36 research outputs found

    The evolution of microhabitat specialization in parasitic lice: lineage assortment or character displacement

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    <p>Smith, V.S. Johnson, KP. The evolution of microhabitat specialization in parasitic lice: lineage assortment or character displacement? Joint meetings of the American Society of Naturalists (ASN), the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), and the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB). University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA. June 10-14, 2005.</p

    The Diversification of Lice: Phylogeny

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    <p>Smith, V.S.* and Johnson, K.P. The diversification of lice: phylogeny. 3rd International Congress on Phthiraptera. CIPEIN, Buenos Aires, Argentina. October 16 - 20, 2006.</p

    Ground-dove Garli tree file

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    Maximum likelihood tree file from two searches of 500 bootstrap replicates in GARLI

    Table of collection localities and GenBank accession numbers

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    Table detailing collection locality and GenBank accession numbers for 12S and ND-5 sequences. "Specimen Code" column consists of the first two letters of the genus name, first three letters of the species name, and the date of DNA extraction. ID is tied to a voucher specimen

    Ground-dove BEAST tree file

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    Maximum clade credibility tree and divergence time estimates from BEAST

    Sequence alignment

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    Alignment of 12S and ND-5 sequence data in nexus format. Taxon names consist of the first two letters of the genus name, first three letters of the species name, and the date of DNA extraction. ID is tied to a voucher specimen

    Alignments from Pediculus schaeffi assemblies

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    This zip file contains folders with alignments from the assembly of Pediculus schaeffi genes using aTRAM, reference-based and de novo approaches. The alignments include each of these assemblies compared with the reference species Pediculus humanus as well as to each of the other assembly methods

    Alignments from aTRAM assemblies across taxa

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    Alignments of 1,107 aTRAM gene assemblies from six taxa. Each gene and each taxon is aligned to the reference sequence of Pediculus humanus

    The Diversification of Lice: Age

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    <p>Smith, V.S.,* Ford, T., Johnson, K.P., Johnson, P., Yoshizawa, K. & Page, RDM. The diversification of lice: age. 3rd International Congress on Phthiraptera. CIPEIN, Buenos Aires, Argentina. October 16 - 20, 2006.</p

    Supplemental Material for Sweet et al., 2022

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    Assemblies, annotations, output files, and control files involved in the assembly and annotation of the genome of Brueelia nebulosa, including the mitogenome and genome from the primary endosymbiont. The files include GFF annotation files for the Brueelia genome and primary endosymbiont, control file for the MAKER pipeline, output files from PSMC, and gene cluster lists and functions generated from Orthovenn.</p