3,384 research outputs found
Assessing Economic Complexity with Input-Output Based Measures
Economic complexity can be defined as the level of interdependence between the component parts of an economy. In input-output systems, intersectoral connectedness is a crucial feature of analysis, and there are many different methods for measuring it. Most of the measures, however, have drawbacks that prevent them from being used as a good indicator of economic complexity, because they were not explicitly made with this purpose in mind. In this paper, we present, discuss and compare empirically different indexes of economic complexity as intersectoral connectedness, using the interindustry tables of several OECD countries.input-output analysis; intersectoral connectedness; economic complexity
A New Kind of Production Multiplier for Assessing the Scale and Structure Effects of Demand Shocks in Input-Output Frameworks
The main purpose of this paper is to develop a new kind of input-output multiplier that would be particularly well suited to quantifying the impacts of final demand changes on the sectoral output growth potential of an economy. Instead of using the traditional output multipliers, solving an appropriate optimization problem provides what can be called input-output Euclidean distance multipliers. This method does not impose unitary final demand shocks with a fixed (predetermined) structure, allowing the “IO economy” to change across the spectrum of all possible structures. It can be very helpful in measuring interindustry linkages and key sectors in a national or regional economy. An empirical illustration is made, using national (Spain and Portugal) and regional (Balearic Islands and the Azores) input-output data.input-output analysis; ultra-peripheral regions; structural change
Estimativa do impacto econômico da linfadenite granulomatosa em suínos na região sul do Brasil.
A new kind of production multipliers to assess scale and structure effects of demand shocks in input-output frameworks
Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to develop a new kind of input-output multiplier particularly well suited to quantify the impacts of final demand changes (in consumption, investment or exports) on the sectoral output growth potential of an economy. Instead of using the traditional output multipliers, given by the elements of the Leontief inverse, solving an appropriate optimization problem provides what can be called input-output Euclidean distance multipliers. This method does not impose unitary final demand shocks with a fixed (predetermined) structure, allowing the "IO economy" to change along the spectrum of all possible structures. It can be very helpful in measuring interindustry linkages, choosing (a certain kind of) key sectors in a national or regional economy and managing the environment. . JEL classification: C67; D5
Proof-of-principle demonstration of measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution using polarization qubits
We perform a proof-of-principle demonstration of the
measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) protocol
using weak coherent states and polarization-encoded qubits over two optical
fiber links of 8.5 km each. Each link was independently stabilized against
polarization drifts using a full-polarization control system employing two
wavelength-multiplexed control channels. A linear-optics-based polarization
Bell-state analyzer was built into the intermediate station, Charlie, which is
connected to both Alice and Bob via the optical fiber links. Using
decoy-states, a lower bound for the secret-key generation rate of 1.04x10^-6
bits/pulse is computed
Genetic effects on the efficiency and responsiveness to phosphorus use in popcorn as estimated by diallel analysis.
Agricultural expansion and the need for sustainable cultivation are challenges faced by researchers involved in the generation of new cultivars that can adapt to abiotic stress. Knowledge of the genetic effects of characteristics related to efficiency and responsiveness to phosphorus use must be considered when implementing methods to obtain better genotypes. The aim of this study was to characterize and select popcorn hybrids based on their efficiency and responsiveness to phosphorus use, and estimate their combining abilities and genetic effects via diallel analysis to implement improvement programs for sustainable agriculture. Eight contrasting inbred lines were used to obtain simple hybrids for diallel analysis. Twenty-eight diallelic hybrids plus the popcorn parental lines were evaluated at two different sites under two contrasting environments for soil phosphorus availability (6×6 lattice design). Grain yield, popping expansion, and volume of expanded popcorn per hectare were measured. A combined analysis of variance and a test of means were performed. The classification and utilization of the phosphorus use efficiency index, according to the grain yield performance of the hybrids under contrasting environments, was considered. Through model 2 of the Griffing?s diallel analysis method, the general and specific combining abilities were estimated, along with their environmental interactions. The best strategy to obtain genotypes that are efficient and responsive to phosphorus involves exploring popcorn hybrids using genitors that result in the accumulation of additive genes that promote popping expansion. Hybrids P7×L80, P7×L59, P7×L76, and P6×L80 presented promising results and may be evaluated as cultivation options in phosphorus-deficient soils
Relative importance of gene effects for nitrogen-use efficiency in popcorn.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of additive and non-additive genes on the efficiency of nitrogen (N) use and N responsiveness in inbred popcorn lines. The parents, hybrids and reciprocal crosses were evaluated in a 10x10 triple lattice design at two sites and two levels of N availability. To establish different N levels in the two experiments, fertilization was carried out at sowing, according to soil analysis reports. However, for the experiments with ideal nitrogen availability, N was sidedressed according to the crop requirement, whereas for the N-poor experiments sidedressing consisted of 30% of that applied in the N-rich environment. Two indices were evaluated, the Harmonic Mean of the Relative Performance (HMRP) and Agronomic Efficiency under Low Nitrogen Availability (AELN), both based on grain yield at both N levels. Both additive and non-additive gene effects were important for selection for N-use efficiency. Moreover, there was allelic complementarity between the lines and a reciprocal effect for N-use efficiency, indicating the importance of the choice of the parents used as male or female. The best hybrids were obtained from inbred popcorn lines with contrasting N-use efficiency and N responsiveness
Divergência genética entre cultivares locais e cultivares melhoradas de feijão.
A grande variabilidade genética presente no germoplasma de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) em uso na agricultura familiar no Brasil tem sido plenamente reconhecida. A eficiência da conservação e o aproveitamento desta variabilidade aumentam quando esta é devidamente caracterizada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a variabilidade genética de parte do germoplasma existente em poder de produtores de feijão no Rio Grande do Sul, e de cultivares produzidas pela pesquisa, e reuni-las em grupos de similaridade genética. Foi avaliada a divergência genética de 37 cultivares locais (land races) e 14 cultivares indicadas pela pesquisa no Estado, utilizando 40 descritores morfológicos; a grande maioria desses descritores são necessários à proteção legal. Empregou-se análise multivariada, por intermédio de componentes principais e método de agrupamento. O uso destas técnicas possibilitou identificar descritores ineficientes ou redundantes no estudo da variabilidade genética e reunir as cultivares estudadas em quatro grupos distintos de similaridade genética. As cultivares locais revelaram variabilidade superior à encontrada nas cultivares oriundas da pesquisa, o que sugere a importância da sua inclusão em programas de melhoramento
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