272 research outputs found
Effects of CP-Violation in Neutralino Scattering and Annihilation
We summarize our paper hep-ph/9908390, where we find that in some regions of
supersymmetric parameter space, CP violating effects that mix the CP-even and
CP-odd Higgs bosons can enhance the neutralino annihilation rate by factors of
10^6, and reduce the neutralino scattering rate off nucleons by factors of
10^{-7}.Comment: 2 pages, 5 figures, TAUP99, Paris, Franc
Instability and Subsequent Evolution of Electroweak Bubbles
Bubbles in a first-order electroweak phase transition are nucleated with
radii and expand with velocity . If is subsonic, a bubble becomes
unstable to non-spherical perturbations when its radius is roughly . These perturbations accelerate the transition, and the effective velocity
of bubble growth rapidly becomes supersonic. The transition should subsequently
proceed spherically via detonation. If for some reason the onset of detonation
is postponed, the surface area of the bubbles may be enhanced by . We
discuss consequences for electroweak baryogenesis.Comment: 9 pages (IASSNS-HEP-92-46
Dark Matter in the MSSM Golden Region
Dark matter is examined within the ``golden region'' of the Minimal
Supersymmetric Standard Model. This region satisfies experimental constraints,
including a lower bound on the Higgs mass of 114 GeV, and minimizes fine-tuning
of the Z boson mass. Here we impose additional constraints (particularly due to
experimental bounds on ). Then we find the properties of the
Dark Matter in this region. Neutralinos with a relic density that provides the
amount of dark matter required by cosmological data are shown to consist of a
predominant gaugino (rather than higgsino) fraction. In addition, the U(1)
gaugino mass parameter must satisfy GeV.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure
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