46 research outputs found
Stochastic time-evolution, information geometry and the Cramer-Rao Bound
We investigate the connection between the time-evolution of averages of
stochastic quantities and the Fisher information and its induced statistical
length. As a consequence of the Cramer-Rao bound, we find that the rate of
change of the average of any observable is bounded from above by its variance
times the temporal Fisher information. As a consequence of this bound, we
obtain a speed limit on the evolution of stochastic observables: Changing the
average of an observable requires a minimum amount of time given by the change
in the average squared, divided by the fluctuations of the observable times the
thermodynamic cost of the transformation. In particular for relaxation
dynamics, which do not depend on time explicitly, we show that the Fisher
information is a monotonically decreasing function of time and that this
minimal required time is determined by the initial preparation of the system.
We further show that the monotonicity of the Fisher information can be used to
detect hidden variables in the system and demonstrate our findings for simple
examples of continuous and discrete random processes.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure
Geometric thermodynamics for the Fokker-Planck equation: Stochastic thermodynamic links between information geometry and optimal transport
We propose a geometric theory of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, namely
geometric thermodynamics, using our recent developments of
differential-geometric aspects of entropy production rate in non-equilibrium
thermodynamics. By revisiting our recent results on geometrical aspects of
entropy production rate in stochastic thermodynamics for the Fokker-Planck
equation, we introduce the geometric framework of non-equilibrium
thermodynamics in terms of information geometry and optimal transport theory.
We show that the proposed geometric framework is useful for obtaining several
non-equilibrium thermodynamic relations, such as thermodynamic trade-off
relations between the thermodynamic cost and the fluctuation of the observable,
optimal protocols for the minimum thermodynamic cost and the decomposition of
the entropy production rate for the non-equilibrium system. We clarify several
stochastic-thermodynamic links between information geometry and optimal
transport theory via excess entropy production rate based on a relation between
the gradient flow expression and information geometry in the space of
probability densities and a relation between the velocity field in optimal
transport and information geometry in the space of path probability densities.Comment: 39 pages, 0 figure
Unified framework for the entropy production and the stochastic interaction based on information geometry
We show a relationship between the entropy production in stochastic
thermodynamics and the stochastic interaction in the information integrated
theory. To clarify this relationship, we newly introduce an information
geometric interpretation of the entropy production for a total system and the
partial entropy productions for subsystems. We show that the violation of the
additivity of the entropy productions is related to the stochastic interaction.
This framework is a thermodynamic foundation of the integrated information
theory. We also show that our information geometric formalism leads to a novel
expression of the entropy production related to an optimization problem
minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence. We analytically illustrate this
interpretation by using the spin model.Comment: 13pages, 4 figure