154 research outputs found
CD -24_17504 revisited: a new comprehensive element abundance analysis
With [Fe/H] ~ -3.3, CD -24_17504 is a canonical metal-poor main sequence
turn-off star. Though it has appeared in numerous literature studies, the most
comprehensive abundance analysis for the star based on high resolution, high
signal-to-noise spectra is nearly 15 years old. We present a new detailed
abundance analysis for 21 elements based on combined archival Keck-HIRES and
VLT-UVES spectra of the star that is higher in both spectral resolution and
signal-to-noise than previous data. Our results for many elements are very
similar to those of an earlier comprehensive study of the star, but we present
for the first time a carbon abundance from the CH G-band feature as well as
improved upper limits for neutron-capture species such as Y, Ba and Eu. In
particular, we find that CD -24_17504 has [Fe/H] = -3.41, [C/Fe] = +1.10,
[Sr/H] = -4.68 and [Ba/H] <= -4.46, making it a carbon enhanced metal-poor star
with neutron-capture element abundances among the lowest measured in Milky Way
halo stars.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 24 pages, 13 figures, 7 table
SD 1313-0019 -- Another second-generation star with [Fe/H] = -5.0, observed with the Magellan Telescope
We present a Magellan/MIKE high-resolution (R ~ 35,000) spectrum of the
ancient star SD 1313-0019 which has an iron abundance of [Fe/H] = -5.0, paired
with a carbon enhancement of [C/Fe] ~ 3.0. The star was initially identified by
Allende Prieto et al. in the BOSS survey. Its medium-resolution spectrum
suggested a higher metallicity of [Fe/H] = -4.3 due to the CaII K line blending
with a CH feature which is a common issue related to the search for the most
iron-poor stars. This star joins several other, similar stars with [Fe/H] <
-5.0 that all display a combination of low iron and high carbon abundances.
Other elemental abundances of SD 1313-0019 follow that of more metal-rich halo
stars. From fitting the abundance pattern with yields of Population III
supernova, we conclude that SD 1313-0019 had only one massive progenitor star
with 20 - 30 M_sun that must have undergone a mixing and fallback episode.
Overall, there are now five stars known with [Fe/H] < -5.0 (1D LTE abundances).
This population of second-generation stars strongly suggests massive first
stars that almost exclusively produced large amounts of carbon through stellar
winds and/or their mixing and fallback supernova explosions. As a consequence,
their natal clouds -- presumably some early minihalo structures -- contained
ample amounts of carbon and oxygen that likely facilitated the formation of
these first low-mass stars.Comment: 7 pages and 3 figures, accepted by ApJ
The Chemical Evolution of Phosphorus
Phosphorus is one of the few remaining light elements for which little is
known about its nucleosynthetic origin and chemical evolution, given the lack
of optical absorption lines in the spectra of long-lived FGK-type stars. We
have identified a P I doublet in the near-ultraviolet (2135/2136 A) that is
measurable in stars of low metallicity. Using archival Hubble Space
Telescope-STIS spectra, we have measured P abundances in 13 stars spanning -3.3
<= [Fe/H] <= -0.2, and obtained an upper limit for a star with [Fe/H] ~ -3.8.
Combined with the only other sample of P abundances in solar-type stars in the
literature, which spans a range of -1 <= [Fe/H] <= +0.2, we compare the stellar
data to chemical evolution models. Our results support previous indications
that massive-star P yields may need to be increased by a factor of a few to
match stellar data at all metallicities. Our results also show that hypernovae
were important contributors to the P production in the early universe. As P is
one of the key building blocks of life, we also discuss the chemical evolution
of the important elements to life, C-N-O-P-S, together.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters. 6 pages, 4
figures; reference added to earlier versio
Deriving Stellar Effective Temperatures of Metal-Poor Stars with the Excitation Potential Method
It is well established that stellar effective temperatures determined from
photometry and spectroscopy yield systematically different results. We describe
a new, simple method to correct spectroscopically derived temperatures
("excitation temperatures") of metal-poor stars based on a literature sample
with -3.3<[Fe/H]<-2.5. Excitation temperatures were determined from FeI line
abundances in high-resolution optical spectra in the wavelength range of ~3700
to ~7000A, although shorter wavelength ranges, up to 4750 to 6800A, can also be
employed, and compared with photometric literature temperatures. Our adjustment
scheme increases the temperatures up to several hundred degrees for cool red
giants, while leaving the near-main-sequence stars mostly unchanged. Hence, it
brings the excitation temperatures in good agreement with photometrically
derived values. The modified temperature also influences other stellar
parameters, as the FeI-FeII ionization balance is simultaneously used to
determine the surface gravity, while also forcing no abundance trend on the
absorption line strengths to obtain the microturbulent velocity. As a result of
increasing the temperature, the often too low gravities and too high
microturbulent velocities in red giants become higher and lower, respectively.
Our adjustment scheme thus continues to build on the advantage of deriving
temperatures from spectroscopy alone, independent of reddening, while at the
same time producing stellar chemical abundances that are more straightforwardly
comparable to studies based on photometrically derived temperatures. Hence, our
method may prove beneficial for comparing different studies in the literature
as well as the many high-resolution stellar spectroscopic surveys that are or
will be carried out in the next few years.Comment: 12 pages, emulateapj, accepted for publication in Ap
NGC 7789: An Open Cluster Case Study
We have obtained high-resolution spectra of 32 giants in the open cluster NGC
7789 using the Wisconsin-Indiana-Yale-NOAO Hydra spectrograph. We explore
differences in atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances caused by the
use of the linelist developed for the Gaia-ESO Survey (GES) compared to one
based on Arcturus used in our previous work. [Fe/H] values decrease when using
the GES linelist instead of the Arcturus-based linelist; these differences are
probably driven by systematically lower (~ -0.1 dex) GES surface gravities.
Using the GES linelist we determine abundances for 10 elements - Fe, Mg, Si,
Ca, Ti, Na, Ni, Zr, Ba, and La. We find the cluster's average metallicity
[Fe/H] = 0.03 +/- 0.07 dex, in good agreement with literature values, and a
lower [Mg/Fe] abundance than has been reported before for this cluster (0.11
+/- 0.05 dex). We also find the neutron-capture element barium to be highly
enhanced - [Ba/Fe] = +0.48 +/- 0.08 - and disparate from cluster measurements
of neutron-capture elements La and Zr (-0.08 +/- 0.05 and 0.08 +/- 0.08,
respectively). This is in accordance with recent discoveries of supersolar Ba
enhancement in young clusters along with more modest enhancement of other
neutron-capture elements formed in similar environments.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, Table 1 typo fixe
DOOp, an automated wrapper for DAOSPEC
Large spectroscopic surveys such as the Gaia-ESO Survey produce huge
quantities of data. Automatic tools are necessary to efficiently handle this
material. The measurement of equivalent widths in stellar spectra is
traditionally done by hand or with semi-automatic procedures that are
time-consuming and not very robust with respect to the repeatability of the
results. The program DAOSPEC is a tool that provides consistent measurements of
equivalent widths in stellar spectra while requiring a minimum of user
intervention. However, it is not optimised to deal with large batches of
spectra, as some parameters still need to be modified and checked by the user.
Exploiting the versatility and portability of BASH, we have built a pipeline
called DAOSPEC Option Optimiser (DOOp) automating the procedure of equivalent
widths measurement with DAOSPEC. DOOp is organised in different modules that
run one after the other to perform specific tasks, taking care of the
optimisation of the parameters needed to provide the final equivalent widths,
and providing log files to ensure better control over the procedure. In this
paper, making use of synthetic and observed spectra, we compare the performance
of DOOp with other methods, including DAOSPEC used manually. The measurements
made by DOOp are identical to the ones produced by DAOSPEC when used manually,
while requiring less user intervention, which is convenient when dealing with a
large quantity of spectra. DOOp shows its best performance on high-resolution
spectra (R>20 000) and high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N>30), with uncertainties
ranging from 6 m{\AA} to 2 m{\AA}. The only subjective parameter that remains
is the normalisation, as the user still has to make a choice on the order of
the polynomial used for the continuum fitting. As a test, we use the equivalent
widths measured by DOOp to re-derive the stellar parameters of four
well-studied stars
Metal-Poor Stars Observed with the Magellan Telescope. III. New Extremely and Ultra Metal-Poor Stars from SDSS/SEGUE and Insights on the Formation of Ultra Metal-Poor Stars
We report the discovery of one extremely metal-poor (EMP; [Fe/H]<-3) and one
ultra metal-poor (UMP; [Fe/H]<-4) star selected from the SDSS/SEGUE survey.
These stars were identified as EMP candidates based on their medium-resolution
(R~2,000) spectra, and were followed-up with high-resolution (R~35,000)
spectroscopy with the Magellan-Clay Telescope. Their derived chemical
abundances exhibit good agreement with those of stars with similar
metallicities. We also provide new insights on the formation of the UMP stars,
based on comparison with a new set of theoretical models of supernovae
nucleosynthesis. The models were matched with 20 UMP stars found in the
literature, together with one of the program stars (SDSS J1204+1201), with
[Fe/H]=-4.34. From fitting their abundances, we find that the supernovae
progenitors, for stars where carbon and nitrogen are measured, had masses
ranging from 20.5 M_sun to 28 M_sun and explosion energies from 0.3 to
0.9x10^51 erg. These results are highly sensitive to the carbon and nitrogen
abundance determinations, which is one of the main drivers for future
high-resolution follow-up of UMP candidates. In addition, we are able to
reproduce the different CNO abundance patterns found in UMP stars with a single
progenitor type, by varying its mass and explosion energy.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in Ap
The Aquarius Co-Moving Group is Not a Disrupted Classical Globular Cluster
We present a detailed analysis of high-resolution, high S/N spectra for 5
Aquarius stream stars observed with the MIKE spectrograph on the Magellan Clay
telescope. Our sample represents one third of the 15 known members in the
stream. We find the stream is not mono-metallic: the metallicity ranges from
[Fe/H] = -0.63 to -1.58. No anti-correlation in Na-O abundances is present, and
we find a strong positive Mg-Al relationship, similar to that observed in the
thick disk. We find no evidence that the stream is a result of a disrupted
classical globular cluster, contrary to a previously published claim. High
[(Na, Ni, alpha)/Fe] and low [Ba/Y] abundance ratios in the stream suggests it
is not a tidal tail from a disrupted dwarf galaxy, either. The stream is
chemically indistinguishable from Milky Way field stars with the exception of
one candidate, C222531-145437. From its position, velocity, and detailed
chemical abundances, C222531-145437 is likely a star that was tidally disrupted
from omega-Centauri. We propose the Aquarius stream is Galactic in origin, and
could be the result from a disk-satellite perturbation in the Milky Way thick
disk on the order of a few Gyr ago: derived orbits, UVW velocities, and angular
momenta of the Aquarius members offer qualitative support for our hypothesis.
Assuming C222531-145437 is a tidally disrupted member of omega-Centauri, this
system is the most likely disk perturber. In the absence of compelling chemical
and/or dynamical evidence that the Aquarius stream is the tidal tail of a
disrupted satellite, we advocate the "Aquarius group" as a more appropriate
description. Like the Canis Major over-density, as well as the Hercules and
Monoceros groups, the Aquarius group joins the list of kinematically-identified
substructures that are not actually accreted material: they are simply part of
the rich complexity of the Milky Way structure.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS. Updated to journal versio
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