453 research outputs found
Study made of application of stereoscopic display system to analog computer simulation
Stereoscopic visual display system provides both a qualitative and measurable presentation for functions of several variables. A primary application of such a display system is in analog computer simulation of sets of differential equations
Steering law for parallel mounted double-gimbaled control moment gyros
Parallel mounting of double-gimbaled control moment gyros (DG CMG) is discussed in terms of simplification of the steering law. The steering law/parallel mounted DG CMG is considered to be a 'CMG kit' applicable to any space vehicle where the need for DG CMG's has been established
Torque equilibrium attitude control for Skylab reentry
All the available torque equilibrium attitudes (most were useless from the standpoint of lack of electrical power) and the equilibrium seeking method are presented, as well as the actual successful application during the 3 weeks prior to Skylab reentry
Low drag attitude control for Skylab orbital lifetime extension
In the fall of 1977 it was determined that Skylab had started to tumble and that the original orbit lifetime predictions were much too optimistic. A decision had to be made whether to accept an early uncontrolled reentry with its inherent risks or try to attempt to control Skylab to a lower drag attitude in the hope that there was enough time to develop a Teleoperator Retrieval System, bring it up on the Space Shuttle and then decide whether to boost Skylab to a higher longer life orbit or to reenter it in a controlled fashion. The end-on-velocity (EOVV) control method is documented, which was successfully applied for about half a year to keep Skylab in a low drag attitude with the aid of the control moment gyros and a minimal expenditure of attitude control gas
A limit on stably trapped particle fluxes
Limits of stably trapped particle fluxes - behavior of Whistler and ion cyclotron noise mode
A stochastic model for photon noise induced by charged particles in multiplier phototubes of the space telescope fine guidance sensors
The Space Telescope (ST) is subjected to charged particle strikes in its space environment. ST's onboard fine guidance sensors utilize multiplier phototubes (PMT) for attitude determination. These tubes, when subjected to charged particle strikes, generate spurious photons in the form of Cerenkov radiation and fluorescence which give rise to unwanted disturbances in the pointing of the telescope. A stochastic model for the number of these spurious photons which strike the photocathode of the multiplier phototube which in turn produce the unwanted photon noise are presented. The model is applicable to both galactic cosmic rays and charged particles trapped in the Earth's radiation belts. The model which was programmed allows for easy adaption to a wide range of particles and different parameters for the phototube of the multiplier. The probability density functions for photons noise caused by protons, alpha particles, and carbon nuclei were using thousands of simulated strikes. These distributions are used as part of an overall ST dynamics simulation. The sensitivity of the density function to changes in the window parameters was also investigated
Investigation of magnetospheric physics Technical status report, period ending 31 Mar. 1967
Magnetospheric physics - auroral zone structur
Space telescope coordinate systems, symbols, and nomenclature definitions
The major coordinate systems as well as the transformations and transformation angles between them, for the Space Telescope are defined. The coordinate systems were primarily developed for use in pointing and control system analysis and simulation. Additional useful information (on nomenclature, symbols, quaternion operations, etc.) is also contained
Steering law for parallel mounted double-gimbaled control moment gyros. Revision A
Mounting of double-gimbaled control moment gyros (CMG's) of unlimited outer gimbal angle freedom with all their outer gimbal axes parallel allows drastic simplification of the CMG steering law development hardware. The advantages of the parallel mounting for the CMG steering law development are such that a law could be developed which is applicable to any number of CMG's with arbitrary angular momentum. Parallel mounting of the CMG's in conjunction with the steering law can therefore be considered a CMG kit suitable for many missions of differing momentum requirements. It also means that increasing momentum demands during the design phase of a space vehicle can be easily met by the addition of one or more CMG's of the original momentum capacity rather than a redesign to a larger momentum capacity. Another advantage of the parallel mounting is that the failure of any CMG can be treated like any other, i.e., only one failure mode is possible. The CMG steering law distributes the CMG momentum vectors such that all inner gimbal angles are equal which reduces the rate requirements on the outer gimbal axes. The steering law also spreads the outer gimbals which ensures avoidance of singularities internal to the angular momentum envelope
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