137 research outputs found
Active-Code Replacement in the OODIDA Data Analytics Platform
OODIDA (On-board/Off-board Distributed Data Analytics) is a platform for
distributing and executing concurrent data analytics tasks. It targets fleets
of reference vehicles in the automotive industry and has a particular focus on
rapid prototyping. Its underlying message-passing infrastructure has been
implemented in Erlang/OTP. External Python applications perform data analytics
tasks. Most work is performed by clients (on-board). A central cloud server
performs supplementary tasks (off-board). OODIDA can be automatically packaged
and deployed, which necessitates restarting parts of the system, or all of it.
This is potentially disruptive. To address this issue, we added the ability to
execute user-defined Python modules on clients as well as the server. These
modules can be replaced without restarting any part of the system and they can
even be replaced between iterations of an ongoing assignment. This facilitates
use cases such as iterative A/B testing of machine learning algorithms or
modifying experimental algorithms on-the-fly.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; Published in Euro-Par 2019: Parallel Processing
Workshops proceedings; DOI was added to the PDF. There is also an extended
version of this paper, cf. arXiv admin note: text overlap with
Investigations of a compartmental model for leucine kinetics using nonlinear mixed effects models with ordinary and stochastic differential equations
Nonlinear mixed effects models represent a powerful tool to simultaneously
analyze data from several individuals. In this study a compartmental model of
leucine kinetics is examined and extended with a stochastic differential
equation to model non-steady state concentrations of free leucine in the
plasma. Data obtained from tracer/tracee experiments for a group of healthy
control individuals and a group of individuals suffering from diabetes mellitus
type 2 are analyzed. We find that the interindividual variation of the model
parameters is much smaller for the nonlinear mixed effects models, compared to
traditional estimates obtained from each individual separately. Using the mixed
effects approach, the population parameters are estimated well also when only
half of the data are used for each individual. For a typical individual the
amount of free leucine is predicted to vary with a standard deviation of 8.9%
around a mean value during the experiment. Moreover, leucine degradation and
protein uptake of leucine is smaller, proteolysis larger, and the amount of
free leucine in the body is much larger for the diabetic individuals than the
control individuals. In conclusion nonlinear mixed effects models offers
improved estimates for model parameters in complex models based on
tracer/tracee data and may be a suitable tool to reduce data sampling in
clinical studies
Using sensitivity equations for computing gradients of the FOCE and FOCEI approximations to the population likelihood
The first order conditional estimation (FOCE) method is still one of the parameter estimation workhorses for nonlinear mixed effects (NLME) modeling used in population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. However, because this method involves two nested levels of optimizations, with respect to the empirical Bayes estimates and the population parameters, FOCE may be numerically unstable and have long run times, issues which are most apparent for models requiring numerical integration of differential equations. We propose an alternative implementation of the FOCE method, and the related FOCEI, for parameter estimation in NLME models. Instead of obtaining the gradients needed for the two levels of quasi-Newton optimizations from the standard finite difference approximation, gradients are computed using so called sensitivity equations. The advantages of this approach were demonstrated using different versions of a pharmacokinetic model defined by nonlinear differential equations. We show that both the accuracy and precision of gradients can be improved extensively, which will increase the chances of a successfully converging parameter estimation. We also show that the proposed approach can lead to markedly reduced computational times. The accumulated effect of the novel gradient computations ranged from a 10-fold decrease in run times for the least complex model when comparing to forward finite differences, to a substantial 100-fold decrease for the most complex model when comparing to central finite differences. Considering the use of finite differences in for instance NONMEM and Phoenix NLME, our results suggests that significant improvements in the execution of FOCE are possible and that the approach of sensitivity equations should be carefully considered for both levels of optimization
Sensitivity Equations Provide More Robust Gradients and Faster Computation of the FOCE Approximation to the Population Likelihood
Objectives: The first order conditional estimation (FOCE) method [1] is still one of the parameter estimation workhorses for nonlinear mixed effects (NLME) modeling used in population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics [2]. However, because this method involves two nested levels of optimizations, with respect to the empirical Bayes estimates and the population parameters, FOCE may be numerically unstable and have long run times, issues which are most apparent for models requiring numerical integration of differential equations.Methods: We propose an alternative implementation of the FOCE method, and the related FOCEI, for parameter estimation in NLME models [3]. Instead of obtaining the gradients needed for the two levels of quasi-Newton optimizations from the standard finite difference approximation, gradients are computed using so called sensitivity equations.Results: The advantages of the approach are demonstrated using different versions of a pharmacokinetic model defined by nonlinear differential equations. We show that both the accuracy and precision of gradients can be improved extensively, which will increase the chances of a successfully converging parameter estimation [4]. We also show that the proposed approach can lead to markedly reduced computational times. The accumulated effect of the novel gradient computations ranged from a 10-fold decrease in run times for the least complex model when comparing to forward finite differences, to a substantial 100-fold decrease for the most complex model when comparing to central finite differences.Conclusions: Considering the use of finite differences in for instance NONMEM and Phoenix NLME, our results suggests that signicant improvements in the execution of FOCE are possible and that the approach of sensitivity equations should be carefully considered for both levels of optimization.References:[1] Wang Y. Derivation of various NONMEM estimation methods. J of Pharmacokin Pharmacodyn (2007) 34(5): 575-593.[2] Johansson \uc5M, Ueckert S, Plan EL, Hooker AC, Karlsson MO. Evaluation of bias, precision, robustness and runtime for estimation methods in NONMEM 7. J of Pharmacokin Pharmacodyn (2014) 41(3):223-238.[3] Almquist J, Leander J, Jirstrand M. Using sensitivity equations for computing gradients of the FOCE and FOCEI approximations to the population likelihood. In press J of Pharmacokin Pharmacodyn (2015).[4] Tapani S, Almquist J, Leander J, Ahlstr\uf6m C, Peletier LA, Jirstrand M, Gabrielsson J. Joint Feedback Analysis Modeling of Nonesterified Fatty Acids in Obese Zucker Rats and Normal Sprague–Dawley Rats after Different Routes of Administration of Nicotinic Acid. J Pharmaceutical Sciences (2014), 103(8):2571–2584
Model-based prediction of progression-free survival for combination therapies in oncology
Progression-free survival (PFS) is an important clinical metric for comparing and evaluating similar treatments for the same disease within oncology. After the completion of a clinical trial, a descriptive analysis of the patients\u27 PFS is often performed post hoc using the Kaplan–Meier estimator. However, to perform predictions, more sophisticated quantitative methods are needed. Tumor growth inhibition models are commonly used to describe and predict the dynamics of preclinical and clinical tumor size data. Moreover, frameworks also exist for describing the probability of different types of events, such as tumor metastasis or patient dropout. Combining these two types of models into a so-called joint model enables model-based prediction of PFS. In this paper, we have constructed a joint model from clinical data comparing the efficacy of FOLFOX against FOLFOX + panitumumab in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. The nonlinear mixed effects framework was used to quantify interindividual variability (IIV). The model describes tumor size and PFS data well, and showed good predictive capabilities using truncated as well as external data. A machine-learning guided analysis was performed to reduce unexplained IIV by incorporating patient covariates. The model-based approach illustrated in this paper could be useful to help design clinical trials or to determine new promising drug candidates for combination therapy trials
Optimization of additive chemotherapy combinations for an in vitro cell cycle model with constant drug exposures
Proliferation of an in vitro population of cancer cells is described by a linear cell cycle model with n states, subject to provocation with m chemotherapeutic compounds. Minimization of a linear combination of constant drug exposures is considered, with stability of the system used as a constraint to ensure a stable or shrinking cell population. The main result concerns the identification of redundant compounds, and an explicit solution formula for the case where all exposures are nonzero. The orthogonal case, where each drug acts on a single and different stage of the cell cycle, leads to a version of the classic inequality between the arithmetic and geometric means. Moreover, it is shown how the general case can be solved by converting it to the orthogonal case using a linear invertible transformation. The results are illustrated with two examples corresponding to combination treatment with two and three compounds, respectively
A method for zooming of nonlinear models of biochemical systems
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Models of biochemical systems are typically complex, which may complicate the discovery of cardinal biochemical principles. It is therefore important to single out the parts of a model that are essential for the function of the system, so that the remaining non-essential parts can be eliminated. However, each component of a mechanistic model has a clear biochemical interpretation, and it is desirable to conserve as much of this interpretability as possible in the reduction process. Furthermore, it is of great advantage if we can translate predictions from the reduced model to the original model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper we present a novel method for model reduction that generates reduced models with a clear biochemical interpretation. Unlike conventional methods for model reduction our method enables the mapping of predictions by the reduced model to the corresponding detailed predictions by the original model. The method is based on proper lumping of state variables interacting on short time scales and on the computation of fraction parameters, which serve as the link between the reduced model and the original model. We illustrate the advantages of the proposed method by applying it to two biochemical models. The first model is of modest size and is commonly occurring as a part of larger models. The second model describes glucose transport across the cell membrane in baker's yeast. Both models can be significantly reduced with the proposed method, at the same time as the interpretability is conserved.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We introduce a novel method for reduction of biochemical models that is compatible with the concept of zooming. Zooming allows the modeler to work on different levels of model granularity, and enables a direct interpretation of how modifications to the model on one level affect the model on other levels in the hierarchy. The method extends the applicability of the method that was previously developed for zooming of linear biochemical models to nonlinear models.</p
A Model Based Approach for Translation in Oncology - From Xenografts to RECIST
A major problem in drug development is translating results from preclinical studies to the clinical setting. Therefore, we evalu ate the translational potential of semi mechanistic tumor models (based on xenograft data) to predict clinical oncology results (RECISTdata). Two commonly used translational methods are evaluated: (1) replacement with human PK, and (2) allometric scaling of PD pa rameters. We then compute optimal scaling coefficients given the observed clinical data and relate them to the standard allom etr icexponents in method (2). The analysis is performed for three drug combinations: binimetinib/encorafenib (shown below), binime tin ib/ribociclib, and cetuximab/encorafenib
Zooming of states and parameters using a lumping approach including back-translation
Background Systems biology models tend to become large since biological systems often consist of complex networks of interacting components, and since the models usually are developed to reflect various mechanistic assumptions of those networks. Nevertheless, not all aspects of the model are equally interesting in a given setting, and normally there are parts that can be reduced without affecting the relevant model performance. There are many methods for model reduction, but few or none of them allow for a restoration of the details of the original model after the simplified model has been simulated. Results We present a reduction method that allows for such a back-translation from the reduced to the original model. The method is based on lumping of states, and includes a general and formal algorithm for both determining appropriate lumps, and for calculating the analytical back-translation formulas. The lumping makes use of efficient methods from graph-theory and epsilon-decomposition and is derived and exemplified on two published models for fluorescence emission in photosynthesis. The bigger of these models is reduced from 26 to 6 states, with a negligible deviation from the reduced model simulations, both when comparing simulations in the states of the reduced model and when comparing back-translated simulations in the states of the original model. The method is developed in a linear setting, but we exemplify how the same concepts and approaches can be applied to non-linear problems. Importantly, the method automatically provides a reduced model with back-translations. Also, the method is implemented as a part of the systems biology toolbox for matlab, and the matlab scripts for the examples in this paper are available in the supplementary material. Conclusions Our novel lumping methodology allows for both automatic reduction of states using lumping, and for analytical retrieval of the original states and parameters without performing a new simulation. The two models can thus be considered as two degrees of zooming of the same model. This is a conceptually new development of model reduction approaches, which we think will stimulate much further research and will prove to be very useful in future modelling projects.Original Publication:Mikael Sunnaker, Henning Schmidt, Mats Jirstrand and Gunnar Cedersund, Zooming of states and parameters using a lumping approach including back-translation, 2010, BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, (4), 28.http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1752-0509-4-28Licensee: BioMed Centralhttp://www.biomedcentral.com
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