76 research outputs found

    Making the world a better place with Mixed Reality in Education

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    Mixed Reality (MR) is an emerging technology in which the real world is enhanced by an overlay of computer graphics-based interaction. The use of MR in the Information Systems (IS) pedagogy is becoming more and more to be taken as a reflection of reality. This study expands on the current literature to plan, design, test, and evaluate the use of Microsoft HoloLens a MR device in IS classroom. This study uses design science guidelines to introduce HoloLens to 205 students in a postgraduate and undergraduate class. Student responses were both positive and negative highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of the technology, the applications and its interface as presented in this paper. This study uses Socio-Technical Interaction Networks (STIN) analytical strategy for social informatics to compare the different forms of knowledge embodiment in the mixed reality system for education


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    Cybersecurity is a global contemporary issue concerning the management and utilization of information technology (IT) (Kelley, 2008). Cybersecurity supports social sustainability goals as it is a frequently used tool for data management to secure data and protect privacy (Piccarozzi, et al. 2023). Cybersecurity is integral in maintaining the freedom and dignity of the individual, and greater awareness and strong multi-stakeholder partnerships are crucial for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a hyper-connected and digitized world (Michael, et al. 2019). Cyber threats represent IT leaders’ biggest concern (Kappelman et al., 2019). While more big companies are hacked, smaller businesses are attacked more frequently, with one in five small to medium businesses being hacked yearly (Segal, 2022). Smaller businesses report affordability barriers preventing them from accessing technologies, trained cyber security staff, and external security services that can keep their organizations safe from cyber attacks (Cynet, 2022). Access to the Standards and Framework may represent another barrier for smaller businesses. The Australian Government has committed to ensuring that small business support programs are easy to understand and accessible, and that businesses have strong incentives to participate (Department of Home Affairs, 2023). This research attempts to remove the barriers to accessing rich resources in cybersecurity Standards and Frameworks to improve the cybersecurity maturity of smaller Australian businesses. Hence, the research question addressed in this paper is, “How can the Standards and Frameworks be used to educate smaller businesses about cybersecurity?” This research provides a scholarly contribution to support the Australian’s Governments commitment to provide understandable and accessible Cybersecurity Standards and Frameworks to educate smaller business


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    Mixed Reality (MR) has brought a significant change in today’s world and its significance is continuously evolving in Information Systems (IS) pedagogy. This study expands on the current literature to plan, design, test, and evaluate the use of Microsoft HoloLens, which is an MR device in an IS classroom. This study uses design science guidelines to introduce HoloLens to 20 postgraduate students and 130 undergraduate students in their class. Student responses were both positive and negative highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of the technology, the applications and its interface as presented in this paper. Findings suggest that the use of an authentic learning framework provided effective instructional design guidelines support the acquisition of advanced knowledge

    Barriers in XBRL based Interagency Accounting Information Sharing: Qualitative Evidence from Indonesia

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    Enhancing Employee Experience in the era of Hybrid Work:The case of Microsoft Viva

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    Barriers in XBRL based Interagency Accounting Information Sharing: Qualitative Evidence from Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to examine barriers in interagency information sharing (IIS). The type of shared information that this research focuses on is the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) based financial statements sent by businesses to government agencies. Several researchers attempted to develop theoretical models related to IIS barriers by classifying them into three perspectives, i.e. organizational, technological, and political/policy perspectives. However, as suggested by previous literature, there is a need to apply the framework in non-western countries. This study is employing a qualitative approach by interviewing some key informants from government agencies. The research is engaging with five Indonesian government agencies. At the current state of the research, three barriers have been synthesized as the findings. As future research work, some other barriers have to be analyzed and synthesized by the study to give a more comprehensive understanding

    A Conceptual Framework to Assess the Effectiveness of Rubric Tool

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    Rubrics are being used in a wide variety of disciplines in higher education to evaluate the assessments and provide feedback to students. Rubrics are traditionally implemented as paper-based table to grade assessments and provide feedback. The advancement of technology has integrated the Rubric Tool into Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Blackboard to facilitate online marking. In this conceptual paper, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of the Rubric Tool. We propose an integrated conceptual framework applying various theories from the extant literature to assess the effectiveness of the Rubric Tool. Furthermore, we use the framework to evaluate the effectiveness of the Blackboard LMS Rubric Tool applied in an undergraduate course for grading assessments under the settings of an Australian International University in Asia

    Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Game to Improve Physical and Cognitive Acuity

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    Physical and mental health are both integral to healthy living and ageing, and a causal-cum-symbiotic relationship has been observed between the two. Physical and cognitive activities such as exercise and board games are known to promote healthy ageing. In this regard, highly engaging lightboard games are known to improve hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and motor skills for individuals. Immersivity of virtual reality games can transform mundane and repetitive exercise routines into stimulating experiences, and they can be utilized by users to improve physical and cognitive performance from the comfort of their homes. In this study, we adopt design science framework to design, develop and evaluate a VR BATAK lightboard game to improve physical reaction, hand-eye coordination, visual memory and cognitive processing. Based on the findings from evaluation over three phases, we propose three design principles related to accessibility, sensory cueing and cognitive loading, as theoretical and practical contributions of this study
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