52 research outputs found
Exact Holography of the Mass-deformed M2-brane Theory
We test the holographic relation between the vacuum expectation values of
gauge invariant operators in mass-deformed ABJM theory and the LLM geometries with
orbifold in 11-dimensional supergravity. To do that, we apply
the Kaluza-Klein reduction to construct a 4-dimensional gravity theory and
implement the holographic renormalization procedure. We obtain an exact
holographic relation for the vacuum expectation values of the chiral primary
operator with conformal dimension , which is given by , for large and
. Here factor is independent of . Our results involve
infinite number of exact dual relations for all possible supersymmetric Higgs
vacua and so provide a nontrivial test of gauge/gravity duality away from the
conformal fixed point. We also extend our results to the case of for
LLM geometries represented by rectangular-shaped Young-diagrams.Comment: 6 pages, major corrections in section 3 and 4, references added,
title change
Abelian Gauge Invariance of the WZ-type Coupling in ABJM Theory
We construct the interaction terms between the worldvolume fields of multiple
M2-branes and 3-form gauge field of 11-dimensional supergravity, in the context
of ABJM theory. The obtained Wess-Zumino-type coupling is simultaneously
invariant under the UU non-Abelian
gauge transformation of the ABJM theory and the Abelian gauge transformation of
the 3-form field in 11-dimensional supergravity.Comment: 16 pages, minor corrections, published versio
Gravity from Entanglement and RG Flow in a Top-down Approach
The duality between a -dimensional conformal field theory with relevant
deformation and a gravity theory on an asymptotically AdS geometry, has
become a suitable tool in the investigation of the emergence of gravity from
quantum entanglement in field theory. Recently, we have tested the duality
between the mass-deformed ABJM theory and asymptotically AdS gravity
theory, which is obtained from the KK reduction of the 11-dimensional
supergravity on the LLM geometry. In this paper, we extend the KK reduction
procedure beyond the linear order and establish non-trivial KK maps between
4-dimensional fields and 11-dimensional fluctuations. We rely on this
gauge/gravity duality to calculate the entanglement entropy by using the
Ryu-Takayanagi holographic formula and the path integral method developed by
Faulkner. We show that the entanglement entropies obtained using these two
methods agree when the asymptotically AdS metric satisfies the linearized
Einstein equation with nonvanishing energy-momentum tensor for two scalar
fields. These scalar fields encode the information of the relevant deformation
of the ABJM theory. This confirms that the asymptotic limit of LLM geometry is
the emergent gravity of the quantum entanglement in the mass-deformed ABJM
theory with a small mass parameter. We also comment on the issue of the
relative entropy and the Fisher information in our setup.Comment: 42 pages, no figure, minor corrections, references adde
Mass-deformed ABJM Theory and LLM Geometries: Exact Holography
We present a detailed account and extension of our claim in arXiv:1610.01490.
We test the gauge/gravity duality between the mass-deformed ABJM
theory with UU gauge symmetry and the 11-dimensional
supergravity on LLM geometries with SO(4)/
SO(4)/ isometry, in the large limit. Our analysis is
based on the evaluation of vacuum expectation values of chiral primary
operators from the supersymmetric vacua of mass-deformed ABJM theory and from
the implementation of Kaluza-Klein holography to the LLM geometries. We focus
on the chiral primary operator with conformal dimension . We show
that for
all supersymmetric vacuum solutions and LLM geometries with , where the
factor is independent of . We also confirm that the vacuum
expectation value of the the energy momentum tensor is vanishing as expected by
the supersymmetry. We extend our results to the case of for LLM
geometries represented by rectangular-shaped Young-diagrams. In analogy with
the Coulomb branch of the super Yang-Mills theory, we argue that
the discrete Higgs vacua of the mABJM theory as well as the corresponding LLM
geometries are parametrized by the vevs of the chiral primary operators.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figure, major corrections in section 3 and 5, references
added, title change
Holography of Massive M2-brane Theory: Non-linear Extension
We investigate the gauge/gravity duality between the
mass-deformed ABJM theory with UU gauge symmetry and the
11-dimensional supergravity on LLM geometries with
SO(2,1)SO(4)/ SO(4)/ isometry, in
terms of a KK holography, which involves quadratic order field redefinitions.
As a non-trivial extension of the previous work arXiv:1612.05066, we implement
the KK mappings for various gauge invariant fields up to quadratic order to
obtain 4-dimensional gravity fields. The non-linearity of the KK maps indicates
that, in the current case, we can observe the true purpose of the non-linear KK
holography of the LLM solutions. Using such KK holography procedure, we obtain
the vacuum expectation values of the chiral primary operator of conformal
dimension in the large limit but with general and examine
the gauge/gravity duality for LLM solutions, which are represented by
square-shaped Young diagrams. We also show that the vacuum expectation values
of the massive KK graviton modes are vanishing as expected by the
supersymmetry.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures, minor corrections, references adde
Holography of Massive M2-brane Theory with Discrete Torsion
We investigate the gauge/gravity duality between the
mass-deformed ABJ theory with UU gauge symmetry and
the 11-dimensional supergravity on LLM geometries with
SO(2,1)SO(4)/SO(4)/ isometry and
the discrete torsion . For chiral primary operators with conformal
dimensions , we obtain the exact vacuum expectation values using
the holographic method in 11-dimensional supergravity and show that the results
depend on the shapes of droplet pictures in LLM geometries. The
contributions from the discrete torsion for several
simple droplet pictures in the large limit are determined in holographic
vacuum expectation values. We also explore the effects of the orbifolding
and the asymptotic discrete torsion , on the gauge/gravity
duality dictionary and on the nature of the asymptotic limits of the LLM
geometries.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, The subleading contributions from the field
theory calculations are reinterprete
RAST-K v2-Three-Dimensional Nodal Diffusion Code for Pressurized Water Reactor Core Analysis
The RAST-K v2, a novel nodal diffusion code, was developed at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) for designing the cores of pressurized water reactors (PWR) and performing analyses with high accuracy and computational performance by adopting state-of-the-art calculation models and various engineering features. It is a three-dimensional multi-group nodal diffusion code developed for the steady and transient states using microscopic cross-sections generated by the STREAM code for 37 isotopes. A depletion chain containing 22 actinides and 15 fission products and burnable absorbers was solved using the Chebyshev rational approximation method. A simplified one-dimensional single-channel thermal-hydraulic calculation was performed with various values for the thermal conductivity. Advanced features such as burnup adaptation and CRUD modeling capabilities are implemented for the multi-cycle analysis of commercial reactor power plants. The performance of RAST-K v2 has been validated with the measured data of PWRs operating in Korea. Furthermore, RAST-K v2 has been coupled with a sub-channel code (CTF), fuel performance code (FRAPCON), and water chemistry code for multiphysics analyses. In this paper, the calculation models and engineering features implemented in RAST-K v2 are described, and then the application status of RAST-K v2 is presented
Correction: Jang, D., et al. The Downscaling Study for Typhoon-Induced Coastal Inundation. Water 2020, 12, 1103
The authors wish to make the following corrections to this paper [...
A Broadband PVT-Insensitive All-nMOS Noise-Canceling Balun-LNA for Subgigahertz Wireless Communication Applications
A broadband process, voltage, and temperature (PVT)-insensitive noise-canceling balun-low-noise amplifier (LNA) was implemented in the 0.13-μm CMOS process for subgigahertz wireless communication applications. The proposed LNA is based on the traditional common-gate common-source (CGCS) balun-LNA topology, and it adopts the diode-connected loads to reduce the noise contribution originated from CGCS transistors and enhance the linearity due to post linearization. The auxiliary common-source (CS) amplifier with a diode-connected is added to reduce the overall noise figure (NF) of the LNA by sharing an input signal with CGCS transistors and applying its output signal to the diode-connected load of CS transistor. Because the voltage gain of the LNA is determined by the transconductance (gₘ) ratio of the same types of nMOS transistors, its power gain (S₂₁) and NF are quite roust over PVT variations. In experiments, it showed S₂₁ of 14 dB and NF of 4 dB with an input return loss (S₁₁) of greater than 10 dB at 450 MHz. Concerning voltage variation (1.08-1.32 V) and temperature variation (-20 °C ~ +80 °C), the worst variations in S₂₁ and NF were approximately 1.4 and 1.1 dB, respectively. IEEE1
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