10 research outputs found
An All-Photonic Molecule-Based Parity Generator/Checker for Error Detection in Data Transmission
function of a parity generator/checker, which is an essential
operation for detecting errors in data transmission, has been realized
with multiphotochromic switches by taking advantage of a neuron-like
fluorescence response and reversible light-induced transformations
between the implicated isomers
Absorption and fluorescent properties of 8-(triazolyl)purine derivatives in methanol solution.
<p>λ<sub>abs, max</sub> and λ<sub>em, max</sub> are the wavelengths of absorption and emission maxima, respectively, and <i>Φ</i><sub><i>F</i></sub> is the fluorescence quantum yield</p><p>Absorption and fluorescent properties of 8-(triazolyl)purine derivatives in methanol solution.</p
Conformational analysis of 8a.
<p>a) NOE correlations (green arrows) in proximity of the triazole ring observed for <b>8a</b>. b) Sideview and c) topview of one of the conformations found in the NAMFIS-analysis. (All 6 NAMFIS conformations can be found in Fig. D and E in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0124423#pone.0124423.s001" target="_blank">S1 File</a>).</p
Synthesis of 14a-l.
<p>Reaction conditions: (<b>a</b>) NaN<sub>3</sub>, R<sub>3</sub>-X, Cu(I)I, NaAsc, DMEDA, DMF.</p
8-(triazolyl)purine inhibitors of MDM2/p53.
<p>8-(triazolyl)purine inhibitors of MDM2/p53.</p
NOE correlations observed for 7a.
<p>NOE correlations in proximity of the triazole ring observed for <b>7a</b>.</p
Photophysical characterization of 14b, 14f, 14g, 14h and 14i.
<p>Normalised absorption (solid lines) and emission (dashed lines) spectra of a selection of the investigated compounds (the full set of absorption and emission spectra can be found in the SI).</p
Overview of 8-(triazolyl)purine design.
<p>Schematic representation of a) an α-helix with residues present on one face of the helix (<i>i</i>, <i>i</i>+4 and <i>i</i>+7) denoted as black spheres, and b) the 8-triazolyl scaffold with R-groups denoted as black spheres. c) Superimposition of Ala-helix (black), with low energy conformations of 8-(1,4-triazolyl)-purine (turquoise) and 8-(1,5-triazolyl)-purine (yellow).</p
Synthesis of compound 1–6.
<p>Reaction conditions: (<b>a</b>) R<sub>1</sub>OH, DIAD, Ph<sub>3</sub>P, THF. (<b>b</b>) R<sub>2</sub>OH, ADDP, <i>n</i>Bu<sub>3</sub>P, THF. (<b>c</b>) DMF, MW, 180°C. (<b>d</b>) PyBr<sub>3</sub>, CH<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub>. (<b>e</b>) (i) Pd(II)Cl<sub>2</sub>(PPh<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>, Cu(I)I, Amberlite IRA-67, TMS-acetylene, MW, 110°C. (ii) PS-F, THF.</p
Small molecule inhibitors bound to MDM2.
<p>a) Crystal structure of a piperidinone-based inhibitor bound to MDM2 (PDB code: 4HBM)[<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0124423#pone.0124423.ref037" target="_blank">37</a>] and b) type II inhibitor (R<sub>1</sub> = indanyl, R<sub>2</sub> = propyl, R<sub>3</sub> = methyl and R<sub>4</sub> = NHCH<sub>2</sub>COOH) docked into the MDM2 binding site.</p