26 research outputs found
Global buckling response of web-core steel sandwich plates influenced by general corrosion
A web-core steel sandwich plate is a lightweight, orthotropic structure. The constituent thin plates (2-4 mm) are joined by laser-welding. This thesis investigates the buckling and post-buckling behaviour of slender web-core sandwich plates loaded in the direction of the web plates. The influence of corrosion on the plate buckling is studied via finite element method (FEM). The corrosion scenario used is based on experimental observations from specimens submerged into the sea for 1 and 2 years. The plate strength analyses are performed with two methods: FEM having shell element mesh of the three-dimensional topology and the equivalent single-layer theory (ESL). In the later, the sandwich plate is represented with constant, homogenised stiffness coefficients, which are related to physical properties of the structure.
The first buckling mode of slender web-core sandwich plates is characterised with global deformation between the edge supports. The buckling strength depends on the bending and transverse shear stiffnesses. This thesis revealed that the buckling strength is very sensitive to the variation in transverse shear stiffness opposite to the web plate direction, DQy, especially in sandwich plates with high bending stiffness. Furthermore, the stiffness of the sandwich plate as a whole in the post-buckling is controlled by that of the in-plane stiffness. The web plates impose high, shear-induced, secondary bending stresses on the face plates and these were found to be important for accurate estimation of the onset of yielding. The deformation resulting from the secondary bending of the face plates makes the unloaded edge stiffer. Although membrane stress can be higher there, local buckling during global post-buckling occurs further away where the secondary deformations are smaller, primarily in the centre of the face plate (x=a/2, y=b/2). Furthermore, the corrosion tests revealed that the cross-section is primarily affected by general corrosion. Under this circumstance, the reduction of the thickness of the face and web plates reduces the stiffness coefficients and also the buckling strength linearly. The buckling strength reduces rapidly, especially because of the reduction in the transverse shear stiffness DQy. The reduction of buckling strength doubles if, in addition to the outer faces, corrosion also occurs inside the sandwich plate. Beam bending tests also showed rapid reduction of the ultimate strength but, in addition, that it can be maintained using different protection methods. The results thus indicate that the protection against corrosion should be carefully performed.
The future work will involve improving the accuracy of the ESL theory in the presence of local buckling
āHealingā and ārepairingā techniques for faster optimization with genetic algorithm
This paper presents two techniques, the āhealingā and ārepairingā that can reduce optimization time when using genetic algorithm for structural optimization. The techniques can be applied to: (a) quickly find feasible designs from completely infeasible set of alternatives, and (b) to make the best infeasible designs feasible. These procedures are implemented into a genetic algorithm āVOPā. The performance of the original and the modified version of the algorithm are compared with the widespread genetic algorithm āNSGA-IIā for the weight optimization of a 40 000 DWT chemical tanker midship section. The results show that these procedures can decrease the optimization time by approximately half.Peer reviewe
Graph Neural Network for Stress Predictions in Stiffened Panels Under Uniform Loading
Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques have gained
significant attention as reduced order models (ROMs) to computationally
expensive structural analysis methods, such as finite element analysis (FEA).
Graph neural network (GNN) is a particular type of neural network which
processes data that can be represented as graphs. This allows for efficient
representation of complex geometries that can change during conceptual design
of a structure or a product. In this study, we propose a novel graph embedding
technique for efficient representation of 3D stiffened panels by considering
separate plate domains as vertices. This approach is considered using Graph
Sampling and Aggregation (GraphSAGE) to predict stress distributions in
stiffened panels with varying geometries. A comparison between a
finite-element-vertex graph representation is conducted to demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed approach. A comprehensive parametric study is
performed to examine the effect of structural geometry on the prediction
performance. Our results demonstrate the immense potential of graph neural
networks with the proposed graph embedding method as robust reduced-order
models for 3D structures.Comment: 20 pages; 7 figure
Load-carrying behaviour of web-core sandwich plates in compression
This paper investigates theoretically the compressive load-carrying behaviour of geometrically imperfect web-core sandwich plates. Slender plates, which first buckle globally, are considered. The study is carried out using two approaches, both solved with the finite element method. The first is the equivalent single-layer theory approach. First-order shear deformation theory is used. The second approach is a three-dimensional shell model of a sandwich plate. Plates are loaded in the web plate direction. Simply supported and clamped boundary conditions are considered with a different level of in-plane restraint on the unloaded edge. The results show that the behaviour of the sandwich plate is qualitatively equal to the isotropic plate of the same bending stiffness for deflections lower than the plate thickness. As the deflections increase, the lower in-plane stiffness of the sandwich plate results in lower post-buckling stiffness. Local buckling of face plates in the post-buckling range of the sandwich plate further reduces the structural stiffness.Peer reviewe
Vectorization in the Structural Optimization of a Fast Ferry
Vectorization assumes the conversion of constraints into objective functions. It turns a singleobjective, or scalar, optimization into a search for a Pareto optimal set, which will enhance the search for the optimum. Vectorization is studied here within a structural optimization of fast ferryās midship section for the minimum of steel weight. Optimization applies a simple genetic algorithm (GA), whose performance is observed over both scalar and vectorized problem formulations. The obtained results show that the applied GA can improve the referenced design, and that the improvement can be signifi cantly better if vectorization is applied
Stress and frequency optimization of prismatic sandwich beams with joints: Performance improvements through topology optimization
Prismatic sandwich panels fabricated from metals offer a compelling
alternative to more traditional panels across diverse industries, primarily due
to their superior strength-to-weight ratio. Although several core types were
proposed in the past, further improvements in performance could be achieved by
devising the topology of the core through a topology optimization framework,
which is explored in this article for the first time. Another novelty is the
inclusion of joints between the sandwich beams and its surroundings in the
analysis and optimization. Stress is minimized under uniform pressure loading
on the beams and natural frequency maximized using the Method of Moving
Asymptotes. The results are compared with X-core, Y-core, corrugated-core, and
web-core sandwich beams, a few conventional prismatic sandwich types, which are
optimized using a prominent global evolutionary algorithm. Manufacturing
requirements are considered through practical limitations on the design
variables. It is shown that structures produced by topology optimization
outperform the conventional sandwich beams by up to 44% at intermediate to high
mass levels, where volume fraction is between 0.2 and 0.4, but often through
increased topological complexity. The new core topologies bear a certain
resemblance with the conventional core types, underscoring engineering
ingenuity that went into their development over the years. The topology of the
optimized joints differs from the conventional joint. The results also show
some limitations of the topology optimization framework, for example that it
does not offer better-performing beams for volume fractions below 0.2.Comment: 17 pages, 3 tables, 19 figures, journal pape
Graph Neural Network for Stress Predictions in Stiffened Panels
Graph neural network (GNN) is a particular type of neural network which processes data that can be
represented as graphs. This allows for efficient representation of complex geometries that can change
during conceptual design of a structure or a product, such as ship structures, replacing computationally
expensive finite element analysis (FEA) in optimization. In this study, we demonstrate how GNN
can be used to predict stress distributions in stiffened panels with varying geometries under patch
loading, for which we use Graph Sampling and Aggregation (GraphSAGE) network. Parametric study
is performed to examine the effect of structural geometry on the prediction performance. Our results
demonstrate the immense potential of graph neural networks with the proposed graph embedding
method as robust reduced-order models for 3D structures
Global buckling and post-buckling of web-core sandwich and stiffened panels: sensitivity to general corrosion
Corrosion can lead to reduction of structural stiffness and strength. This paper investigates the influence of a reduction in the thickness of the plates as a result of general corrosion on sandwich panel buckling load and onset of plasticity. The results are compared to the stiffened panel of the same in-plane and bending stiffness. Current guidelines for corrosion protection threat these two structures equally. Load-shortening curves are obtained with the finite element method, with the kinematics being represented using two approaches: (1) equivalent single-layer with first-order shear deformation theory, and (2) a three-dimensional model of the actual geometry of the structure, modeled using shell and connector elements. The former is also used to identify the influence of corrosion on the stiffness coefficients and, consequently, the buckling load, also via analytical equation. The decrease of the buckling load is found higher in sandwich panel than in stiffened panel. The reduction is especially high in the case of the diffusion of moisture (water) into the core. The reason for the higher sensitivity of sandwich panel is a larger reduction of transverse shear stiffness opposite to the stiffener direction due to corrosion.Peer reviewe
Influence of general corrosion on buckling strength of laser-welded web-core sandwich plates
The strength of a web-core steel sandwich plate is potentially reduced in a corrosive environment. This study is dedicated to the influence of a reduction in the thickness of the plates as a result of general corrosion on sandwich plate buckling strength and first-fibre failure. Two scenarios are investigated in which corrosion reduces the thickness of (a) the outer sides of the face plates and (b) all surfaces, including the core. The laser weld between the face sheets and the core is assumed to be intact. The assumptions are made on the basis of earlier experimental findings. Critical buckling and geometric non-linear analysis are carried out with the finite element method, with the kinematics being represented using two approaches: (1) equivalent single-layer with first-order shear deformation theory, and (2) a three-dimensional model of the actual geometry of the structure, modelled using shell and connector elements. The former is used to identify the effect of corrosion on the stiffness coefficients and, consequently, the buckling strength. The later is used for verification and for stress prediction during post-buckling. A rapid decrease in the buckling strength was found for corrosion affecting the outer sides of the sandwich plate. The decrease in the buckling strength doubled in the case of the diffusion of moisture (water) into the core. The shear-induced secondary bending of the faces was found to affect the first-fibre yield.Peer reviewe
Mnogo je naÄina za poboljÅ”anje brodske strukture, s ciljem zadovoljenja zahtjeva brodogradiliÅ”ta i brodovlasnika. NaÄini se odnose na karakteristike brodske strukture, koje su u osnovi sukobljene na naÄin da se poboljÅ”anje jedne karakteristike ne može postiÄi a da se ne pogorÅ”a neka druga. Te su karakteristike uobiÄajeno: troÅ”kovi, masa, pouzdanost, sigurnost, stabilitet. Cilj je pronalaženje kompromisa s obzirom na važnost pojedine karakteristike. U tom su smislu evolucijski algoritmi, kao optimizacijski alati, kod veÄine inženjerskih problema dokazali svoju valjanost, buduÄi da uspjeÅ”no upravljaju velikim brojem varijabli i ograniÄenja, a u posljednje vrijeme i funkcija cilja. Proces usavrÅ”avanja tih alata ostvaruje se hibridnim rjeÅ”enjima koja spajaju najbolje od nekoliko razliÄitih pristupa. Stvaranje jednog algoritma koji bi bio primjenjiv na sve probleme je nemoguÄe. U ovom je radu prikazano nekoliko važnijih pristupa i metoda genetskog algoritma s viÅ”e funkcija cilja s ciljem usmjeravanja struÄnjaka koji ulaze u podruÄje strukturne optimizacije na one metode koje su dokazale svoju valjanost u praktiÄnim primjenama.There are numerous means of enhancing ship structure in an attempt to satisfy both the shipyard and the ship owner requirements. These means are addressed as a shipās attributes and they are regularly contrary in meaning, such that the improvement in one cannot be achieved without making some other worse. Typically these are e.g. cost, weight, reliability, safety and stability, which can be minimized or maximized to improve the final design. A compromise obviously has to be made between them, depending upon the importance of each attribute. Evolutionary algorithms have proven their worthiness in a great variety of practical engineering problems, handling many variables, constraints and objectives. However, the need to improve them is always present. This has recently been done by hybridization, combining different approaches in order to get the best of them. To devise an algorithm which will be applicable to all problems is impossible. In this review, for the purpose of directing the experts entering in the field of structural optimization, only a few of the most important approaches and multi-objective algorithms have been presented