46,792 research outputs found
Some case studies of ocean wave physical processes utilizing the GSFC airborne radar ocean wave spectrometer
The NASA K sub u band Radar Ocean Wave Spectrometer (ROWS) is an experimental prototype of a possible future satellite instrument for low data rate global waves measurements. The ROWS technique, which utilizes short pulse radar altimeters in a conical scan mode near vertical incidence to map the directional slope spectrum in wave number and azimuth, is briefly described. The potential of the technique is illustrated by some specific case studies of wave physical processes utilizing the aircraft ROWS data. These include: (1) an evaluation of numerical hindcast model performance in storm sea conditions, (2) a study of fetch limited wave growth, and (3) a study of the fully developed sea state. Results of these studies, which are briefly summarized, show how directional wave spectral observations from a mobile platform can contribute enormously to our understanding of wave physical processes
A high frequency correction to the Kirchhoff approximation, with application to rough surface EM wave scattering
A high frequency correction to the Kirchhoff approximation is developed for application to rough surface scattering. An approximate solution to the magnetic field integral equation for perfect conductivity and plane wave excitation yields a perturbed surface current expressed as a linear function of the second derivatives of surface height. The corrected surface current vector is substituted into the far field Stratton-Chu integral and average backscattered powers for the four polarization combinations are computed on the assumption that the surface is describable as a stationary Gaussian random process. The strength of this scattering solution is that it can account for height curvature correlation without requiring small height and slope
Directional spectra of ocean waves from microwave backscatter: A physical optics solution with application to the short-pulse and two-frequency measurement techniques
Two simple microwave radar techniques that are potentially capable of providing routine satellite measurements of the directional spectrum of ocean waves were developed. One technique, the short pulse technique, makes use of very short pulses to resolve ocean surface wave contrast features in the range direction; the other technique, the two frequency correlation technique makes use of coherency in the transmitted waveform to detect the large ocean wave contrast modulation as a beat or mixing frequency in the power backscattered at two closely separated microwave frequencies. A frequency domain analysis of the short pulse and two frequency systems shows that the two measurement systems are essentially duals; they each operate on the generalized (three frequency) fourth-order statistical moment of the surface transfer function in different, but symmetrical ways, and they both measure the same directional contrast modulation spectrum. A three dimensional physical optics solution for the fourth-order moment was obtained for backscatter in the near vertical, specular regime, assuming Gaussian surface statistics
Microwave radar oceanographic investigations
The Radar Ocean Wave Spectrometer (ROWS) technique was developed and demonstrated for measuring ocean wave directional spectra from air and space platforms. The measurement technique was well demonstrated with data collected in a number of flight experiments involving wave spectral comparisons with wave buoys and the Surface Contour Radar (SCR). Recent missions include the SIR-B underflight experiment (1984), FASINEX (1986), and LEWEX (1987). ROWS related activity is presently concentrating on using the aircraft instrument for wave-processes investigations and obtaining the necessary support (consensus) for a satellite instrument development program. Prospective platforms include EOS and the Canadian RADARSAT
View factor computer program (VIEW)
Existing view factor program, RAVFAC, was modified to accept NASTRAN and/or RAVFAC surface descriptions. Output formatting was altered to produce view factor matrices which could be directly input to NASTRAN
Rutherford scattering with radiation damping
We study the effect of radiation damping on the classical scattering of
charged particles. Using a perturbation method based on the Runge-Lenz vector,
we calculate radiative corrections to the Rutherford cross section, and the
corresponding energy and angular momentum losses.Comment: Latex, 11 pages, 4 eps figure
Higgs boson production with one bottom quark including higher-order soft-gluon corrections
A Higgs boson produced in association with one or more bottom quarks is of
great theoretical and experimental interest to the high-energy community. A
precise prediction of its total and differential cross-section can have a great
impact on the discovery of a Higgs boson with large bottom-quark Yukawa
coupling, like the scalar (h^0 and H^0) and pseudoscalar (A^0) Higgs bosons of
the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) in the region of large
\tan\beta. In this paper we apply the threshold resummation formalism to
determine both differential and total cross-sections for b g \to b\Phi (where
\Phi = h^0, H^0), including up to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (NNNLO)
soft plus virtual QCD corrections at next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL)
accuracy. We present results for both the Fermilab Tevatron and the CERN Large
Hadron Collider (LHC).Comment: revtex4, 13 pages, 11 figures; new references and additional comment
SUSY QCD Corrections to Higgs-b Production : Is the \Delta_b Approximation Accurate?
The associated production of a Higgs boson with a b quark is a discovery
channel for the lightest MSSM neutral Higgs boson. We consider the SUSY QCD
contributions from squarks and gluinos and discuss the decoupling properties of
these effects. A detailed comparison of our exact order(alpha_s) results with
those of a widely used effective Lagrangian approach, the \Delta_b
approximation, is presented. The \Delta_b approximation is shown to accurately
reproduce the exact one-loop SQCD result to within a few percent over a wide
range of parameter space.Comment: figures added, version to be published in Phys Rev
On direction of spontaneous magnetization in a "cubic" ferromagnet
The magnetic properties of anisotropic films have been studied using
3D-neutron polarization analysis. The experimental facts refer to essential
distinction of the sample states, magnetized in opposite directions. For an
explanation of asymmetrical effects the model is offered, in which the
fundamental theoretical principles of structural phase transitions are used.Comment: 4 pages LaTeX (phbauth) and 4 figures (epsfig
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