255 research outputs found

    The First Systematic Survey for Lyman Alpha Emitters at z=7.3 with Red-sensitive Subaru/Suprime-Cam

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    We have performed deep imaging surveys for LyA emitters (LAEs) at redshift ~7.3 in two blank fields, the Subaru Deep Field (SDF) and the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep survey Field (SXDF), using the Subaru/Suprime-Cam equipped with new red-sensitive CCDs and a new narrow-band filter, NB1006 (lambda_c=10052 Ang, FWHM=214 Ang). We identified four objects as LAE candidates that exhibit luminosity excess in NB1006. By carrying out deep follow-up spectroscopy for three of them using Subaru/FOCAS and Keck/DEIMOS, a definitively asymmetric emission line is detected for one of them, SXDF-NB1006-2. Assuming this line is LyA, this object is a LAE at z=7.215 which has luminosity of 1.2^{+1.5}_{-0.6} x 10^43 [erg s-1] and a weighted skewness S_w=4.90+-0.86. Another object, SDF-NB1006-2, shows variable photometry and is thus probably a quasar (QSO) or an active galactic nucleus (AGN). It shows an asymmetric emission line at 10076 Ang, which may be due to either LyA at z=7.288 or [OII] at z=1.703. The third object, SDF-NB1006-1, is likely a galaxy with temporal luminosity enhancement associated with a supernova explosion, as the brightness of this object varies between the observed epochs. Its spectrum does not show any emission lines. The inferred decrease in the number density of LAEs toward higher redshift is n_LyA(z=7.3)/n_LyA(z=5.7) = 0.05^+0.11_-0.05 from z=5.7 to 7.3 down to L(LyA)=1.0 x 10^43 [erg s-1]. The present result is consistent with the interpretation in previous studies that the neutral hydrogen fraction is rapidly increasing from z=5.7 to 7.3.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, Accepted to Ap

    Topologically-protected single-photon sources with topological slow light photonic crystal waveguides

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    Slow light waveguides are advantageous for implementing high-performance single-photon sources required for scalable operation of integrated quantum photonic circuits (IQPCs), though such waveguides are known to suffer from propagation loss due to backscattering. A way to overcome the drawback is to use topological photonics, in which robust waveguiding in topologically-protected optical modes has recently been demonstrated. Here, we report single-photon sources using single quantum dots (QDs) embedded in topological slow light waveguides based on valley photonic crystals. We observe Purcell-enhanced single-photon emission from a QD into a topological slow light mode with a group index over 20 and its robust propagation even under the presence of sharp bends. These results pave the way for the realization of robust and high-performance single-photon sources indispensable for IQPCs

    Evaluation of Rheumatoid Arthritis Using a Scoring System Devised from Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Rheumatoid Knees

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    We studied the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of 120 knees in 86 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and of 14 unaffected knees in 12 control cases. We also developed a scoring system as a quantitative analysis method. We divided the MRI into 10 items, and classified the severity of the symptoms into 4 grades (score 0 to 3). The average total score increased according to the radiographic grade. Soft tissue lesions were clearly detected, even in the early stages of RA. Items such as synovial proliferation showed a high score even in the early stages, suggesting that it was the initial symptom of RA. The score also showed a correlation with the inflammatory signs. These results suggest that this scoring system is very sensitive and yields a good reflection of RA activity. We demonstrated that this system is simple and convenient for routine diagnostic use. We further demonstrated that it is useful for following the advancement of RA and for evaluating the response to treatment.</p

    Effect of Edge-Preserving Adaptive Image Filter on Low-Contrast Detectability in CT Systems: Application of ROC Analysis

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    Objective. For the multislice CT (MSCT) systems with a larger number of detector rows, it is essential to employ dose-reduction techniques. As reported in previous studies, edge-preserving adaptive image filters, which selectively eliminate only the noise elements that are increased when the radiation dose is reduced without affecting the sharpness of images, have been developed. In the present study, we employed receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis to assess the effects of the quantum denoising system (QDS), which is an edge-preserving adaptive filter that we have developed, on low-contrast resolution, and to evaluate to what degree the radiation dose can be reduced while maintaining acceptable low-contrast resolution. Materials and Methods. The low-contrast phantoms (Catphan 412) were scanned at various tube current settings, and ROC analysis was then performed for the groups of images obtained with/without the use of QDS at each tube current to determine whether or not a target could be identified. The tube current settings for which the area under the ROC curve (Az value) was approximately 0.7 were determined for both groups of images with/without the use of QDS. Then, the radiation dose reduction ratio when QDS was used was calculated by converting the determined tube current to the radiation dose. Results. The use of the QDS edge-preserving adaptive image filter allowed the radiation dose to be reduced by up to 38%. Conclusion. The QDS was found to be useful for reducing the radiation dose without affecting the low-contrast resolution in MSCT studies

    Suzaku and Chandra observations of the galaxy cluster RXC J1053.7+5453 with a radio relic

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    We present the results of Suzaku and Chandra observations of the galaxy cluster RXC J1053.7+5453 (z=0.0704z=0.0704), which contains a radio relic. The radio relic is located at the distance of 540\sim 540 kpc from the X-ray peak toward the west. We measured the temperature of this cluster for the first time. The resultant temperature in the center is 1.3 \sim 1.3 keV, which is lower than the value expected from the X-ray luminosity - temperature and the velocity dispersion - temperature relation. Though we did not find a significant temperature jump at the outer edge of the relic, our results suggest that the temperature decreases outward across the relic. Assuming the existence of the shock at the relic, its Mach number becomes M1.4M \simeq 1.4 . A possible spatial variation of Mach number along the relic is suggested. Additionally, a sharp surface brightness edge is found at the distance of 160\sim 160 kpc from the X-ray peak toward the west in the Chandra image. We performed X-ray spectral and surface brightness analyses around the edge with Suzaku and Chandra data, respectively. The obtained surface brightness and temperature profiles suggest that this edge is not a shock but likely a cold front. Alternatively, it cannot be ruled out that thermal pressure is really discontinuous across the edge. In this case, if the pressure across the surface brightness edge is in equilibrium, other forms of pressure sources, such as cosmic-rays, are necessary. We searched for the non-thermal inverse Compton component in the relic region. Assuming the photon index Γ=2.0 \Gamma = 2.0, the resultant upper limit of the flux is 1.9×1014erg s1 cm21.9 \times 10^{-14} {\rm erg \ s^{-1} \ cm^{-2}} for 4.50×103 deg24.50 \times 10^{-3} {\rm \ deg^{2}} area in the 0.3-10 keV band, which implies that the lower limit of magnetic field strength becomes $ 0.7 {\rm \ \mu G}$.Comment: 13page, 8 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1508.0584