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    Masalah sampah menjadi ancaman terbesar bagi seluruh umat manusia, baik bangsa maupunnegara kita. Banyaknya sampah sangat merugikan tidak hanya merusak kesehatan manusia,membunuh berbagai hewan dilindungi, tetapi juga merusak lingkungan secara sistematis.Dalam rangka pengabdian kepada masyarakat dan mempertimbangkan pentingnyapembekalan dan pelatihan mengenai kewirausahaan kepada karang taruna sebagai penggerakmasyarakat, penulis mengadakan sosialisasi pemanfaatan limbah sampah rumah tanggadalam Program Bank Sampah kepada karang taruna sebagai penggerak masyarakat dan iburumah tangga sebagai pengelola program. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah para pemuda usiaproduktif Karang Taruna Kelurahan/Desa Adiarsa Timur. Secara umum profil Karang Tarunadi Kelurahan/Desa Adiarsa Timur adalah usia pemuda-pemudi Karang Taruna dan Ibu RumahTangga berkisar antara 18 sampai dengan 40 tahun dan profesinya terdiri dari karyawanswasta, buruh lepas, pedagang keliling dan ibu rumah tangga. Metode yang digunakan adalahmetode ceramah dan tanya jawab. Pembahasan dari hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakatadalah dengan membuat bisnis kreasi sampah plastik, botol bekas dan budidaya Maggot dapatmenjadi salah satu gerakan pemberdayaan di lingkungan Desa. Ini merupakan salah satukekuatan produk yang dapat dikomunikasikan pada konsumen. Proses produksi yangmelibatkan banyak pihak, mulai dari peternak, pemulung, penjahit, dan lain-lain. Menjalankanbisnis sampah plastik, botol bekas dan budidaya Maggot berarti menambah lapanganpekerjaan dan membuka kemungkinan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat di Desa AdiarsaTimur. Memberdayakan Ibu Rumah Tangga dan juga para kepala rumah tangga agar ikutandil dalam menjaga lingkungan dan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian di Desa AdiarsaTimur.Kata kunci : Sosialisasi, Strategi, Pemanfaatan Sampah The problem of waste to be the greatest threat to all humankind , people and our country .Thetrash numbers is very harmful is not only damaging to human health , kill a variety of animalsare protected , but it even corrupts its environment in a systematic .In order to devotion to thecommunity and consider the importance of training and training on entrepreneurship to karangtaruna for supporting people , writer arrange the socialization the utilization of waste ofhousehold waste in the program trash bank to karang taruna for supporting people andhousewives as the manager of the program. The objective of this activity is the youth reproductiveage the organization village / adiarsa. east villageIn general the profile of the organization in kelurahan / adiarsa village east is the pledge of the organization and housewives 40 18 rangedfrom to years and their private, consisting of employees workers off, mobile vendors andhousewives.Methods used is the method and a question and answer session.The discussion of thedevotion to the community is to make business creation, plastic waste bottles and cultivating amaggot could be one of the village. empowerment movement. This is one of the product that canbe communicated to consumers.The production process involving many parties, ranging fromfarmers, , scavengers tailor, and others.Running a business, plastic waste bottles and cultivatinga maggot thus increasing the employment and possible the increase in community welfare in thevillage east adiarsa.Empower housewives and the heads of household to a share in protecting theenvironment and may improve economic conditions in the village east adiarsa.Keywords : Socialization, Strategy, Utilization of Tras


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    Layout is one of the most important things in a company in designing the needs and facilities that support a business and production process. The purpose of this study was to make a facility layout plan for the trolley assembly practicum at the Production and Manufacturing Systems Laboratory, Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang. The method used in this study uses the blocplan algorithm analysis method. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, making part drawings and operation process charts are used to obtain an accurate and unambiguous description of the geometric features of a component and obtain an overview of the plant layout requirements obtained based on the needs of raw materials, machines, and the efficiency of each operating process and examination, while activity relationship chart analysis, blocplan algorithm analysis and area allocation diagram analysis were used to determine a detailed description or layout template for factory facilities in the hope of optimizing productivity and reducing company losses