893 research outputs found
In-situ studies of bulk deformation structures: Static properties under load and Dynamics during deformation
(Abridged, full abstract available in the text)
The main goal of the study presented in this thesis was to perform in-situ
investigations on deformation structures in plastically deformed
polycrystalline copper at low degrees (<5%) of tensile deformation. Copper is
taken as a model system for pure fcc metals.
A novel synchrotron-radiation based technique has been developed. The
technique allows for in-situ 3D reciprocal space mapping of reflections from
deeply-embedded individual grains in polycrystalline samples during tensile
deformation. We have shown that the resulting 3D maps from copper, consists of
bright sharp peaks superimposed on a cloud of enhanced intensity. It is
concluded that the individual peaks arise from the individual dislocation-free
regions (the subgrains) in the dislocation structure.
Based on data taken under static load, the strain distribution in and between
the individual subgrains is analyzed and compared to composite type models. The
consequences of stress relaxation and unloading is moreover discussed. The
dynamics of the dislocation structure are investigated by continuous and
stepwise deformation experiments. On the basis of such data the unset of
subgrain formation and the subgrain refinement process is analyzed.Comment: Ph.D. thesis, 120 pages, 45 figure
I artiklen beskrives fænomenet kærlighed med særligt henblik på dets rolle i den voksnes liv og udvikling. Med udgangspunkt i den eksistentielle og humanistiske psykologi beskrives kærligheden som en afgørende form for menneskelig livsudfoldelse. Kærlighedens centrale kerne indkredses og dens mere perifere repræsentationer omtales ligesom dens opblanding med andre livsudtryk. Også kærligheden som kulturfænomen beskrives, og spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt vort nuværende samfund er tilstrækkeligt kærlighedsrigt, rejses. Til sidst føres artiklens analyse over i en udpegning af, hvilke muligheder det voksne individ har for at fremme sin egen kærlighed gennem sin voksenudvikling, og hvilke muligheder vi som psykologer har for at hjælpe i denne proces
Communication: High pressure specific heat spectroscopy reveals simple relaxation behavior of glass forming molecular liquid
The frequency dependent specific heat has been measured under pressure for
the molecular glass forming liquid 5-polyphenyl-4-ether in the viscous regime
close to the glass transition. The temperature and pressure dependence of the
characteristic timescale associated with the specific heat is compared to the
equivalent timescale from dielectric spectroscopy performed under identical
conditions. It is shown that the ratio between the two timescales is
independent of both temperature and pressure. This observation is non-trivial
and demonstrates the existence of specially simple molecular liquids in which
different physical relaxation processes are both as function of temperature and
pressure/density governed by the same underlying "inner clock". Furthermore,
the results are discussed in terms of the recent conjecture that van der Waals
liquids, like the measured liquid, comply to the isomorph theory.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
Investigation of the shear-mechanical and dielectric relaxation processes in two mono-alcohols close to the glass transition
Shear-mechanical and dielectric measurements on the two monohydroxy
(mono-alcohol) molecular glass formers 2-ethyl-1-hexanol and 2-butanol close to
the glass transition temperature are presented. The shear-mechanical data are
obtained using the piezoelectric shear-modulus gauge method covering
frequencies from 1mHz to 10kHz. The shear-mechanical relaxation spectra show
two processes, which follow the typical scenario of a structural (alpha)
relaxation and an additional (Johari-Goldstein) beta relaxation. The dielectric
relaxation spectra are dominated by a Debye-type peak with an additional
non-Debye peak visible. This Debye-type relaxation is a common feature peculiar
to mono-alcohols. The time scale of the non-Debye dielectric relaxation process
is shown to correspond to the mechanical structural (alpha) relaxation.
Glass-transition temperatures and fragilities are reported based on the
mechanical alpha relaxation and the dielectric Debye-type process, showing that
the two glass-transition temperatures differ by approximately 10K and that the
fragility based on the Debye-type process is a factor of two smaller than the
structural fragility. If a mechanical signature of the Debye-type relaxation
exists in these liquids, its relaxation strength is at most 1% and 3% of the
full relaxation strength of 2-butanol and 2-ethyl-1-hexanol respectively. These
findings support the notion that it is the non-Debye dielectric relaxation
process that corresponds to the structural alpha relaxation in the liquid.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Minor corrections, updated figures, more
dielectric data show
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