11 research outputs found

    Bias, RMSE of the estimated excess hospitalization rates from the observed hospitalization rates with laboratory confirmed influenza infections.

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    <p>Note. QAIC, quasi-Akaike information criterion; QBIC, quasi-Bayesian information criterion; PACF, partial autocorrelation function; GCV, generalized cross validation; RMSE, root-mean-square error.</p

    Bias, Standard error and RMSE of influenza coefficients estimated from the best-fit models selected by different criteria.

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    <p>Note: Lines of QAIC and QBIC are overlapping when the degrees of freedom (<i>df</i>) range from 2 to 10 per year. Abbreviations: QAIC, quasi-Akaike information criterion; QBIC, quasi-Bayesian information criterion; PACF, partial autocorrelation function; GCV, generalized cross validation; RMSE, root-mean-square error.</p

    Weekly observed all-cause mortality (black line) and simulated mortality data (green lines).

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    <p>Data were generated (A) under the assumption of low seasonal variation with the degree of freedom for trend set at 1 per year, or (B) under the assumption of high seasonal variation with the degrees of freedom for trend set at 10 per year.</p

    Excess risk (ER) % in the never/seldom exercise group, and difference in excess risk (ΔER)% of mortality associated with each 10% increase in influenza intensity for low/moderate and frequent exercise relative to the never/seldom exercise.

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    <p>ER% were assessed by Poisson regression, and ΔER% were assessed by multinomial logistic regression, negative values indicate odds reduction vs never/seldom exercise (P-values: <sup>*</sup><0.05 <sup>**</sup><0.01 <sup>***</sup><0.001 <sup>****</sup><0.0001); ‘Never/Seldom’ means adults who never exercised or exercised less than once per month, ‘Low/Moderate’ means adults who exercised at least once per month to three times per week, and ‘Frequent’ means adults who exercised four times or more per week</p

    Wavelet spectrums of ILI consultation rates from CHC in six districts, 2006–2012.

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    <p>(A: Luohu; B: Futian; C: Baoan; D: Nanshan; E: Yantian; and F: Longgang). The black contour lines show the regions of time-frequency of the 95% confidence level for the spectrum generated from 1,000 Monte Carlo simulations. The black curve is the cone of influence indicating the region without edge effects. The power values are coded from blue for low power to red for high power in the right panel.</p