22 research outputs found
data dryad
data on paternity success of stored vs fresh sperm in the guppy (an internally fertilising fish with prolonged sperm storage). Stored sperm were from a previous reproductive cycle (i.e. female produced one brood with 'stored' sperm and was then successively artificially inseminated with the 'fresh' sperm). Experimental design was fully balanced, so that the sperm from the same male were used both in the 'stored' and 'fresh' conditions. See text and Figure 2 for further details on the experimental design
Fertilization success, genetic relatedness and mitochondrial lineage estimates from competitive sperm chemotaxis experiment
Sheet 1 contains the results of multi-step sperm competition laboratory trials in the presence of egg chemoattractants in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Columns included are experimental block number, focal male (sperm donor) ID, focal female (egg chemoattractant donor) ID, replicate (two for each focal male-female cross), focal male fertilization success, focal male failures (eggs not fertilized), and total eggs counted. Sheet 2 contains similar data, but with the two replicate fertilization success measures for each focal male-female cross combined into a single measure. This sheet also contains estimates of nuclear genetic relatedness of male-female pairs, and a column specifying whether males and females belong to different (0) or the same (1) phylogenetic mitochondrial lineage
Sire sperm data
CASA (sperm motility) and sperm viability of the males assigned to high and low quantity diet treatments. Sperm from these males were artificially inseminated into the females
Offspring body size 4 MONTHS
Offspring size data taken from four month old offspring. Offspring sex is recorded (used as factor in analysis)
Does the presence of chronic pain affect scores on cognitive screening tests/brief cognitive measures for dementia? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Cognitive screening tests can identify potential dementia by indicating a concerning level of cognitive impairment. The older populations for whom this is most relevant are more likely to experience chronic pain, which also impairs cognitive function, but pain’s impact on cognitive screening tests specifically remains unknown. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis (SR/MA) following PRISMA guidelines evaluating cognitive screening scores in studies involving participants with chronic pain compared with a pain-free control group. Our question was whether the presence of chronic pain (self-reported or based on diagnosis) was associated with poorer performance on these screens, and to identify the heterogeneity across groups and screens. The 51 studies identified yielded 62 effect size estimates. The pooled g was 0.76 (95% confidence interval 0.57 to 0.95). Heterogeneity was high for the full model (= 93.16%) with some reductions in sub-analyses. Around half of the studies were identified as being at a low risk of bias. There was no evidence of publication bias. As a whole, this analysis suggests medium to large effect sizes on cognitive screen performance when people are living with chronic pain. We suggest that clinicians should consider the effect of chronic pain when cognitive screens are employed to investigate dementia. Further research could clarify the effect pain has on different screen sub-domains to aid their effective use with these populations.</p
Male offspring sperm traits
Male offspring sperm data, including CASA parameters, sperm counts, age tested and dates of birt
Dam traits
Data for mothers' size, time to parturition, brood siz
Microsatellite data
Data file with male, female and clutch genotypes
Dataset_Devigili et al_JEB_2017
Dataset used for the analysis on guppy sperm velocity
Additional file 1: of The spread of Injectate after ultrasound-guided lateral elbow injection – a cadaveric study
Example of a three-dimensional rendering of injectate distribution, showing no clear pattern or injection pooling or longitudinal injectate spread. (MP4 2766 kb