57,544 research outputs found
Effects of neutrino oscillation on supernova neutrino: inverted mass hierarchy
We study the effects of neutrino oscillation on supernova neutrino in the
case of the inverted mass hierarchy () as well as the
normal mass hierarchy (). Numerical analysis using a
realistic supernova and presupernova model allows us to discuss quantitatively
a possibility to probe neutrino oscillation parameters. We show that
information about the mass hierarchy can be obtained if is rather
large () and that can be well
probed by SuperKamiokande if the neutrino mass hierarchy is the inverted case.
Errors due to the uncertainty of the original neutrino spectra and the Earth
effect are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, significantly revised. Published version in PT
Magnetic Susceptibility of Quark Matter
Magnetic properties of quark matter is discussed by evaluating the spin
susceptibility within Fermi-liquid theory. We take into account the dynamical
and static screening effects. At finite temperature, an anomalous T^2 ln T term
for susceptibity is shown as a non-Fermi-liquid effect due to the dynamical
screening of transverse gluons.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Proc. of YITP Symposium "Fundamental Problems in
Hot and/or Dense QCD
Study of K^0 \to pi^- e^+ nu_e e^+ e^- in chiral perturbation theory
K^0 \to pi^- e^+ nu_e e^+ e^- decay is studied up to the next-to-leading
order O^4 in chiral perturbation theory. It is found that the O^4 terms
appreciably modifiy the shape of the invariant mass distribution of the leptons
and the energy spectrum of the neutrino.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, figures and formula are adde
Time synchronization via the transit satellite at Mizusawa
Time signals emitted from Transit satellites and received by the NAVICODE type receiver at Mizusawa, Japan are presented. The International Latitude Observatory of Mizusawa and the U. S. Naval Observatory were compared using the time signals. Propagation delays, a receiver delay, effects of relative motion of satellites, and effects of the ionosphere are discussed
Determining the Supernova Direction by its Neutrinos
Supernova neutrinos, which arrive at Earth earlier than light, allow for the
earliest determination of the direction of the supernova. The topic of this
paper is to study how accurately we can determine the supernova direction. We
simulate supernova neutrino events at the SuperKamiokande detector, using a
realistic supernova model and several realistic neutrino oscillation models.
With the results of our simulation, we can restrict the supernova direction to
be within a circle of radius . In several neutrino oscillation models,
this accuracy is increased to . We also discuss the influence of an
accident that occurred at the SuperKamiokande detector. After repair of the
detector, using the remaining PMTs, the accuracy becomes about for
no oscillation.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, Prog. Theor. Phys., accepte
Equilibrium Price Dispersion in a Matching Model with Divisible Money
The main purpose of this paper is to show that, for any given parameter values, an equilibrium with dispersed prices (two-price equilibrium) exists in a simple matching model with divisible money presented by Green and Zhou (1998).We also show that our two-price equilibrium is unique in certain environments. Moreover, the welfare effect of price dispersion is analysed.equilibrium analysis;prices;money
Intersecting D-brane states derived from the KP theory
A general scheme to find tachyon boundary states is developed within the
framework of the theory of KP hierarchy. The method is applied to calculate
correlation function of intersecting D-branes and rederived the results of our
previous works as special examples. A matrix generalization of this scheme
provides a method to study dynamics of coincident multi D-branes.Comment: 10 page
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