124 research outputs found
Cavity-assisted squeezing of a mechanical oscillator
We investigate the creation of squeezed states of a vibrating membrane or a
movable mirror in an opto-mechanical system. An optical cavity is driven by
squeezed light and couples via radiation pressure to the membrane/mirror,
effectively providing a squeezed heat-bath for the mechanical oscillator. Under
the conditions of laser cooling to the ground state, we find an efficient
transfer of squeezing with roughly 60% of light squeezing conveyed to the
membrane/mirror (on a dB scale). We determine the requirements on the carrier
frequency and the bandwidth of squeezed light. Beyond the conditions of ground
state cooling, we predict mechanical squashing to be observable in current
systems.Comment: 7.1 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR
Continuous mode cooling and phonon routers for phononic quantum networks
We study the implementation of quantum state transfer protocols in phonon
networks, where in analogy to optical networks, quantum information is
transmitted through propagating phonons in extended mechanical resonator arrays
or phonon waveguides. We describe how the problem of a non-vanishing thermal
occupation of the phononic quantum channel can be overcome by implementing
optomechanical multi- and continuous mode cooling schemes to create a 'cold'
frequency window for transmitting quantum states. In addition, we discuss the
implementation of phonon circulators and switchable phonon routers, which rely
on strong coherent optomechanical interactions only, and do not require strong
magnetic fields or specific materials. Both techniques can be applied and
adapted to various physical implementations, where phonons coupled to spin or
charge based qubits are used for on-chip networking applications.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures. Final version, a few minor changes and updated
Selfoscillations of Suspended Carbon Nanotubes with a Deflection Sensitive Resistance under Voltage Bias
We theoretically investigate the electro-mechanics of a Suspended Carbon
Nanotube with a Deflection Sensitive Resistance subjected to a homogeneous
Magnetic Field and a constant Voltage Bias. We show that, (with the exception
of a singular case), for a sufficiently high magnetic field the
time-independent state of charge transport through the nanotube becomes
unstable to selfexcitations of the mechanical vibration accompanied by
oscialltions in the voltage drop and current across the nanotube.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
Proteomic Profiles of Exosomes of Septic Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department Compared to Healthy Controls
BACKGROUND: Septic Emergency Department (ED) patients provide a unique opportunity to investigate early sepsis. Recent work focuses on exosomes, nanoparticle-sized lipid vesicles (30-130 nm) that are released into the bloodstream to transfer its contents (RNA, miRNA, DNA, protein) to other cells. Little is known about how early changes related to exosomes may contribute to the dysregulated inflammatory septic response that leads to multi-organ dysfunction. We aimed to evaluate proteomic profiles of plasma derived exosomes obtained from septic ED patients and healthy controls.
METHODS: This is a prospective observational pilot study evaluating a plasma proteomic exosome profile at an urban tertiary care hospital ED using a single venipuncture blood draw, collecting 40 cc Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) blood.
MEASUREMENTS: We recruited seven patients in the ED within 6 h of their presentation and five healthy controls. Plasma exosomes were isolated using the Invitrogen Total Exosome Isolation Kit. Exosome proteomic profiles were analyzed using fusion mass spectroscopy and Proteome Discoverer. Principal component analysis (PCA) and differential expression analysis (DEA) for sepsis versus control was performed.
RESULTS: PCA of 261 proteins demonstrated septic patients and healthy controls were distributed in two groups. DEA revealed that 62 (23.8%) proteins differed between the exosomes of septic patients and healthy controls,
CONCLUSION: Exosome proteomic profiles of septic ED patients differ from their healthy counterparts with regard to acute phase response and inflammation
Exciton-assisted optomechanics with suspended carbon nanotubes
We propose a framework for inducing strong optomechanical effects in a
suspended carbon nanotube based on deformation potential exciton-phonon
coupling. The excitons are confined using an inhomogeneous axial electric field
which generates optically active quantum dots with a level spacing in the
milli-electronvolt range and a characteristic size in the 10-nanometer range. A
transverse field induces a tunable parametric coupling between the quantum dot
and the flexural modes of the nanotube mediated by electron-phonon
interactions. We derive the corresponding excitonic deformation potentials and
show that this interaction enables efficient optical ground-state cooling of
the fundamental mode and could allow us to realise the strong and ultra-strong
coupling regimes of the Jaynes-Cummings and Rabi models.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure
Master Equation for the Motion of a Polarizable Particle in a Multimode Cavity
We derive a master equation for the motion of a polarizable particle weakly
interacting with one or several strongly pumped cavity modes. We focus here on
massive particles with complex internal structure such as large molecules and
clusters, for which we assume a linear scalar polarizability mediating the
particle-light interaction. The predicted friction and diffusion coefficients
are in good agreement with former semiclassical calculations for atoms and
small molecules in weakly pumped cavities, while the current rigorous quantum
treatment and numerical assessment sheds a light on the feasibility of
experiments that aim at optically manipulating beams of massive molecules with
multimode cavities.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure
Overexpression of sphingosine kinase 1 is associated with salivary gland carcinoma progression and might be a novel predictive marker for adjuvant therapy
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Overexpression of sphingosine kinase-1 (SPHK1) has been demonstrated to be associated with the development and progression in various types of human cancers. The current study was to characterize the expression of SPHK1 in salivary gland carcinomas (SGC) and to investigate the association between SPHK1 expression and progression of SGC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The expression of SPHK1 was examined in 2 normal salivary gland tissues, 8 SGC tissues of various clinical stages, and 5 pairs of primary SGC and adjacent salivary gland tissues from the same patient, using real-time PCR and western blot analysis. Furthermore, the SPHK1 protein expression was analyzed in 159 clinicopathologically characterized SGC cases by immunohistochemistry. Statistical analyses were performed to determine the prognostic and diagnostic associations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>SPHK1 expression was found to be markedly upregulated in SGC tissues than that in the normal salivary gland tissues and paired adjacent salivary gland tissues, at both mRNA and protein levels. Statistical analysis revealed a significant correlation of SPHK1 expression with the clinical stage (<it>P </it>= 0.005), T classification (<it>P </it>= 0.017), N classification (<it>P </it>= 0.009), M classification (<it>P </it>= 0.002), and pathological differentiation (<it>P </it>= 0.013). Patients with higher SPHK1 expression had shorter overall survival time, whereas patients with lower SPHK1 expression had better survival. Importantly, patients in the group without adjuvant therapy who exhibited high SPHK1 expression had significantly lower overall survival rates compared with those with low SPHK1 expression. Moreover, multivariate analysis suggested that SPHK1 expression might be an independent prognostic indicator for the survival of SGC patients.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that SPHK1 expression is associated with SGC progression, and might represent as a novel and valuable predictor for adjuvant therapy to SGC patients.</p
Evaluating the discriminating capacity of cell death (apoptotic) biomarkers in sepsis.
Background: Sepsis biomarker panels that provide diagnostic and prognostic discrimination in sepsis patients would be transformative to patient care. We assessed the mortality prediction and diagnostic discriminatory accuracy of two biomarkers reflective of cell death (apoptosis), circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA), and nucleosomes.
Methods: The cfDNA and nucleosome levels were assayed in plasma samples acquired in patients admitted from four emergency departments with suspected sepsis. Subjects with non-infectious systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) served as controls. Samples were acquired at enrollment (T0) and 24 h later (T24). We assessed diagnostic (differentiating SIRS from sepsis) and prognostic (28-day mortality) predictive power. Models incorporating procalcitonin (diagnostic prediction) and APACHE II scores (mortality prediction) were generated.
Results: Two hundred three subjects were included (107 provided procalcitonin measurements). Four subjects exhibited uncomplicated sepsis, 127 severe sepsis, 35 septic shock, and 24 had non-infectious SIRS. There were 190-survivors and 13 non-survivors. Mortality prediction models using cfDNA, nucleosomes, or APACHEII yielded AUC values of 0.61, 0.75, and 0.81, respectively. A model combining nucleosomes with the APACHE II score improved the AUC to 0.84. Diagnostic models distinguishing sepsis from SIRS using procalcitonin, cfDNA(T0), or nucleosomes(T0) yielded AUC values of 0.64, 0.65, and 0.63, respectively. The three parameter model yielded an AUC of 0.74.
Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first head-to-head comparison of cfDNA and nucleosomes in diagnosing sepsis and predicting sepsis-related mortality. Both cfDNA and nucleosome concentrations demonstrated a modest ability to distinguish sepsis survivors and non-survivors and provided additive diagnostic predictive accuracy in differentiating sepsis from non-infectious SIRS when integrated into a diagnostic prediction model including PCT and APACHE II. A sepsis biomarker strategy incorporating measures of the apoptotic pathway may serve as an important component of a sepsis diagnostic and mortality prediction tool
Patient survival after D 1 and D 2 resections for gastric cancer: long-term results of the MRC randomized surgical trial
Controversy still exists on the optimal surgical resection for potentially curable gastric cancer. Much better long-term survival has been reported in retrospective/non-randomized studies with D 2 resections that involve a radical extended regional lymphadenectomy than with the standard D 1 resections. In this paper we report the long-term survival of patients entered into a randomized study, with follow-up to death or 3 years in 96% of patients and a median follow-up of 6.5 years. In this prospective trial D 1 resection (removal of regional perigastric nodes) was compared with D 2 resection (extended lymphadenectomy to include level 1 and 2 regional nodes). Central randomization followed a staging laparotomy
Synthesis of phosphonate-functionalized polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) particles and their kinetic behavior in miniemulsion polymerization
Phosphonate-functionalized polymer nanoparticles were synthesized by free-radical copolymerization of vinylphosphonic acid (VPA) with styrene or methyl methacrylate (MMA) using the miniemulsion technique. The influence of different parameters such as monomer and surfactant type, amount of vinylphosphonic acid on the average particle size, and size distribution was studied using dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy. Depending on the amount and type of the surfactant used (ionic or non-ionic), phosphonate-functionalized particles in a size range from 102 to 312 nm can be obtained. The density of the phosphonate groups on the particle surface was higher in the case of using MMA as a basis monomer than polystyrene. The kinetic behavior of VPA copolymerization with styrene or MMA using a hydrophobic initiator was investigated by reaction calorimetry. Different kinetic curves were observed for miniemulsion (co)polymerization of styrene- and MMA-based nanoparticles indicating different nucleation mechanisms
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