83,556 research outputs found

    A positive energy theorem for Einstein-aether and Ho\v{r}ava gravity

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    Energy positivity is established for a class of solutions to Einstein-aether theory and the IR limit of Ho\v{r}ava gravity within a certain range of coupling parameters. The class consists of solutions where the aether 4-vector is divergence free on a spacelike surface to which it is orthogonal (which implies that the surface is maximal). In particular, this result holds for spherically symmetric solutions at a moment of time symmetry.Comment: 4 page

    Where is the extremal Kerr ISCO?

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    Although the circular photon orbit and ISCO for the Kerr black hole remain distinct from each other and from the horizon in the extremal spin limit on a constant Boyer-Lindquist time slice, on a horizon-crossing slice they both coincide with the null generators of the horizon.Comment: 6 pages; v2: minor cosmetic changes; coincides with published versio

    Educating Patients about Behavioral Interventions and Exercises for Musculoskeletal Lower Back Pain

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    Low back pain (LBP) is a common problem which affects all genders and most ages. It results in considerable direct and indirect costs, and these costs are financial, workforce and social. The majority of lower back pain occurs due to a musculoskeletal etiology and often presents to the primary care physician. We worked with local physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, and athletic trainers to develop exercises and behavioral modifications that patients can do to improve lower back pain symptoms.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fmclerk/1273/thumbnail.jp

    The Greatest Basketball Player of All Time: LeBron vs. Jordan

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    LeBron James is one of the greatest athletes of this generation. I am seeking to determine what he needs to do to surpass Michael Jordan as the greatest of all time. Considering individual statistics, team success, and personal achievements as well as factors such as political and racial activism and involvement, media coverage (including social media), and generational difference, I am hoping to show what is left to accomplish for LeBron to reach and surpass Jordan

    Enteric diseases in pigs from weaning to slaughter

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    The general aim of this thesis was to study enteric diseases in growing pigs, with special reference to diseases caused by Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Lawsonia intracellularis. The occurrence of enteric diseases in “growers” is a problem of increasing importance in Sweden and an understanding of the mechanisms by which the microorganisms causes enteric diseases is essential to develop good prophylactic measures. The most important microorganisms involved in enteric diseases in grower pigs were identified as Lawsonia intracellularis and Brachyspira pilosicoli, as determined by necropsy, microbiological and histopathological examinations performed on representative growing pigs from good and poor performing herds. Diagnostic methods based on polymerase chain reaction for L. intracellularis in tissue or faecal samples were established and the results related to those obtained by necropsy and serology. An internal control, a mimic, was constructed to demonstrate inhibition of the PCR reactions and to evaluate different preparation methods. The methods for the demonstration of L. intracellularis in tissue samples were sensitive and specific, and the bacteria were reliably identified in faeces from pigs with overt disease. A number of factors interacting in the clinical expression of swine dysentery were evaluated. In this work, group-housing of pigs and the addition of 50% soybean meal in feed was shown to predispose for infection. A model was developed that enabled the sequential monitoring of disease in single animals by repeated endoscopy and biopsy sampling through a caecal cannula. This reduced the number of experimental animals required and increased the accuracy of the study. The general condition of the animal was not affected. The model was used to study the development of experimentally induced swine dysentery and the sequential development of lesions was characterised by histopathology and immunohistochemistry. An increase in the acute phase proteins serum amyloid A and haptoglobin and in monocytes was seen when haemorrhagic dysentery occurred

    Einstein-aether gravity: theory and observational constraints

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    Einstein-aether theory is general relativity coupled to a dynamical unit timelike vector field. A brief review of current theoretical understanding and observational constraints on the four coupling parameters of the theory is given.Comment: 8 pages, for proceedings of 4th Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry (CPT 07), Bloomington, Indiana, 8-11 Aug 200

    Weighted Bergman kernel functions associated to meromorphic functions

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    We present a technique for computing explicit, concrete formulas for the weighted Bergman kernel on a planar domain with weight the modulus squared of a meromorphic function in the case that the meromorphic function has a finite number of zeros on the domain and a concrete formula for the unweighted kernel is known. We apply this theory to the study of the Lu Qi-keng Problem.Comment: 11 page
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