3,941 research outputs found
Polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma-an unusual presentation
Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA) is a neoplasm that occurs frequently in the mucosa of the soft and hard palates, in the buccal mucosa and in the upper lip and is very rare within the nasopharynx. We present a case of PLGA, which presented as a nasal polyp
Superfluid and Fermi liquid phases of Bose-Fermi mixtures in optical lattices
We describe interacting mixtures of ultracold bosonic and fermionic atoms in
harmonically confined optical lattices. For a suitable choice of parameters we
study the emergence of superfluid and Fermi liquid (non-insulating) regions out
of Bose-Mott and Fermi-band insulators, due to finite Boson and Fermion
hopping. We obtain the shell structure for the system and show that angular
momentum can be transferred to the non-insulating regions from
Laguerre-Gaussian beams, which combined with Bragg spectroscopy can reveal all
superfluid and Fermi liquid shells.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Service Chaining Placement Based on Satellite Mission Planning in Ground Station Networks
As the increase in satellite number and variety, satellite ground stations should be required to offer user services in a flexible and efficient manner. Network function virtualization (NFV) can provide a new paradigm to allocate network resources on-demand for user services over the underlying network. However, most of the existing work focuses on the virtual network function (VNF) placement and routing traffic problem for enterprise data center networks, the issue needs to further study in satellite communication scenarios. In this paper, we investigate the VNF placement and routing traffic problem in satellite ground station networks. We formulate the problem of resource allocation as an integer linear programming (ILP) model and the objective is to minimize the link resource utilization and the number of servers used. Considering the information about satellite orbit fixation and mission planning, we propose location-aware resource allocation (LARA) algorithms based on Greedy and IBM CPLEX 12.10, respectively. The proposed LARA algorithm can assist in deploying VNFs and routing traffic flows by predicting the running conditions of user services. We evaluate the performance of our proposed LARA algorithm in three networks of Fat-Tree, BCube, and VL2. Simulation results show that our proposed LARA algorithm performs better than that without prediction, and can effectively decrease the average resource utilization of satellite ground station networks
Hierarchical Multi-Agent Optimization for Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing.
In cloud computing, an important concern is to allocate the available resources of service nodes to the requested tasks on demand and to make the objective function optimum, i.e., maximizing resource utilization, payoffs and available bandwidth. This paper proposes a hierarchical multi-agent optimization (HMAO) algorithm in order to maximize the resource utilization and make the bandwidth cost minimum for cloud computing. The proposed HMAO algorithm is a combination of the genetic algorithm (GA) and the multi-agent optimization (MAO) algorithm. With maximizing the resource utilization, an improved GA is implemented to find a set of service nodes that are used to deploy the requested tasks. A decentralized-based MAO algorithm is presented to minimize the bandwidth cost. We study the effect of key parameters of the HMAO algorithm by the Taguchi method and evaluate the performance results. The results demonstrate that the HMAO algorithm is more effective than two baseline algorithms of genetic algorithm (GA) and fast elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) in solving the large-scale optimization problem of resource allocation. Furthermore, we provide the performance comparison of the HMAO algorithm with two heuristic Greedy and Viterbi algorithms in on-line resource allocation
An Energy Efficient Approach for Service Chaining Placement in Satellite Ground Station Networks
In this paper, we investigate the service chaining placement problem for user requests in satellite ground station networks with minimum energy cost, which consists of server energy, switch energy, and link energy. We build the Server-Switch-Link energy model and formulate the energy optimization problem as an integer nonlinear programming problem. To address this problem, we implement a prediction-aided Greedy (PA-Greedy) algorithm depending on satellite mission planning in satellite control centers. We conduct the experiments to evaluate the proposed energy model and PA-Greedy algorithm in Fat-Tree networks, and compare the performance with the baseline Greedy algorithm and two energy models of Server-Link and Server. In a Fat-Tree network with 16 servers, the proposed Server-Switch-Link energy model with the PA-Greedy algorithm can reduce energy consumption by 17.28% when compared with the baseline Greedy algorithm, and outperform these Server-Link and Server energy models by 47.10% and 62.91%, respectively
Superfluid and Mott Insulating shells of bosons in harmonically confined optical lattices
Weakly interacting atomic or molecular bosons in quantum degenerate regime
and trapped in harmonically confined optical lattices, exhibit a wedding cake
structure consisting of insulating (Mott) shells. It is shown that superfluid
regions emerge between Mott shells as a result of fluctuations due to finite
hopping. It is found that the order parameter equation in the superfluid
regions is not of the Gross-Pitaeviskii type except near the insulator to
superfluid boundaries. The excitation spectra in the Mott and superfluid
regions are obtained, and it is shown that the superfluid shells posses low
energy sound modes with spatially dependent sound velocity described by a local
index of refraction directly related to the local superfluid density. Lastly,
the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and vortex-antivortex pairs are
discussed in thin (wide) superfluid shells (rings) limited by three (two)
dimensional Mott regions.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures
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