89 research outputs found

    N-body realizations of cuspy dark matter haloes

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    We describe an algorithm for generating equilibrium initial conditions for numerical experiments with dark matter haloes. Our haloes are modelled using a general form for the mass density p{r), making it possible to represent most of the popular density profiles in the literature. The finite mass 7-models and the cuspy density profiles found in recent high-resolution cosmological TV-body simulations having a density power-law fall-off at large distances proportional to are included as special cases. The algorithm calculates the phase-space distribution function of each model assuming spherical symmetry and either an isotropic velocity dispersion tensor or an anisotropic velocity dispersion tensor of the type proposed by Osipkov and Merritt. The particle velocities are assigned according to the exact velocity distribution, making this method ideal for experiments requiring a high degree of stability. Numerical tests confirm that the resulting models are highly stable. This approach is motivated by the instabilities that arise when a local Maxwellian velocity distribution is adopted. For example, after approximating the velocity distribution by a Gaussian we show that a Hernquist halo with an initial r(^-1) density cusp immediately develops a constant density core. Moreover, after a single crossing time the orbital anisotropy has evolved over the entire system. Previous studies that use this approximation to construct halo or galaxy models could be compromised by this behaviour. Using the derived distribution functions we show the exact 1-d velocity distributions and we compare them with the Gaussian velocity distributions with the same second moment for different distances from the halo centre. We show that instabilities arise because a Gaussian velocity distribution is a very poor approximation to the true velocity distribution of particles. We also perform a series of numerical simulations evolving several dark matter halo models in isolation, with the intention of checking the stability of the initialization procedure in both configuration and velocity space. A subset of the models are evolved under the assumption that the velocity distribution at any given point is a Gaussian and the time evolution of the density profiles and velocity structure is monitored. Finally, a number of applications are discussed, including issues of relaxation in dark matter haloes as well as mergers of haloes in scattering experiments

    The Effect of Baryons on Halo Shapes

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    Observational evidence indicates a mismatch between the shapes of collisionless dark matter (DM) halos and those of observed systems. Using hydrodynamical cosmological simulations we investigate the effect of baryonic dissipation on halo shapes. We show that dissipational simulations produce significantly rounder halos than those formed in equivalent dissipationless simulations. Gas cooling causes an average increase in halo principal axis ratios of ~ 0.2-0.4 in the inner regions and a systematic shift that persists out to the virial radius, alleviating any tension between theory and observations. Although the magnitude of the effect may be overestimated due to overcooling, cluster formation simulations designed to reproduce the observed fraction of cold baryons still produce substantially rounder halos. Subhalos also exhibit a trend of increased axis ratios in dissipational simulations. Moreover, we demonstrate that subhalos are generally rounder than corresponding field halos even in dissipationless simulations. Lastly, we analyze a series of binary, equal-mass merger simulations of disk galaxies. Collisionless mergers reveal a strong correlation between DM halo shape and stellar remnant morphology. In dissipational mergers, the combination of strong gas inflows and star formation leads to an increase of the DM axis ratios in the remnant. All of these results highlight the vital role of baryonic processes in comparing theory with observations and warn against over-interpreting discrepancies with collisionless simulations on small scales.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the XXIst IAP Colloquium "Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures", Paris 4-9 July 2005, France, (Eds.) G. Mamon, F. Combes, C. Deffayet, B. Fort, EAS Publications Serie

    Cold Dark Matter Substructure and Galactic Disks

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    We perform a set of high-resolution, dissipationless N-body simulations to investigate the influence of cold dark matter (CDM) substructure on the dynamical evolution of thin galactic disks. Our method combines cosmological simulations of galaxy-sized CDM halos to derive the properties of substructure populations and controlled numerical experiments of consecutive subhalo impacts onto initially-thin, fully-formed disk galaxies. We demonstrate that close encounters between massive subhalos and galactic disks since z~1 should be common occurrences in LCDM models. In contrast, extremely few satellites in present-day CDM halos are likely to have a significant impact on the disk structure. One typical host halo merger history is used to seed controlled N-body experiments of subhalo-disk encounters. As a result of these accretion events, the disk thickens considerably at all radii with the disk scale height increasing in excess of a factor of 2 in the solar neighborhood. We show that interactions with the subhalo population produce a wealth of distinctive morphological signatures in the disk stars including: conspicuous flares; bars; low-lived, ring-like features in the outskirts; and low-density, filamentary structures above the disk plane. We compare a resulting dynamically-cold, ring-like feature in our simulations to the Monoceros ring stellar structure in the MW. The comparison shows quantitative agreement in both spatial distribution and kinematics, suggesting that such observed complex stellar components may arise naturally as disk stars are excited by encounters with subhalos. These findings highlight the significant role of CDM substructure in setting the structure of disk galaxies and driving galaxy evolution.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 254 "The Galaxy Disk in Cosmological Context", Copenhagen 9-13 June 2008, Denmark, (Eds.) J. Andersen, J. Bland-Hawthorn & B. Nordstrom, Cambridge University Pres

    Biases in mass estimates of dSph galaxies

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    Using a high resolution N-body simulation of a two-component dwarf galaxy orbiting in the potential of the Milky Way, we study two effects that lead to significant biases in mass estimates of dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Both are due to the strong tidal interaction of initially disky dwarfs with their host. The tidal stripping of dwarf stars leads to the formation of strong tidal tails that are typically aligned with the line of sight of an observer positioned close to the host center. The stars from the tails contaminate the kinematic samples leading to a velocity dispersion profile increasing with the projected radius and resulting in an overestimate of mass. The tidal stirring of the dwarf leads to the morphological transformation of the initial stellar disk into a bar and then a spheroid. The distribution of stars in the dwarf remains non-spherical for a long time leading to an overestimate of its mass if it is observed along the major axis and an underestimate if it seen in the perpendicular direction.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, contribution to the proceedings of "Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation", Malta, 19-23 Oct. 2009, eds. V.P. Debattista & C.C. Popescu, AIP Conference Series, in pres

    The stellar structure and kinematics of dwarf spheroidal galaxies formed by tidal stirring

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    Using high-resolution N-body simulations we study the stellar properties of dwarf spheroidal galaxies resulting from the tidally induced morphological transformation of disky dwarfs on a cosmologically motivated eccentric orbit around the Milky Way. Dwarf galaxy models initially consist of an exponential stellar disk embedded in an extended spherical dark matter halo. Depending on the initial orientation of the disk with respect to the orbital plane, different final configurations are obtained. The least evolved dwarf is triaxial and retains a significant amount of rotation. The more evolved dwarfs are prolate spheroids with little rotation. We show that the final density distribution of stars can be approximated by a simple modification of the Plummer law. The kinematics of the dwarfs is significantly different depending on the line of sight which has important implications for mapping the observed stellar velocity dispersions of dwarfs to subhalo circular velocities. When the dwarfs are observed along the long axis, the measured velocity dispersion is higher and decreases faster with radius. In the case where rotation is significant, when viewed perpendicular to the long axis, the effect of minor axis rotation is detected, as expected for triaxial systems. We model the velocity dispersion profiles and rotation curves of the dwarfs by solving the Jeans equations for spherical and axisymmetric systems and adjusting different sets of free parameters. We find that the mass is typically overestimated when the dwarf is seen along the long axis and underestimated when the observation is along the short or intermediate axis. The effect of non-sphericity cannot however bias the inferred mass by more than 60 percent in either direction, even for the most strongly stripped dwarf which is close to disruption.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, revised version accepted for publication in Ap
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