998 research outputs found
REPRESENTATION OF MULTI-STRUCTURED Documents with OWL. Applications to Philology.
Multi-Structured documents (denoted MSDs) are documents whose structure is composed of a set of concurrent hierarchical structures. Many distinct structures may be defined simultaneously for the same original document (logical structure, physical structure). Each hierarchy analyses the text within the document by a different point of view, which depends on different use of that text. These structures may overlap over the document contents.
XML has become the most used language for encoding electronic documents. XML documents are tree based; and since there are overlapping between different structures, the hierarchy of a tree allows encoding a document depending on one structure.
Some applications need to consider more than one hierarchy over the same text, which corresponds to different analysis for different uses of that document. If several different structures should be represented, the solution that manages several different versions for same information is not only ineffective and expensive in time and resources, but does not allow, for example, a search for information relating to two different structures for the same document.
One of the distinguished solutions that addressed this problematic, is a generic model called Multi- Structure Document Model (MSDM), which is independent of any formalism of encoding. However MSDM is encoded by formalism called MultiX that uses XML syntax. MultiX could serialize the MSDM model into XML syntax and expresses the different structures and their correspondences in a single xml file. However it still has some complexity due to its respect to XML tree model.
In this paper, we will present how to encode MSDs depending on MSDM but by means of non-tree based data model (graph based). We will use Ontology Web Language (OWL) to represent the metadata that corresponds to XML schema in MultiX. To illustrate our work, we choose, as running example, an application of philology (science dedicated to the study of text history).The example is a fragment of an old manuscript written in Occitan language. Keywords: Multi-Structured documents, XML, MSDM, MultiX, OWL, encoding manuscripts
Characterization of Microgravity Environment on Mir
This paper presents the microgravity analysis results using dynamic response data collected during the first phase of the Mir Structural Dynamics Experiment (MiSDE). Although MiSDE was designed and performed to verify structural dynamic models, it also provided information for determining microgravity characteristics of the structure. This study analyzed ambient responses acquired during orbital day-to-night and night-to-day transitions, crew treadmill and ergometer exercises, and intentional crew activities. Acceleration levels for one-third octave bands were calculated to characterize the microgravity environment of the station. Spectrograms were also used to analyze the time transient nature of the responses. Detailed theoretical background and analysis results will also be included in the final draft
Progress in Operational Analysis of Launch Vehicles in Nonstationary Flight
This paper presents recent results in an ongoing effort to understand and develop techniques to process launch vehicle data, which is extremely challenging for modal parameter identification. The primary source of difficulty is due to the nonstationary nature of the situation. The system is changing, the environment is not steady, and there is an active control system operating. Hence, the primary tool for producing clean operational results (significant data lengths and data averaging) is not available to the user. This work reported herein uses a correlation-based two step operational modal analysis approach to process the relevant data sets for understanding and development of processes. A significant drawback for such processing of short time histories is a series of beating phenomena due to the inability to average out random modal excitations. A recursive correlation process coupled to a new convergence metric (designed to mitigate the beating phenomena) is the object of this study. It has been found in limited studies that this process creates clean modal frequency estimates but numerically alters the damping
Robotic partial nephrectomy for posterior tumors through a retroperitoneal approach offers decreased length of stay compared with the transperitoneal approach: A propensity-matched analysis
INTRODUCTION: We sought to compare surgical outcomes between transperitoneal and retroperitoneal robotic partial nephrectomy (RPN) for posterior tumors.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Using our multi-institutional RPN database, we reviewed 610 consecutive cases for posterior renal masses treated between 2007 and 2015. Primary outcomes were complications, operative time, length of stay (LOS), surgical margin status, and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) preservation. Secondary outcomes were estimated blood loss, warm ischemia time (WIT), disease recurrence, and disease-specific mortality. Due to significant differences in treatment year and tumor size between approaches, retroperitoneal cases were matched 1:4 to transperitoneal cases based on propensity scores using the greedy algorithm. Outcomes were compared between approaches using the chi-square and Mann-Whitney U tests.
RESULTS: After matching, 296 transperitoneal and 74 retroperitoneal cases were available for analysis, and matched groups were well balanced in terms of treatment year, age, gender, race, American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classification (ASA) score, body mass index, tumor laterality, tumor size, R.E.N.A.L. (radius, exophytic/endophytic properties, nearness of tumor to the collecting system or sinus, anterior/posterior, location relative to polar lines) score, and hilar location. Compared with transperitoneal, the retroperitoneal approach was associated with significantly shorter mean LOS (2.2 vs 2.6 days, p = 0.01), but longer mean WIT (21 vs 19 minutes, p = 0.01). Intraoperative (p = 0.35) and postoperative complications (p = 0.65), operative time (p = 0.93), positive margins (p = 1.0), and latest eGFR preservation (p = 0.25) were not significantly different between approaches. No differences were detected in the other outcomes.
CONCLUSIONS: Among high-volume surgeons, transperitoneal and retroperitoneal RPN achieved similar outcomes for posterior renal masses, although with slight differences in LOS and WIT. Retroperitoneal RPN may be an effective option for the treatment of certain small posterior renal masses
A Coupled Approach for Structural Damage Detection with Incomplete Measurements
This historical work couples model order reduction, damage detection, dynamic residual/mode shape expansion, and damage extent estimation to overcome the incomplete measurements problem by using an appropriate undamaged structural model. A contribution of this work is the development of a process to estimate the full dynamic residuals using the columns of a spring connectivity matrix obtained by disassembling the structural stiffness matrix. Another contribution is the extension of an eigenvector filtering procedure to produce full-order mode shapes that more closely match the measured active partition of the mode shapes using a set of modified Ritz vectors. The full dynamic residuals and full mode shapes are used as inputs to the minimum rank perturbation theory to provide an estimate of damage location and extent. The issues associated with this process are also discussed as drivers of near-term development activities to understand and improve this approach
Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition of Graphene-Hematite Nanocomposite Films as Photoanodes in Water-Splitting Reactions
Modélisation de l'application par cathéter de l'énergie micro-onde en cardiologie
L'ablation cardiaque : concepts de base -- A finite element model for microwave cardiac ablation and its experimental validation -- Theorectical and experimental comparaison between radiofrequency and microwave energy for the catheter ablation of cardiac arrhythmias -- Différents types d'antennes
Les objets diplomatiques dans les relations franco-amérindiennes : le rôle des autorités rochefortaises
L’inventaire des lieux de mémoire de la Nouvelle-France a recensé une vingtaine de lieux témoignant des échanges franco-amérindiens, dont six sites archéologiques qui mettent en exergue les opérations de traite
Transvesical natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) nephrectomy with kidney morcellation: a proof of concept study
The authors acknowledge Karl Storz, Richard Wolf and Covidien for their support with equipment.What's known on the subject? and What does the study add? Until now, the transvaginal approach has been the only method of removing larger specimens from the abdominal cavity using natural orifi ce transluminal endoscopic surgery. There has been no means of extracting larger specimens in men and the means are restricted even in women, particularly in young women. The present study shows that the diffi culty of large specimen retrieval can be overcome, irrespective of the diameter of the chosen port, through natural orifi ces using morcellation.OBJECTIVE
To show, in a porcine model, the feasibility of a complete transvesical natural orifi ce transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) nephrectomy with kidney extraction after morcellation through the same port.
Transvesical nephrectomy and morcellation were performed in six pigs at Minho University, Braga, Portugal after institutional review board approval.
The transvesical port and the cystotomy were created under the guidance of a ureteroscope, while the remaining steps were done under the guidance of an operating telescope.
Dissection of the renal vessels and kidney was performed using dissection grasping forceps and a vessel sealing system (LigaSure TM ; Covidien, Mansfi eld, MA, USA) and morcellation was done using a Piranha TM morcellator (Richard Wolf, Knittlingen, Germany).
There were no complications related to the creation of transvesical access. • The image provided by the telescope was superior to that of the ureteroscope, especially underwater. Morcellation was quick and effective, with the support of a fi xing needle through the abdominal wall, designed to fi x the kidney, after laceration of a bowel loop occurred in the first experiment. It was found that technical improvements are needed to ensure safety of NOTES morcellation.
Kidney morcellation after nephrectomy, using a natural orifi ce exclusively, is feasible. • Despite technical limitations, this proof of concept study can be regarded as a potential step towards the application of NOTES in urology.This study was supported by the Science &
Technology Foundation (FCT), Portugal
– PTDC/SAU-OSM/105578/2008
Concomitant Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Surgery for Ureterolithotomy and Contralateral Renal Cyst Marsupialization
A 63-year-old woman presented with acute right-flank pain and left-flank pain. Computed tomography identified a right ureter stone and a left renal cyst. The patient underwent concomitant laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS) for ureterolithotomy and renal cyst marsupialization with the use of an Alexis® wound retractor, which was inserted through the umbilical incision. Flexible laparoscopic instruments and conventional rigid instruments were used during LESS following a procedure similar to that used with conventional laparoscopic surgery without additional transcutaneous ports. LESS may be more efficient at treating bilateral diseases than is conventional laparoscopic surgery
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