589 research outputs found
«Conselho de amigo, aviso do céu»: contributos para a análise semântico-pragmática dos atos ilocutórios de conselho e de aviso em confronto com o de ameaça
Com base em exemplos de um corpus oral de Português Europeu, o presente texto discute a organização e funcionamento do ato ilocutório de conselho e de aviso, destacando as semelhanças e diferenças entre eles e os atos de discursos como ameaças e promessas, avisos hipotéticos e ameaças condicionais. Depois da análise das noções do “querer dizer NN” de Grice e de “uptake” de Austin, destacamos a importância da relação entre intenção e convenção na análise dos atos ilocutórios de Searle com o levantamento das regras que determinam os indicadores de força ilocutória. A interpretação dos valores ilocutórios na sequencialidade das intervenções destaca a relação entre práticas discursivas e figuração.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Integrating Nursing Context And Technology Usage For English Speaking Empowerment
English for specific purposes (ESP) must be taught to meet particular needs of non-English language
students (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987, p.21). It gives direct suggestion that learning process should
be designed in such away not only to meet the learning objectives of the students but also to give
the students meaningful and enjoyable learning experiences (Crawford, 2013, p.1 81). The condition
becomes more challenging when the ESP teachers are only having English language background. It
implies that learning context, which meets the students’ needs, should be carried out in learning
process along with the suitable and enjoyable learning strategies where the students can feel the
pleasure instead of pressure. By considering the three steps of ESP course designing suggested by
Nitu (2002, p.154), this paper aims at proving the effectiveness of integrating the students’ learning
contexts and the students’ pleasure to empower the students’ speaking performance in Health
Science Faculty of Musi Charitas Catholic University Palembang. This study belongs to
experimental research with pre- and post-design. By the end of the study, it was proven that
integrating the nursing field context and the usage of technology in the classroom can help the
students improve their English speaking skills. For evidential information, some videos of learning
process are presente
Discrimination of delays of reinforcement in aversive conditioning.
<p>(a) The protein level changes of CA125 and LRG1 were confirmed in the larger sample set 2. (b) Marker distributions for the EOC patients with different histological subtypes.</p
Nachrichten aus der BrĂĽder-Gemeine, 1828, no. 05
The Moravian Church's monthly journal of its worldwide activities, including in Labrador, published from 1819-94
Retrospective database analysis of cancer risk in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in China
<p><b>Objective:</b> To investigate the association between type 2 diabetes (T2D) and the risk of overall cancer and site-specific cancers in a Chinese population.</p> <p><b>Research design and methods:</b> Tianjin Urban Employee Basic Medical Insurance database (2003–2014) was used to identify patients with newly onset T2D in 2009, patients with prevalent T2D prior to 2009, and general individuals without T2D. Overall and site-specific cancer incidence rates and incidence rate ratios relative to general population were calculated for both incident and prevalent T2D cohorts. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards models adjusting for baseline characteristics and potential bias were conducted. Subgroup analyses based on gender and age were further conducted.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> For the year 2009, 21,208 patients with onset T2D (mean age 58.8 years; 48.1% female), 28,248 patients with prevalent T2D (mean age 63.7 years; 50.2% female) and 744,339 general individuals (mean age 43.2 years; 47.7% female) were identified. Controlling for confounders, diabetic patients had an overall 56%–59% higher risk of developing cancer, among which the highest risks by site were liver (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] = 1.80–2.48), colorectal (aHR = 2.41–2.69) and stomach (aHR = 2.02–2.51) cancers (all <i>p</i> < .05). Patients with prevalent T2D had increased cancer risk in the pancreas (aHR = 4.52, <i>p</i> < .001). Female diabetic patients had increased risk in the kidneys (aHR = 3.22–3.31, <i>p</i> < .01). Patients aged between 50 and 59 years had the highest relative risk (90% higher), while the relative risk was the lowest among patients ≥70 (45% higher).</p> <p><b>Conclusion:</b> Type 2 diabetes was associated with increased overall cancer risk led by liver, colorectal and stomach cancers. Patients with longer diabetes duration were associated with higher pancreatic cancer risk and female diabetic patients had a higher risk of kidney cancer.</p
Pyridoxine Supplementation Improves the Activity of Recombinant Glutamate Decarboxylase and the Enzymatic Production of Gama-Aminobutyric Acid
<div><p>Glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) catalyzes the irreversible decarboxylation of L-glutamate to the valuable food supplement Îł-aminobutyric acid (GABA). In this study, GAD from <i>Escherichia coli</i> K12, a pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme, was overexpressed in <i>E</i>. <i>coli</i>. The GAD produced in media supplemented with 0.05 mM soluble vitamin B<sub>6</sub> analog pyridoxine hydrochloride (GAD-V) activity was 154.8 U mL<sup>-1</sup>, 1.8-fold higher than that of GAD obtained without supplementation (GAD-C). Purified GAD-V exhibited increased activity (193.4 U mg<sup>-1</sup>, 1.5-fold higher than that of GAD-C), superior thermostability (2.8-fold greater than that of GAD-C), and higher <i>k</i><sub>cat</sub>/<i>K</i><sub>m</sub> (1.6-fold higher than that of GAD-C). Under optimal conditions in reactions mixtures lacking added PLP, crude GAD-V converted 500 g L<sup>-1</sup> monosodium glutamate (MSG) to GABA with a yield of 100%, and 750 g L<sup>-1</sup> MSG with a yield of 88.7%. These results establish the utility of pyridoxine supplementation and lay the foundation for large-scale enzymatic production of GABA.</p></div
MOESM1 of Light/dark cycle enhancement and energy consumption of tubular microalgal photobioreactors with discrete double inclined ribs
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Independent validation of maximum calculating time and verification of tracked particle number: (a) the number of particles escaped from outlet of the PBR under different maximum calculating time with 1000 particles released, and (b) the impact of number of released particles on f av when the maximum calculating time is 10s
Gel filtration chromatogram of enzyme.
<p>Calibration curve of molecular weight versus elution volume. Standard: 1, Blue Dextran; 2, Apoferritin from horse spleen; 3, β-amylase; 4, Alcohol Dehydrogenase from yeast; 5, Carbonic Anhydrase from bovine.</p
Additional file 1 of E2 level > 2950 pg/ml on hCG trigger day is an independent predictor for birthweight loss of full-term singletons born after fresh embryo transfers in non-PCOS patients
Additional file 1
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