70 research outputs found
Protecting Defendants\u27 Rights: Why North Carolina Should Proceed Under the No Due Diligence Standard
Currently, there is considerable variation in the application of Brady v. Maryland regarding how much information the prosecution must disclose. Many Courts have imposed a diligence standard upon the defense, allowing the prosecution to withhold valuable information so long as the defense could have discovered it. This is a significant departure from the original rationale for “Brady violations” that places a greater burden on the defense and yields inequitable outcomes for defendants through no fault of their own. This Comment outlines relevant Supreme Court precedent and policy implications, and it encourages North Carolina to adopt a standard that requires the prosecution to readily provide information
Cross-Sectional Survey of Perceived Barriers Among Community Pharmacists Who Do Not Immunize, in Wayne County, Michigan
Introduction: The goal of the study was to identify perceived barriers to implementation of vaccination services encountered by independent and small-chain community pharmacies in an urban setting.
Methods: Pharmacists in independent and small-chain pharmacies located in 29 Michigan ZIP codes were visited and asked to complete a 5- to 10-min semi-structured interview.
Results: A total of 93 independent and 12 small-chain pharmacies participated (n = 105; 61%). The pharmacies filled an average of 700 prescriptions each week with 1.1 pharmacist full-time equivalents and 57 h of technician time. The most common services that participating pharmacies provided were dispensing outpatient medication (99%), medication therapy management (MTM, 65.7%), disease management or coaching (54.3%), point-of-care testing (34.3%), and dispensing medications to inpatient facilities (16.2%). Only seven pharmacies (6.7%) administered vaccinations. When pharmacists were asked to identify what it would take to start to administer vaccines, the most common responses were increased demand from patients (37.1%), adequate time (19%), appropriate space (17.1%), appropriate amount of staff (14.3%), change in attitudes or beliefs of the owner or pharmacists at that pharmacy (13.3%), increased profit related to vaccines (11.4%), and increased awareness among patients about the importance of vaccines (11.4%). The majority of pharmacies (65.3%) reported that only one factor would need to change to start to administer vaccines.
Conclusion: Independent and small-chain community pharmacies in an urban, primarily low-income area identified several barriers that have prevented implementation of vaccination services. However, the majority of pharmacies reported that only one factor would need to change in order to begin to administer vaccines. Interventional efforts necessary to address commonly cited barriers may include providing education to pharmacists about the need for community pharmacy-based immunization programs in addition to services provided by physician offices, as well as the importance of proactively providing immunization-related recommendations to patients
What are user perspectives of exoskeleton technology? A literature review
Objectives: Exoskeletons are electromechanical devices that are worn by a human operator to increase their physical performance. Several exoskeletons have been developed to restore functional movements, such as walking, for those with paralysis due to neurological impairment. However, existing exoskeletons have limitations with respect to affordability, size, weight, speed, and efficiency, which may reduce their functional application. Therefore, the aim of this scoping review is to collect and narratively synthesize the perspectives of users of exoskeleton technology.Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted across several healthcare related online databases.Results: A total of 4,619 articles were identified, of which 51 were selected for full review. Only three studies were identified that met the inclusion criteria. Of these, one showed an incongruence between users' expectations and experiences of device use; another reported perspectives on potential rather than actual device use, ranking design features in order of perceived importance; and the other reported ratings of ease of device use in training.Conclusions: The heterogeneity of studies included within this review, leave the authors unable to suggest consensus as to user perspectives of exoskeleton technology. However, it is apparent that users are able to suggest priorities for exoskeleton design and that users' perspectives of exoskeleton technology might change in response to experience of use. The authors, therefore, suggest that exoskeleton design should be an iterative process, whereby user perspectives are sought, incorporated and refined by tangible experience, to ensure that devices developed are acceptable to and usable by the populations they seek to re-enable
Model-Based Systems Engineering and F’: Proof of Concept Via the Creation of an On-Orbit Textual Command Parsing Component for the ABEX Mission
The Alabama Burst Energetics eXplorer (ABEX) mission is defining spacecraft architecture, behavior, mission phases, operational states, risks, and requirements in a Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Integrated Systems Model (ISM) using SysML in Cameo Enterprise Architecture (CEA). The satellite structural design can be exported from CEA as Extensible Markup Language (XML) specifications and imported to F’, an open-source Flight Software (FSW) framework from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. F’ contains background components intended to be connected to user-defined components in the XML after it is exported from the ISM; in this work, ABEX is representing F’ background components in SysML Internal Block Diagrams from which the XML is generated. As a proof of concept for this MBSE-centric FSW implementation, the ABEX FSW team has created a Command Reader component from MBSE-generated XML and tested command enaction on a Raspberry Pi breadboard system for three test cases representing on-orbit command triggers
Prevalence of Infection-Competent Serogroup 6 \u3cem\u3eLegionella pneumophila\u3c/em\u3e within Premise Plumbing in Southeast Michigan
Coinciding with major changes to its municipal water system, Flint, MI, endured Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks in 2014 and 2015. By sampling premise plumbing in Flint in the fall of 2016, we found that 12% of homes harbored legionellae, a frequency similar to that in residences in neighboring areas. To evaluate the genetic diversity of Legionella pneumophila in Southeast Michigan, we determined the sequence type (ST) and serogroup (SG) of the 18 residential isolates from Flint and Detroit, MI, and the 33 clinical isolates submitted by hospitals in three area counties in 2013 to 2016. Common to one environmental and four clinical samples were strains of L. pneumophila SG1 and ST1, the most prevalent ST worldwide. Among the Flint premise plumbing isolates, 14 of 16 strains were of ST367 and ST461, two closely related SG6 strain types isolated previously from patients and corresponding environmental samples. Each of the representative SG1 clinical strains and SG6 environmental isolates from Southeast Michigan infected and survived within macrophage cultures at least as well as a virulent laboratory strain, as judged by microscopy and by enumerating CFU. Likewise, 72 h after infection, the yield of viable-cell counts increased \u3e 100-fold for each of the representative SG1 clinical isolates, Flint premise plumbing SG6 ST367 and -461 isolates, and two Detroit residential isolates. We verified by immunostaining that SG1-specific antibody does not cross-react with the SG6 L. pneumophila environmental strains. Because the widely used urinary antigen diagnostic test does not readily detect non-SG1 L. pneumophila, Legionnaires’ disease caused by SG6 L. pneumophila is likely underreported worldwide
Obesity Is Associated With Worse Overall Survival in Women With Low-Grade Papillary Serous Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
To evaluate prognostic risk factors for survival in women with low grade serous epithelial ovarian cancer (LGSC)
CSF Tau phosphorylation at Thr205 is associated with loss of white matter integrity in autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease
BACKGROUND: Hyperphosphorylation of tau leads to conformational changes that destabilize microtubules and hinder axonal transport in Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). However, it remains unknown whether white matter (WM) decline due to AD is associated with specific Tau phosphorylation site(s).
METHODS: In autosomal dominant AD (ADAD) mutation carriers (MC) and non-carriers (NC) we compared cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) phosphorylation at tau sites (pT217, pT181, pS202, and pT205) and total tau with WM measures, as derived from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and cognition. A WM composite metric, derived from a principal component analysis, was used to identify spatial decline seen in ADAD.
RESULTS: The WM composite explained over 70% of the variance in MC. WM regions that strongly contributed to the spatial topography were located in callosal and cingulate regions. Loss of integrity within the WM composite was strongly associated with AD progression in MC as defined by the estimated years to onset (EYO) and cognitive decline. A linear regression demonstrated that amyloid, gray matter atrophy and phosphorylation at CSF tau site pT205 each uniquely explained a reduction in the WM composite within MC that was independent of vascular changes (white matter hyperintensities), and age. Hyperphosphorylation of CSF tau at other sites and total tau did not significantly predict WM composite loss.
CONCLUSIONS: We identified a site-specific relationship between CSF phosphorylated tau and WM decline within MC. The presence of both amyloid deposition and Tau phosphorylation at pT205 were associated with WM composite loss. These findings highlight a primary AD-specific mechanism for WM dysfunction that is tightly coupled to symptom manifestation and cognitive decline
Health care seeking behavior for diarrhea in children under 5 in rural Niger: results of a cross-sectional survey
Diarrhea remains the second leading cause of death in children under 5 years of age in sub-Saharan Africa. Health care seeking behavior for diarrhea varies by context and has important implications for developing appropriate care strategies and estimating burden of disease. The objective of this study was to determine the proportion of children under five with diarrhea who consulted at a health structure in order to identify the appropriate health care levels to set up surveillance of severe diarrheal diseases
Presenilin-1 mutation position influences amyloidosis, small vessel disease, and dementia with disease stage
INTRODUCTION: Amyloidosis, including cerebral amyloid angiopathy, and markers of small vessel disease (SVD) vary across dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease (DIAD) presenilin-1 (PSEN1) mutation carriers. We investigated how mutation position relative to codon 200 (pre-/postcodon 200) influences these pathologic features and dementia at different stages. METHODS: Individuals from families with known PSEN1 mutations (n = 393) underwent neuroimaging and clinical assessments. We cross-sectionally evaluated regional Pittsburgh compound B-positron emission tomography uptake, magnetic resonance imaging markers of SVD (diffusion tensor imaging-based white matter injury, white matter hyperintensity volumes, and microhemorrhages), and cognition. RESULTS: Postcodon 200 carriers had lower amyloid burden in all regions but worse markers of SVD and worse Clinical Dementia Rating® scores compared to precodon 200 carriers as a function of estimated years to symptom onset. Markers of SVD partially mediated the mutation position effects on clinical measures. DISCUSSION: We demonstrated the genotypic variability behind spatiotemporal amyloidosis, SVD, and clinical presentation in DIAD, which may inform patient prognosis and clinical trials. HIGHLIGHTS: Mutation position influences Aβ burden, SVD, and dementia. PSEN1 pre-200 group had stronger associations between Aβ burden and disease stage. PSEN1 post-200 group had stronger associations between SVD markers and disease stage. PSEN1 post-200 group had worse dementia score than pre-200 in late disease stage. Diffusion tensor imaging-based SVD markers mediated mutation position effects on dementia in the late stage
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