5 research outputs found

    New Instrument for Time-Resolved OH and HO<sub>2</sub> Quantification in High-Pressure Laboratory Kinetics Studies

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    We have constructed a new time-resolved high-pressure fluorescence assay by gas expansion (HP-FAGE) apparatus, optimized for the detection of OH and HO2 radicals in complex gas-phase reactions. The new instrument fills a gap in the existing experimental toolkit for chemical kinetics by enabling the quantification of two key reactive species with microsecond time resolution from high-pressure sources, which was previously not attainable. The HP-FAGE is interfaced with a flow reactor, designed for pressures up to 100 bar and temperatures up to 1000 K, in which reactions are initiated by laser photolysis of radical precursors at repetition rates of 1–10 Hz. The HP-FAGE samples gas out of the reactor into a miniature FAGE chamber, where OH is detected by resonant laser-induced fluorescence using a time-delayed probe laser pulse. HO2 is converted to OH via reaction with NO and then detected by OH fluorescence. The novel FAGE design places the probe region very close to the gas expansion, minimizing the transport time of sampled molecules and resulting in time resolution better than 20 ΞΌs for both OH and HO2. We calibrate the sensitivity of HP-FAGE, validate its performance with measurements of well-known reaction kinetics (OH + CH4, OH + OH, OH + HO2, and HO2 + HO2), and discuss prospects for its future use

    Quantification of Key Peroxy and Hydroperoxide Intermediates in the Low-Temperature Oxidation of Dimethyl Ether

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    Dimethyl ether (DME) oxidation is a model chemical system with a small number of prototypical reaction intermediates that also has practical importance for low-carbon transportation. Although it has been studied experimentally and theoretically, ambiguity remains in the relative importance of competing DME oxidation pathways in the low-temperature autoignition regime. To focus on the primary reactions in DME autoignition, we measured the time-resolved concentration of five intermediates, CH3OCH2OO (ROO), OOCH2OCH2OOH (OOQOOH), HOOCH2OCHO (hydroperoxymethyl formate, HPMF), CH2O, and CH3OCHO (methyl formate, MF), from photolytically initiated experiments. We performed these studies at P = 10 bar and T = 450–575 K, using a high-pressure photolysis reactor coupled to a time-of-flight mass spectrometer with tunable vacuum-ultraviolet synchrotron ionization at the Advanced Light Source. Our measurements reveal that the timescale of ROO decay and product formation is much shorter than predicted by current DME combustion models. The models also strongly underpredict the observed yields of CH2O and MF and do not capture the temperature dependence of OOQOOH and HPMF yields. Adding the ROO + OH β†’ RO + HO2 reaction to the chemical mechanism (with a rate coefficient approximated from similar reactions) improves the prediction of MF. Increasing the rate coefficients of ROO ↔ QOOH and QOOH + O2 ↔ OOQOOH reactions brings the model predictions closer to experimental observations for OOQOOH and HPMF, while increasing the rate coefficient for the QOOH β†’ 2CH2O + OH reaction is needed to improve the predictions of formaldehyde. To aid future quantification of DME oxidation intermediates by photoionization mass spectrometry, we report experimentally determined ionization cross-sections for ROO, OOQOOH, and HPMF

    Quantification of Key Peroxy and Hydroperoxide Intermediates in the Low-Temperature Oxidation of Dimethyl Ether

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    Dimethyl ether (DME) oxidation is a model chemical system with a small number of prototypical reaction intermediates that also has practical importance for low-carbon transportation. Although it has been studied experimentally and theoretically, ambiguity remains in the relative importance of competing DME oxidation pathways in the low-temperature autoignition regime. To focus on the primary reactions in DME autoignition, we measured the time-resolved concentration of five intermediates, CH3OCH2OO (ROO), OOCH2OCH2OOH (OOQOOH), HOOCH2OCHO (hydroperoxymethyl formate, HPMF), CH2O, and CH3OCHO (methyl formate, MF), from photolytically initiated experiments. We performed these studies at P = 10 bar and T = 450–575 K, using a high-pressure photolysis reactor coupled to a time-of-flight mass spectrometer with tunable vacuum-ultraviolet synchrotron ionization at the Advanced Light Source. Our measurements reveal that the timescale of ROO decay and product formation is much shorter than predicted by current DME combustion models. The models also strongly underpredict the observed yields of CH2O and MF and do not capture the temperature dependence of OOQOOH and HPMF yields. Adding the ROO + OH β†’ RO + HO2 reaction to the chemical mechanism (with a rate coefficient approximated from similar reactions) improves the prediction of MF. Increasing the rate coefficients of ROO ↔ QOOH and QOOH + O2 ↔ OOQOOH reactions brings the model predictions closer to experimental observations for OOQOOH and HPMF, while increasing the rate coefficient for the QOOH β†’ 2CH2O + OH reaction is needed to improve the predictions of formaldehyde. To aid future quantification of DME oxidation intermediates by photoionization mass spectrometry, we report experimentally determined ionization cross-sections for ROO, OOQOOH, and HPMF

    Quantification of Key Peroxy and Hydroperoxide Intermediates in the Low-Temperature Oxidation of Dimethyl Ether

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    Dimethyl ether (DME) oxidation is a model chemical system with a small number of prototypical reaction intermediates that also has practical importance for low-carbon transportation. Although it has been studied experimentally and theoretically, ambiguity remains in the relative importance of competing DME oxidation pathways in the low-temperature autoignition regime. To focus on the primary reactions in DME autoignition, we measured the time-resolved concentration of five intermediates, CH3OCH2OO (ROO), OOCH2OCH2OOH (OOQOOH), HOOCH2OCHO (hydroperoxymethyl formate, HPMF), CH2O, and CH3OCHO (methyl formate, MF), from photolytically initiated experiments. We performed these studies at P = 10 bar and T = 450–575 K, using a high-pressure photolysis reactor coupled to a time-of-flight mass spectrometer with tunable vacuum-ultraviolet synchrotron ionization at the Advanced Light Source. Our measurements reveal that the timescale of ROO decay and product formation is much shorter than predicted by current DME combustion models. The models also strongly underpredict the observed yields of CH2O and MF and do not capture the temperature dependence of OOQOOH and HPMF yields. Adding the ROO + OH β†’ RO + HO2 reaction to the chemical mechanism (with a rate coefficient approximated from similar reactions) improves the prediction of MF. Increasing the rate coefficients of ROO ↔ QOOH and QOOH + O2 ↔ OOQOOH reactions brings the model predictions closer to experimental observations for OOQOOH and HPMF, while increasing the rate coefficient for the QOOH β†’ 2CH2O + OH reaction is needed to improve the predictions of formaldehyde. To aid future quantification of DME oxidation intermediates by photoionization mass spectrometry, we report experimentally determined ionization cross-sections for ROO, OOQOOH, and HPMF

    Unimolecular Kinetics of Stabilized CH<sub>3</sub>CHOO Criegee Intermediates: <i>syn</i>-CH<sub>3</sub>CHOO Decomposition and <i>anti</i>-CH<sub>3</sub>CHOO Isomerization

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    The kinetics of the unimolecular decomposition of the stabilized Criegee intermediate syn-CH3CHOO has been investigated at temperatures between 297 and 331 K and pressures between 12 and 300 Torr using laser flash photolysis of CH3CHI2/O2/N2 gas mixtures coupled with time-resolved broadband UV absorption spectroscopy. Fits to experimental results using the Master Equation Solver for Multi-Energy well Reactions (MESMER) indicate that the barrier height to decomposition is 67.2 Β± 1.3 kJ mol–1 and that there is a strong tunneling component to the decomposition reaction under atmospheric conditions. At 298 K and 760 Torr, MESMER simulations indicate a rate coefficient of 150–81+176 s–1 when tunneling effects are included but only 5–2+3 s–1 when tunneling is not considered in the model. MESMER simulations were also performed for the unimolecular isomerization of the stabilized Criegee intermediate anti-CH3CHOO to methyldioxirane, indicating a rate coefficient of 54–21+34 s–1 at 298 K and 760 Torr, which is not impacted by tunneling effects. Expressions to describe the unimolecular kinetics of syn- and anti-CH3CHOO are provided for use in atmospheric models, and atmospheric implications are discussed