with IBD. However, according to published data, all children with IBD who also have a psychiatric diagnosis have at least one parent with psychopathology. The majority of parents of children with IBD have a psychiatric diagnosis, predominantly personality disorder. Children with parental psychopathology differ from children without parental psychopathology in anxious and depressive features. Parents of children with ā€œcompulsive neurosisā€ or obsessive-compulsive disorder have a significant level of anancastic characteristics or OCPD. In the light of published data, we hypothesize that OCPD will be more prevalent in parents of children with IBD than in parents of healthy children. Findings regarding the presence of personality disorder in parents of children with IBD may help in the process of developing and implementing treatment interventions, which would include children with IBD, as well as their parents, in order to improve their relationship, since pathological personality is linked with interpersonal impairment and this relationship can further be stressed by the demands of IBD itself.Među odraslima oboljelima od upalnih bolesti crijeva (IBD) u značajnoj mjeri mogu biti prisutne karakteristike opsesivnosti, neuroticizma, ali i opsesivno kompulzivnog poremećaja ličnosti (OCPD), dok za djecu s IBD jasni rezultati o učestalosti nisu pronađeni. Prema dosadaÅ”njim podacima sva djeca s IBD koja su ujedno imala psihijatrijski poremećaj imala su barem jednog roditelja s prisutnom psihopatologijom. U većine roditelja djece s IBD ustanovljen je psihijatrijski poremećaj. Pretežno se radilo o poremećaju ličnosti (PD). Djeca u čijih je roditelja prisutna psihopatologija razlikuju se od djece bez roditeljske psihopatologije u anksioznim i depresivnim obilježjima. Roditelji djece s ā€œkompulzivnom neurozomā€ ili opsesivno kompulzivnim poremećajem imaju značajnu razinu anankastičnih karakteristika ili OCPD. U svjetlu dosada poznatih podataka iz literature moglo bi se pretpostaviti da će OCPD biti prisutniji u roditelja djece s IBD nego u roditelja zdrave djece. Utvrđivanje prisutnosti poremećaja ličnosti u roditelja djece s IBD moglo bi pomoći u razvoju i provedbi strategija liječenja koje bi uključivale djecu s IBD kao i njihove roditelje. Svrha takvih intervencija bila bi poboljÅ”anje njihovog međusobnog odnosa s obzirom na to da je patoloÅ”ka osobnost povezana s interpersonalnim oÅ”tećenjem, a odnos između roditelja i djeteta može biti dodatno izložen stresu zbog zahtjeva koje donosi sama upalna bolest crijeva

    Less is More ā€“ Possible Option in the Treatment of Depression

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    Depression is an illness of modern society, which affects population of different age. Etiological factors differ, and frustration factors as a cause of depression are multiplying. Each new episode presents diffi culties, both for patients and psychiatrists. Despite the increasing number of antidepressants we use in treatment, it is sometimes hard to notice an effi cient antidepressant in an optimal-effi cient dose. In resistant cases we apply combinations of psychopharmacs, and the choice of the same depends on the leading symptoms. We will present the case of a 67-year old patient where a depressive episode (in the terms of a reccurent major depressive disorder) lasts for one year. During this period she was treated as outpatient and inpatient with several antidepresants in combinations with other psychopharmacotherapeutical drugs. Despite regular treatment, mental state was worsening. Clinical presentation was indicating developing of dementia (behavior, cognition outges), which we excluded through diagnostic process. Psychopharmacological combinations (antidepresants, mood stabilizators, antypschotics, anxsiolotix) were not effi cant. Progression of simptoms leads to rehospitalisation. In further treatmen, we followed the principle Ā«Less is moreĀ» which resulted with an expected and satisfactory outcome

    Anorexia Nervosa

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    Povećanje učestalosti poremećaja hranjenja i potreba za viÅ”egodiĀ¹njim liječenjem zavreĆ°uju pojačanu pažnju kliničara. Klasifikacija poremećaja hranjenja sadrži: anoreksiju nervozu, bulimiju nervozu, prejedanje te atipičnu anoreksiju nervozu i atipičnu bulimiju nervozu. Anoreksija nervoza težak je i dugotrajan poremećaj hranjenja sa znatnim potencijalom za letalni ishod. U ovom je članku dan kratak pregled dijagnostičkih kriterija, kliničke slike, epidemioloÅ”kih podataka, etiologije, mogućih ishoda i timski pristup u tretmanu anoreksije nervoze.Eating disorders are relatively common and potentially life - treating conditions experienced with increasing frequency by older children and adolescents mostly female. The diagnostic classification of eating disorders includes: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating, atypically anorexia and atypically bulimia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is a very serious, long Ā· term and potentially lethal eating disorder. This paper reviews the recent research literature on diagnostic criteria, clinical picture, epidemiological and etiological features related to anorexia nervosa. We have also discussed outcome and suggested team treatmen

    Anorexia Nervosa

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    Povećanje učestalosti poremećaja hranjenja i potreba za viÅ”egodiĀ¹njim liječenjem zavreĆ°uju pojačanu pažnju kliničara. Klasifikacija poremećaja hranjenja sadrži: anoreksiju nervozu, bulimiju nervozu, prejedanje te atipičnu anoreksiju nervozu i atipičnu bulimiju nervozu. Anoreksija nervoza težak je i dugotrajan poremećaj hranjenja sa znatnim potencijalom za letalni ishod. U ovom je članku dan kratak pregled dijagnostičkih kriterija, kliničke slike, epidemioloÅ”kih podataka, etiologije, mogućih ishoda i timski pristup u tretmanu anoreksije nervoze.Eating disorders are relatively common and potentially life - treating conditions experienced with increasing frequency by older children and adolescents mostly female. The diagnostic classification of eating disorders includes: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating, atypically anorexia and atypically bulimia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is a very serious, long Ā· term and potentially lethal eating disorder. This paper reviews the recent research literature on diagnostic criteria, clinical picture, epidemiological and etiological features related to anorexia nervosa. We have also discussed outcome and suggested team treatmen

    What the Croatian Doctors Want to be Learning About?

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    The aim of the study was to examine doctorā€™s attitude about topics in continuing medical education (CME) using anonymous questionnaire that was given to the members of the Croatian Medical Association in Rijeka. The questions concerned doctorā€™s interest of certain medical fields, influence of CME to their everyday practice, and importance of getting credits for re-licensure as a motive to participate in CME. The highest interest was shown for CME in emergency/intensive medicine and the lowest for transplantation medicine. The doctors in primary care showed statistically significantly higher interest for CME in family medicine, pulmology, rheumatology and rehabilitation medicine than hospital doctors. The influence of CME in everyday practice and the importance of getting credits for re-licensure as a reason to participate in CME, in the most cases, have been graded with medium grade 3. The results indicated the existence of specific needs in CME and stressed the importance of having CME with topics from clinical practice
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