478 research outputs found
Little strings and T-duality
We study the 2d N = 4 gauge theory descriptions of little strings on type II
NS5- branes. The IIB strings on N NS5-branes are described by the N = (4,4)
gauge theories, whose Higgs branch CFTs on U(N) instanton moduli spaces are
relevant. The IIA strings are described by N = (4,4) circular A_{N-1} quiver
theories, whose Coulomb branch CFTs are relevant. We study new N = (0,4) quiver
gauge theories for the IIA strings, which make it easier to study some infrared
observables. In particular, we show that the elliptic genera of the IIA / IIB
strings precisely map to each other by T-duality.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figure
How Does LG Group Embed Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) System In Its Conglomerate Governance To Control Its Affiliated Firms' Risk Events?
This paper presents a case of enterprise risk management (ERM) embeddedness in LG Group, globalized conglomerate in Korea. Findings are differentiated from prior studies in two aspects. First, this study focuses on how ERM systems minimize the agency costs between conglomerate headquarters and its affiliated firms. Second, cases of diversified twelve affiliated firms find that COSO ERM framework are to be applied adaptively to entities’ inherent or external conditions as industry, age, management level etc. Those findings might be a practical guidance for most Asian business groups to embed ERM frameworks in conglomerate governances, filling gaps between theoretical COSO manual and practical applications.
Factors Affecting Initial Trust in an Online Shopping
With the rapid growth of online retailing, consumers have a vast number of websites to choose from when shopping online. While multichannel retailers that expanded online based off their successful brick-and-mortar or catalog operations benefited from their existing customer bases and brand/retailer names, many pure e-retailers have been challenged by their lack of brand equity in the market. Due to lower barriers to market entry, a number of new online businesses are flourishing, yet only a small fraction of them can survive in the competitive online market. One of the key challenges for a new business is the lack of initial trust between the eretailer and the consumer
Service Attributes Available on Mobile Website
US m-commerce sales growth has been significant over the past few years. Total sales of products and services made using mobile phones and tablets reached $41 billion in 2013, accounting for 16% of total e-commerce sales. A majority of e-commerce consumers are expected to make purchases via mobile devices by 2017. Although mobile purchases are growing, most consumers still prefer to make actual purchases in physical stores or through retail websites (eMarketer, 2013)
Does Single Motherhood Hurt Infant Health among Young Mothers?
Does single motherhood adversely affect infant health? This question is not easy to answer because of the endogeneity of coresidence during pregnancy. In this paper, we exploit quasi-natural variation in single motherhood from the moment of conception to that of birth arising from marriageable age restrictions and the reform of the laws in Korea. The Korean birth certificate dataset is unique in that it allows us to distinguish coresidence and legal marital status and further to identify the duration of pregnancy period without a partner. Results show that although coresidence with the partner during pregnancy is seemingly beneficial for infant health, it is mostly driven by selection into coresidence. Further, we do not find any significant advantage of legal marriage among young mothers
Compute-first optical detection for noise-resilient visual perception
In the context of visual perception, the optical signal from a scene is
transferred into the electronic domain by detectors in the form of image data,
which are then processed for the extraction of visual information. In noisy and
weak-signal environments such as thermal imaging for night vision applications,
however, the performance of neural computing tasks faces a significant
bottleneck due to the inherent degradation of data quality upon noisy
detection. Here, we propose a concept of optical signal processing before
detection to address this issue. We demonstrate that spatially redistributing
optical signals through a properly designed linear transformer can enhance the
detection noise resilience of visual perception tasks, as benchmarked with the
MNIST classification. Our idea is supported by a quantitative analysis
detailing the relationship between signal concentration and noise robustness,
as well as its practical implementation in an incoherent imaging system. This
compute-first detection scheme can pave the way for advancing infrared machine
vision technologies widely used for industrial and defense applications.Comment: Main 9 pages, 5 figures, Supplementary information 5 page
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