98 research outputs found

    Problem solving patterns in design science research - Learning from engineering

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    Inactivity is the most widespread health risk factor in modern societies today, causing not only individual health problems but also immense costs for the healthcare systems. This emphasizes the need for improving population-wide impact of activity interventions, with particular attention to costeffectiveness, scalability, and delivery channels. In this paper, we present the theory-motivated design (drawing on the transtheoretical model) and empirical test of an IT-based physical activity programme (Personal Health Manager, PHM). In order to be as cost-effective as possible, the PHM was designed to have only few face-to-face contacts and to deliver supervision through the internet. Our design and implementation proved to be successful in a pilot test with 88 employees of an automotive company. The PHM increased participants’ activity, motivational readiness for change, functional capacity and transported the feeling of being well taken care of. Enhanced supervision did not increase performance. The results are first evidence that internet-mediated supervision can be successful in promoting physical activity and provide a starting point for investigating the role of faceto-face-contact and service levels in physical activity programs. The PHM and similar designs are also relevant to practice as the semi-automation makes them eligible for large-scale corporate or public health programs

    UBXN7 docks on neddylated cullin complexes using its UIM motif and causes HIF1α accumulation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The proteins from the UBA-UBX family interact with ubiquitylated proteins via their UBA domain and with p97 via their UBX domain, thereby acting as substrate-binding adaptors for the p97 ATPase. In particular, human UBXN7 (also known as UBXD7) mediates p97 interaction with the transcription factor HIF1α that is actively ubiquitylated in normoxic cells by a CUL2-based E3 ligase, CRL2. Mass spectrometry analysis of UBA-UBX protein immunoprecipitates showed that they interact with a multitude of E3 ubiquitin-ligases. Conspicuously, UBXN7 was most proficient in interacting with cullin-RING ligase subunits. We therefore set out to determine whether UBXN7 interaction with cullins was direct or mediated by its ubiquitylated targets bound to the UBA domain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that UBXN7 interaction with cullins is independent of ubiquitin- and substrate-binding. Instead, it relies on the UIM motif in UBXN7 that directly engages the NEDD8 modification on cullins. To understand the functional consequences of UBXN7 interaction with neddylated cullins, we focused on HIF1α, a CUL2 substrate that uses UBXD7/p97 as a ubiquitin-receptor on its way to proteasome-mediated degradation. We find that UBXN7 over-expression converts CUL2 to its neddylated form and causes the accumulation of non-ubiquitylated HIF1α. Both of these effects are strictly UIM-dependent and occur only when UBXN7 contains an intact UIM motif. We also show that HIF1α carrying long ubiquitin-chains can recruit alternative ubiquitin-receptors, lacking p97's ATP-dependent segregase activity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study shows that independently of its function as a ubiquitin-binding adaptor for p97, UBXN7 directly interacts with neddylated cullins and causes the accumulation of the CUL2 substrate HIF1α. We propose that by sequestering CUL2 in its neddylated form, UBXN7 negatively regulates the ubiquitin-ligase activity of CRL2 and this might prevent recruitment of ubiquitin-receptors other than p97 to nuclear HIF1α.</p

    The MALDI TOF E2/E3 ligase assay as universal tool for drug discovery in the ubiquitin pathway

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    AbstractIn many diseases, components of the ubiquitin system - such as E2/E3 ligases and deubiquitylases - are dysregulated. The ubiquitin system has therefore become an emergent target for the treatment of a number of diseases, including cancer, neurodegeneration and autoimmunity. Despite of the efforts in this field, primary screenings of compound libraries to individuate new potential therapeutic molecules targeting the ubiquitin pathway have been strongly limited by the lack of robust and fast high-throughput assays. Here we report the first label-free high-throughput screening (HTS) assay for ubiquitin E2 conjugating enzymes and E3 ligases based on Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-Of-Flight (MALDI TOF) mass spectrometry. The MALDI TOF E2/E3 assay allows us to test E2 conjugating enzymes and E3 ligases for their ubiquitin transfer activity, to identify E2/E3 active pairs, inhibitor potency and specificity and to screen compound librariesin vitrowithout synthesis of chemical or fluorescent probes. We demonstrate that the MALDI TOF E2/E3 assay is a universal tool for drug discovery screening in the ubiquitin pathway as it is suitable for working with all E3 ligase families and requires a reduced amount of reagents, compared to standard biochemical assays.</jats:p

    Human ANKLE1 is a nuclease specific for branched DNA

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    All physical connections between sister chromatids must be broken before cells can divide, and eukaryotic cells have evolved multiple ways in which to process branchpoints connecting DNA molecules separated both spatially and temporally. A single DNA link between chromatids has the potential to disrupt cell cycle progression and genome integrity, so it is highly likely that cells require a nuclease that can process remaining unresolved and hemi-resolved DNA junctions and other branched species at the very late stages of mitosis. We argue that ANKLE1 probably serves this function in human cells (LEM-3 in Caenorhabditis elegans). LEM-3 has previously been shown to be located at the cell mid-body, and we show here that human ANKLE1 is a nuclease that cleaves a range of branched DNA species. It thus has the substrate selectivity consistent with an enzyme required to process a variety of unresolved and hemi-resolved branchpoints in DNA. Our results suggest that ANKLE1 acts as a catch-all enzyme of last resort that allows faithful chromosome segregation and cell division to occur. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Characterisation of the mammalian family of DCN-type NEDD8 E3 ligases

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    Cullin-RING ligases (CRL) are ubiquitin E3s that bind substrates through variable substrate-receptor proteins. CRLs are activated by attachment of the ubiquitin-like protein NEDD8 to the Cullin subunit and DCNs are NEDD8 E3 ligases that promote neddylation. Mammalian cells express five DCN-like proteins and little is known about their specific functions or interaction partners. We found that DCNLs form stable stoichiometric complexes with CAND1 and Cullins that can only be neddylated in the presence of substrate adaptor. These DCNL-CUL-CAND1 complexes may represent “reserve” CRLs that can be rapidly activated when needed. We further found that all DCNLs interact with most Cullin subtypes, but that they are likely responsible for the neddylation of different subpopulations of any given Cullin. This is consistent with the fact that the subcellular localization of DCNLs in tissue culture cells differs and that they show unique tissue specific expression patterns in mice. Thus, the specificity between DCNL-type NEDD8 E3 enzymes and their Cullin substrates is only apparent in well-defined physiological contexts and related to their subcellular distribution and restricted expression

    Coupled monoubiquitylation of the co-E3 ligase DCNL1 by Ariadne RBR E3 ubiquitin ligases promotes cullin-RING ligase complex remodeling

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    Cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligases (CRLs) are large and diverse multisubunit protein complexes that contribute to about one-fifth of ubiquitin-dependent protein turnover in cells. CRLs are activated by the attachment of the ubiquitin-like protein neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 8 (NEDD8) to the cullin subunits. This cullin neddylation is essential for a plethora of CRL-regulated cellular processes and is vital for life. In mammals, neddylation is promoted by the five co-E3 ligases, defective in cullin neddylation 1 domain-containing 1-5 (DCNL1-5); however, their functional regulation within the CRL complex remains elusive. We found here that the ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domain-containing DCNL1 is monoubiquitylated when bound to CRLs and that this monoubiquitylation depends on the CRL-associated Ariadne RBR ligases TRIAD1 (ARIH2) and HHARI (ARIH1) and strictly requires the DCNL1's UBA domain. Reconstitution of DCNL1 monoubiquitylation in vitro revealed that autoubiquitylated TRIAD1 mediates binding to the UBA domain and subsequently promotes a single ubiquitin attachment to DCNL1 in a mechanism previously dubbed coupled monoubiquitylation. Moreover, we provide evidence that DCNL1 monoubiquitylation is required for efficient CRL activity, most likely by remodeling CRLs and their substrate receptors. Collectively, this work identifies DCNL1 as a critical target of Ariadne RBR ligases and coupled monoubiquitylation of DCNL1 as an integrated mechanism that affects CRL activity and client-substrate ubiquitylation at multiple levels

    A single MIU motif of MINDY-1 recognizes K48-linked polyubiquitin chains

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    The eight different types of ubiquitin (Ub) chains that can be formed play important roles in diverse cellular processes. Linkage‐selective recognition of Ub chains by Ub‐binding domain (UBD)‐containing proteins is central to coupling different Ub signals to specific cellular responses. The motif interacting with ubiquitin (MIU) is a small UBD that has been characterized for its binding to monoUb. The recently discovered deubiquitinase MINDY‐1/FAM63A contains a tandem MIU repeat (tMIU) that is highly selective at binding to K48‐linked polyUb. We here identify that this linkage‐selective binding is mediated by a single MIU motif (MIU2) in MINDY‐1. The crystal structure of MIU2 in complex with K48‐linked polyubiquitin chains reveals that MIU2 on its own binds to all three Ub moieties in an open conformation that can only be accommodated by K48‐linked triUb. The weak Ub binder MIU1 increases overall affinity of the tMIU for polyUb chains without affecting its linkage selectivity. Our analyses reveal new concepts for linkage selectivity and polyUb recognition by UBDs