171 research outputs found
Singular Vertices in the Strong Coupling Phase of Four-Dimensional Simplicial Gravity
We study four-dimensional simplicial gravity through numerical simulation
with special attention to the existence of singular vertices, in the strong
coupling phase, that are shared by abnormally large numbers of four-simplices.
We attempt to cure this disease by adding a term to the action which
suppresses such singular vertices. For a sufficiently large coefficient of the
additional term, however, the phase transition disappears and the system is
observed to be always in the branched polymer phase for any gravitational
constant.Comment: 11 pages, 7 Postscript figure
Scaling Behavior in 4D Simplicial Quantum Gravity
Scaling relations in four-dimensional simplicial quantum gravity are proposed
using the concept of the geodesic distance. Based on the analogy of a loop
length distribution in the two-dimensional case, the scaling relations of the
boundary volume distribution in four dimensions are discussed in three regions:
the strong-coupling phase, the critical point and the weak-coupling phase. In
each phase a different scaling behavior is found.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 10 postscript figures, uses psfig.sty and cite.st
K_l3 form factor with two-flavors of dynamical domain-wall quarks
We report on our calculation of K \to \pi vector form factor by numerical
simulations of two-flavor QCD on a 16^3x32x12 lattice at a \simeq 0.12 fm using
domain-wall quarks and DBW2 glue. Our preliminary result at a single sea quark
mass correponding to m_PS/m_V \simeq 0.53 shows a good agreement with previous
estimate in quenched QCD and that from a phenomenological model.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, poster presented at Lattice2005 (Weak matrix
elements); v2: a reference adde
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