37 research outputs found
Expression profiles of genes involved in specific functions.
<p>The red-green heat maps were drawn according to FPKM value. The Gray units represent zero for FPKM value. (a) Heat map for nuclear hormone receptor E75; (b) Heat map for amylase; (c) Heat map for myosin heavy chain type a (partial); (d) Heat map for calcified cuticle protein.</p
Length distribution of all-unigenes after clustering unigenes in each group.
<p>X axis represents sequence length intervals. Y axis represents the number of unigenes in each interval.</p
Partial functional categories and genes involved in early development of <i>L. vannamei</i>.
<p>Partial functional categories and genes involved in early development of <i>L. vannamei</i>.</p
Observatoires ruraux à Madagascar : pourquoi, comment et que faire ? : analyse à partir des outils théoriques de l'économie des organisations
Figure S2. Validation of the interaction between csa-miR-4018a or csa-miR-4018b and Mapkk3–3′-UTR. (PDF 841 kb
Embryonic and larval stages during early development of <i>L. vannamei.</i>
<p>(Z, M and P are modified from Hertzler PL, 2009). The developmental stages drawn in this figure include zygote, 4-cell, blastula, gastrula, limb bud embryo, larva in membrane, NI, NIII, NVI, ZI, ZII, ZIII, MI, MII, MIII and P1.</p
HCA and PCA plots for five samples using FPKM value of unigenes.
<p>(a) Hierarchical clustering analysis plot. The height represents the Euclidean distance; (b) Principal components analysis plot. X axis represents PC1 that explains 78.7% and Y axis represents PC2 that explains 11.2% of the total variability for gene expression.</p
Information of primers used for real time PCR.
<p>Information of primers used for real time PCR.</p
Additional file 1: of Identification and characterization of microRNAs involved in ascidian larval metamorphosis
Table S1. Sequences of identified known miRNAs in C. savignyi. (DOCX 108 kb
COG classification of all-unigenes.
<p>Unigenes were classified into 25 function classes. The columns represents the number of unigenes in each class.</p