2,576 research outputs found

    A Modified Gravity and its Consequences for the Solar System, Astrophysics and Cosmology

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    A relativistic modified gravity (MOG) theory leads to a self-consistent, stable gravity theory that can describe the solar system, galaxy and clusters of galaxies data and cosmology.Comment: 16 pages. Latex file. Talk given at the International Workshop "From Quantum to Cosmos: Fundamental Physics in Space", 22-24 May, 2006, Warrenton, Virginia, USA. To be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys D. Equation correcte

    Superluminal Gravitational Waves

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    The quantum gravity effects of vacuum polarization of gravitons propagating in a curved spacetime cause the quantum vacuum to act as a dispersive medium with a refractive index. Due to this dispersive medium gravitons acquire superluminal velocities. The dispersive medium is produced by higher derivative curvature contributions to the effective gravitational action. It is shown that in a Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker spacetime in the early universe near the Planck time tPL≳10−43 sect_{\rm PL}\gtrsim 10^{-43}\,{\rm sec}, the speed of gravitational waves cg≫cg0=c0c_g\gg c_{g0}=c_0, where cg0c_{g0} and c0c_0 are the speeds of gravitational waves and light today. The large speed of gravitational waves stretches their wavelengths to super-horizon sizes, allowing them to be observed in B-polarization experiments.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Superluminary Universe: A Possible Solution to the Initial Value Problem in Cosmology

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    The spontaneous breaking of local Lorentz invariance in the early Universe, associated with a first order phase transition at a critical time tct_c, generates a large increase in the speed of light and a superluminary communication of information occurs, allowing all regions in the Universe to be causally connected. This solves the horizon problem, leads to a mechanism of monopole suppression in cosmology and can resolve the flatness problem. After the critical time tct_c, local Lorentz (and diffeomorphism) invariance is restored and light travels at its presently measured speed. The kinematical and dynamical aspects of the generation of quantum fluctuations in the superluminary Universe are investigated. A scale invariant prediction for the fluctuation density amplitude is obtained.Comment: Updated version (with the exception of two figures not included) of paper published in: International Journal of Modern Physics D, Vol. 2, No. 3 (1993) 351-36
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