11 research outputs found
Demographics, smoking history and SSc subtype and serology.
<p>NA- not assessed/available</p><p>lcSSc- limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis</p><p>dcSSc- diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis</p><p>SSc/PPM- Systemic sclerosis and polymyositis overlap</p><p>ACA- anticentromere antibody</p><p>SCL-70- anti-SCL 70 antibody</p><p>RNA Pol- anti-RNA polymerase III antibody</p><p>* SCL-70 not assessed</p><p>Demographics, smoking history and SSc subtype and serology.</p
Pulmonary function testing and Computed Tomography findings.
<p>*Total lung capacity, in all other cases FVC and TLC were similar</p><p>NSIP- non-specific interstitial pneumonia</p><p>UIP- usual interstitial pneumonia</p><p>Fib nos- fibrosis not otherwise specified</p><p>EMPHY- emphysema</p><p>NA- not assessed/available</p><p>Pulmonary function testing and Computed Tomography findings.</p
Computed Tomography showing (A) a left upper lobe lung mass with UIP basilar predominant fibrosis and (B) a left lower lobe consolidation (lung cancer) with NSIP.
<p>Computed Tomography showing (A) a left upper lobe lung mass with UIP basilar predominant fibrosis and (B) a left lower lobe consolidation (lung cancer) with NSIP.</p
Tumor characteristics and prognosis.
<p>NA- not assessed/available</p><p>WT: wild type</p><p>Tumor characteristics and prognosis.</p
Sections from the tumor of one of the patients with hematoxylin and eosin staining shows infiltrating tumor glands with acinar, lepidic and focal papillary features with surrounding areas of dense fibrosis and scattered chronic inflammation (A).
<p>These tumor cells stain positive with TTF-1 (B).</p
Left Heart Parameters by COPD Severity.
<p>LV; left ventricular, LA; left atrial.</p><p>*ANOVA comparing mild, moderate, moderately severe.</p
The correlation between right ventricular echocardiographic parameters and pulmonary artery systolic pressure estimates.
<p>Panel 1A: The correlation between pulmonary artery systolic pressure (mmHg) and right ventricular wall thickness (cm). Panel 1B: The correlation between pulmonary artery systolic pressure (mmHg) and right ventricular basilar diameter (cm). Panel 1C: The correlation between pulmonary artery systolic pressure (mmHg) and right atrial area (cm<sup>2</sup>). Panel 1D: The correlation between pulmonary artery systolic pressure (mmHg) and right ventricular end diastolic area (cm<sup>2</sup>).</p
Comparison of Diastolic Function.
<p>BMI; body mass index, FVC; forced vital capacity, FEV1; forced expiratory volume in one second, Ratio; FEV1/FVC ratio, TLC; total lung capacity, RV; residual volume, DLCO; diffusion capacity of carbon monoxide, O2; oxygen.</p
Right Heart Parameters by COPD Severity.
<p>RV; right ventricular, TR; tricuspid regurgitant jet peak velocity, PASP; pulmonary artery systolic pressure, TAPSE; tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion.</p><p>*ANOVA comparing mild, moderate, moderately severe.</p
Patient Characteristics.
<p>FVC; forced vital capacity, FEV<sub>1</sub>; forced expiratory volume in 1 second, ratio; FEV<sub>1</sub>/FVC ratio, TLC; total lung capacity, FRC; functional residual capacity, RV; residual volume, DLCO; diffusing capacity of carbon monoxide, 6MWD; six minute walk distance, MMRC; modified medical research council, BODE; <u>B</u>ody mass index, degree of <u>O</u>bstruction (FEV<sub>1</sub>), <u>D</u>yspnea score (MMRC scale), <u>E</u>xercise capacity (six minute walk distance).</p