70,032 research outputs found

    Ratio coordinates for higher Teichm\"uller spaces

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    We define new coordinates for Fock-Goncharov's higher Teichm\"uller spaces for a surface with holes, which are the moduli spaces of representations of the fundamental group into a reductive Lie group GG. Some additional data on the boundary leads to two closely related moduli spaces, the X\mathscr{X}-space and the A\mathscr{A}-space, forming a cluster ensemble. Fock and Goncharov gave nice descriptions of the coordinates of these spaces in the cases of G=PGLmG = PGL_m and G=SLmG=SL_m, together with Poisson structures. We consider new coordinates for higher Teichm\"uller spaces given as ratios of the coordinates of the A\mathscr{A}-space for G=SLmG=SL_m, which are generalizations of Kashaev's ratio coordinates in the case m=2m=2. Using Kashaev's quantization for m=2m=2, we suggest a quantization of the system of these new ratio coordinates, which may lead to a new family of projective representations of mapping class groups. These ratio coordinates depend on the choice of an ideal triangulation decorated with a distinguished corner at each triangle, and the key point of the quantization is to guarantee certain consistency under a change of such choices. We prove this consistency for m=3m=3, and for completeness we also give a full proof of the presentation of Kashaev's groupoid of decorated ideal triangulations.Comment: 42 pages, 6 figure

    Structure of heavy baryons in a pion mean-field approach

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    In this talk, we briefly review a series of recent works on singly heavy baryons, based on a pion mean-field approach. In the limit of the infinitely heavy quark mass, heavy baryons are governed mainly by the light degress of freedom. Taking the number of colors to be infinity, a heavy baryon arises as a state consisting of Ncβˆ’1N_c-1 valence quarks bound by the pion mean fields created self-consistently. Within this framework, we present the results of the mass spectra of the charmed and bottom baryons, and their magnetic moments. The behavior of the electromagnetic form factors will be also mentioned.Comment: 4 pages, No figure. Contribution to the proceedings of "8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018)", November 13-17, 2018, Tsukuba, Japa
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