908 research outputs found
Multiscale self-organized criticality and powerful X-ray flares
A combination of spectral and moments analysis of the continuous X-ray flux
data is used to show consistency of statistical properties of the powerful
solar flares with 2D BTW prototype model of self-organized criticality
Logarithmic scaling in the near-dissipation range of turbulence
A logarithmic scaling for structure functions, in the form , where is the Kolmogorov dissipation scale and
are the scaling exponents, is suggested for the statistical
description of the near-dissipation range for which classical power-law scaling
does not apply. From experimental data at moderate Reynolds numbers, it is
shown that the logarithmic scaling, deduced from general considerations for the
near-dissipation range, covers almost the entire range of scales (about two
decades) of structure functions, for both velocity and passive scalar fields.
This new scaling requires two empirical constants, just as the classical
scaling does, and can be considered the basis for extended self-similarity
Multiscale SOC in turbulent convection
Using data obtained in a laboratory thermal convection experiment at high
Rayleigh numbers, it is shown that the multiscaling properties of the observed
mean wind reversals are quantitatively consistent with analogous multiscaling
properties of the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld prototype model of self-organized
criticality in two dimensions
Logarithmically modified scaling of temperature structure functions in thermal convection
Using experimental data on thermal convection, obtained at a Rayleigh number
of 1.5 , it is shown that the temperature structure functions
, where is the absolute value of the temperature
increment over a distance , can be well represented in an intermediate range
of scales by , where the are the scaling
exponents appropriate to the passive scalar problem in hydrodynamic turbulence
and the function . Measurements are made in the
midplane of the apparatus near the sidewall, but outside the boundary layer
Beyond scaling and locality in turbulence
An analytic perturbation theory is suggested in order to find finite-size
corrections to the scaling power laws. In the frame of this theory it is shown
that the first order finite-size correction to the scaling power laws has
following form , where
is a finite-size scale (in particular for turbulence, it can be the Kolmogorov
dissipation scale). Using data of laboratory experiments and numerical
simulations it is shown shown that a degenerate case with can
describe turbulence statistics in the near-dissipation range , where
the ordinary (power-law) scaling does not apply. For moderate Reynolds numbers
the degenerate scaling range covers almost the entire range of scales of
velocity structure functions (the log-corrections apply to finite Reynolds
number). Interplay between local and non-local regimes has been considered as a
possible hydrodynamic mechanism providing the basis for the degenerate scaling
of structure functions and extended self-similarity. These results have been
also expanded on passive scalar mixing in turbulence. Overlapping phenomenon
between local and non-local regimes and a relation between position of maximum
of the generalized energy input rate and the actual crossover scale between
these regimes are briefly discussed.Comment: extended versio
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