81 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Bahasa Anak Usia Empat Tahun (Tinjauan Psikolinguistik )

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan Perkembangan anak umur 4-5 tahun Jenis  metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus, di mana peneliti berusaha untuk mengetahui bagaimana perkembangan bahasa anak usia empat tahun  dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan penelitian yaitu menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif peneliti sebagai pengolah data mulai dari proses pengumpulan sampai proses analisis data dengan menyediakan tabel analisis tentang perbendaharaan kata dan pelafalan anak usia empat tahun di Desa Karet RT 07/02 Cadas Kabupaten Tangerang Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode simak dan metode cakap.  Metode kedua yang digunakan peneliti adalah metode cakap penyediaan data yang ditempuh dalam pengumpulan data itu adalah berupa percakapan antara peneliti dengan informan” Dengan adanya metode cakap ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berupa percakapan antara subjek dengan peneliti. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam melaksanakan metode cakap ini adalah teknik pancing, karena percakapan yang diharapkan sebagai pelaksanaan metode tersebut hanya dimungkinkan muncul jika peneliti memberi stimulasi (pancingan) pada informan untuk memunculkan gejala kebahasaan yang diharapkan oleh peneliti. dari hasil penelitian pada usia empat tahun, pelafalan kata anak sudah dapat menghasilkan fonem-fonem yang lebih banyak. Kata-kata yang dihasilkan sudah beragam, diantaranya menggantikan fonem, menghilangkan fonem, dan peniruan bunyi seperti meong, gukguk, dan embe. Dalam hal ini, dapat dijelaskan bahwa jumlah perbendaharaan kata yang dikuasai seorang anak berbeda-beda dan sangat bervariasi. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu faktor inteligensi, jenis kelamin, dan kondisi lingkungan keluarga. Kata Kunci: Perkembangan Bahasa Anak, Psikolinguisti


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    Obtained are based on the formulation, objectives, results, and discussion in the analysis of cultural values in the novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck by Buya Hamka and Novel Tanah Para Bandit by Tere Liye previously stated, described as follows. The results of the analysis of cultural values in the novel The Sinking of the Van Der Wijck Ship by Buya Hamka and the novel Tanah Para Bandits by tere Liye contain 79 data. The data obtained is divided into cultural values in human relations with God, cultural values in human relations with nature, cultural values in human relations with society, cultural values in human relations with others, and cultural values in human relations with oneself


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    The purpose of this study is to develop BIPA teaching materials based on cross-cultural and local wisdom in Banten Province. This research uses a model design for developing Indonesian language teaching materials for foreign speakers and combines existing models. The object being analyzed is the Borg and Gall’ model (1983), from the analyzed model, a modified model can be formulated. The research data are numerical data and verbal data (interview transcripts, analysis results of teaching materials, questionnaires, observations, and notes, comments, criticisms or suggestions from test subjects). The research data are numerical data and verbal data (interview transcripts, analysis results of teaching materials, questionnaires, observations, and notes, comments, criticisms or suggestions from test subjects). Given the data obtained in the form of numerical data and verbal data, the analysis was carried out in the form of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. The results of this study are in the form of beginner level cross-cultural based BIPA teaching materials using a contextual-communicative approach. In this case the culture used as a reference is the local culture of Banten considering that in Banten there are foreign nationals from South Korea. The results showed that the average expert trial score reached 86%, the practitioner trial score average reached 89%, and the field stage trial score averaged 87%. Therefore, this book can be categorized as very feasible to be applied

    Research Methods in Machine Learning: A Content Analysis

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    Research methods in machine learning play a pivotal role since the accuracy and reliability of the results are influenced by the research methods used. The main aims of this paper were to explore current research methods in machine learning, emerging themes, and the implications of those themes in machine learning research.  To achieve this the researchers analyzed a total of 100 articles published since 2019 in IEEE journals. This study revealed that Machine learning uses quantitative research methods with experimental research design being the de facto research approach. The study also revealed that researchers nowadays use more than one algorithm to address a problem. Optimal feature selection has also emerged to be a key thing that researchers are using to optimize the performance of Machine learning algorithms. Confusion matrix and its derivatives are still the main ways used to evaluate the performance of algorithms, although researchers are now also considering the processing time taken by an algorithm to execute. Python programming languages together with its libraries are the most used tools in creating, training, and testing models. The most used algorithms in addressing both classification and prediction problems are; Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, Artificial Neural Networks, and Decision Tree. The recurring themes identified in this study are likely to open new frontiers in Machine learning research.  

    Research Methods in Machine Learning: A Content Analysis

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    Research methods in machine learning play a pivotal role since the accuracy and reliability of the results are influenced by the research methods used. The main aims of this paper were to explore current research methods in machine learning, emerging themes, and the implications of those themes in machine learning research.  To achieve this the researchers analyzed a total of 100 articles published since 2019 in IEEE journals. This study revealed that Machine learning uses quantitative research methods with experimental research design being the de facto research approach. The study also revealed that researchers nowadays use more than one algorithm to address a problem. Optimal feature selection has also emerged to be a key thing that researchers are using to optimize the performance of Machine learning algorithms. Confusion matrix and its derivatives are still the main ways used to evaluate the performance of algorithms, although researchers are now also considering the processing time taken by an algorithm to execute. Python programming languages together with its libraries are the most used tools in creating, training, and testing models. The most used algorithms in addressing both classification and prediction problems are; Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, Artificial Neural Networks, and Decision Tree. The recurring themes identified in this study are likely to open new frontiers in Machine learning research.  

    Evaluation of mineral nutrition and growth of Eucalyptus saligna seedlings raised on organic – enriched nursery potting media

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    Forest soil is the convectional growth media used in raising seedlings in tree nurseries in Kenya. Poor growth media in tree nursery establishment has been reported as the major cause of poor seedling establishment in the nursery and after out planting. This study evaluated the potential of forest soil and organic mixtures as potting media for seedling establishment. The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design with five treatments comprising of: Forest soil (Medium 1); Sawdust mixed with cattle manure in the ratio of 1:1 by weight (Medium 2); Forest soil mixed with cattle manure - sawdust mixture (1:1) in the ratio of 1:1 (Medium 3); Forest soil mixed with cattle manure - sawdust (1:1) mixture in the ratio of 1:2 (Medium 4); and Forest soil mixed with cattle manure - sawdust (1:1) mixture in ratio of 1:3 (Medium 5). The treatments were replicated three times in experimental plots of 100 seedlings per treatment. Seedlings were allowed to grow for 24 weeks while the growth parameters, foliar nutrient concentration and seedling mortality were monitored periodically during the study period. Enrichment of Forest soil with Sawdust and Cattle manure at various ratios increased nutrient concentrations in the media and enhanced growth and dry matter biomass compared to those with forest soil alone thus resulting to faster growth and increased nutrient uptake. There is need to develop strategies for mixing organic materials with forest soil which will improve decomposition and growth of seedlings and thereby reduce mining of forest soil.Keywords: Cattle manure, Forest soil, Sawdust, Tree seedlings, Nutrient uptak
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