169,342 research outputs found
Effective models for gapped phases of strongly correlated quantum lattice models
We present a robust scheme to derive effective models non-perturbatively for
quantum lattice models when at least one degree of freedom is gapped. A
combination of graph theory and the method of continuous unitary
transformations (gCUTs) is shown to efficiently capture all zero-temperature
fluctuations in a controlled spatial range. The gCUT can be used either for
effective quasi-particle descriptions or for effective low-energy descriptions
in case of infinitely degenerate subspaces. We illustrate the method for 1d and
2d lattice models yielding convincing results in the thermodynamic limit. We
find that the recently discovered spin liquid in the Hubbard model on the
honeycomb lattice lies outside the perturbative strong-coupling regime. Various
extensions and perspectives of the gCUT are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, extended discussion on J2/J1 for the honeycomb
Hubbard model and on the properties of different generators for the
continuous unitary transformatio
On the Genus Expansion in the Topological String Theory
A systematic formulation of the higher genus expansion in topological string
theory is considered. We also develop a simple way of evaluating genus zero
correlation functions. At higher genera we derive some interesting formulas for
the free energy in the and models. We present some evidence that
topological minimal models associated with Lie algebras other than the A-D-E
type do not have a consistent higher genus expansion beyond genus one. We also
present some new results on the model at higher genera.Comment: 36 pages, phyzzx, UTHEP-27
Topological Field Theories and the Period Integrals
We discuss topological Landau-Ginzburg theories coupled to the 2-dimensional
topological gravity. We point out that the basic recursion relations for
correlation functions of the 2-dimesional gravity have exactly the same form as
the Gauss-Manin differential equations for the period integrals of
superpotentials. Thus the one-point functions on the sphere of the
Landau-Ginzburg theories are given exactly by the period integrals. We discuss
various examples, A-D-E minimal models and the topological theories.Comment: 12 pages, phyzzx, UT 64
Localization of strongly correlated electrons as Jahn-Teller polarons in manganites
A realistic modeling of manganites should include the Coulomb repulsion
between electrons, the Hund's rule coupling to spins, and
Jahn-Teller phonons. Solving such a model by dynamical mean field theory, we
report large magnetoresistances and spectra in good agreement with experiments.
The physics of the unusual, insulating-like paramagnetic phase is determined by
correlated electrons which are-due to strong correlations-easily trapped as
Jahn-Teller polarons.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Cascades of Dynamical Transitions in an Adaptive Population
In an adaptive population which models financial markets and distributed
control, we consider how the dynamics depends on the diversity of the agents'
initial preferences of strategies. When the diversity decreases, more agents
tend to adapt their strategies together. This change in the environment results
in dynamical transitions from vanishing to non-vanishing step sizes. When the
diversity decreases further, we find a cascade of dynamical transitions for the
different signal dimensions, supported by good agreement between simulations
and theory. Besides, the signal of the largest step size at the steady state is
likely to be the initial signal.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure
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