35 research outputs found
This study aims to determine the effect of using different culture media on the quality and quantity of maggot. This study used a completely randomized design consisting of four treatments and three replications. The culture media used consisted of; P0 (control) = 1000 gr of tofu pulp, P1 = 1000 gr of tofu pulp + 500 gr of bran, P2 = 1000 gr of tofu pulp + 500 gr of tofu pulp, P3 = 1000 gr of tofu pulp + 500 grams of chicken manure. The parameters observed were population, weight, body length and the results of the proximate maggot test. The results of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the use of different culture media had a significant effect on the quality and quantity of maggot. The best culture media to increase maggot growth was found in P3 with a population value of 23,000 ind, a weight of 0.74 gr, and a length of 15.8 mm. Based on the results of the proximate test, the best maggot quality was also found in P3 which contained a protein content of 32.48%
Seurukan fish (Osteocilus sp.) is one of the freshwater fishery commodities that continues to be studied and developed, one of which is by increasing the digestibility of feed through the addition of supplements made from local ingredients such as coconut sprouts in commercial feed and getting the best dose for the growth of seurukan fish (Osteocilus sp.). This study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments tested were the use of coconut kentos with doses: P0 (control), P1 (5%/kg), P2 (10%/kg feed) and P3 (15%/kg feed).The results of analysis of variance showed that giving coconut kentos to commercial feed had no significant effect (P>0.05) on growth in weight and length, feed conversion ratio, and survival rate of seurukan fish (Osteochilus sp.). The dose of coconut sprout addition was divided into P0 (control), P1 (5%/kg feed), P2 (10%/kg feed), and P3 (14%/kg feed). The results showed that the dose of P2 (10%/kg feed) resulted in absolute weight growth of 8.63 g, daily length growth rate of 1.18%, conversion ratio feed 2.68% and survival rate 100%
Bileh (Rasbora sp.) is a fish with high economic value. So that, the population was decline in its natural habitat due to exploitation activities and environmental perturbation due to human activities. As an action to avoid this fish from extinction, it is necessary to apply domestication activities. This study was conducted to determine the adaptability of bileh fish from Lake Ie Sayang in culture container. The information of this study can be used as an early information for the domestication development of bileh fish. Total each 30 fishes from Lake Ie Sayang are culture in three 10 liter plastic containers. Fish were reared for 28 days and observed the survival rate and mortality of fish per week. Water quality parameters measured include temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH. The results showed that the fish were able to adapt in the rearing container with the survival and mortality rates at the end of the rearing 63.33% and 34.44%, respectively. Water quality parameters during the study namely temperature 27 oC, DO 5.2 ppm and pH 6.8
Effect of Lysine Amino Acid in Artificial Feed Substituted with Moringa (Moringa oleifera L.) Leaves on Feed Efficiency of Bileh Fish Seeds (Rasbora sp.)
This study aims to test the effectiveness of amino acid lysine in artificial feed in increasing feed efficiency of bileh fish fry (Rasbora sp.). The experimental design used was a non-factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and three replications. The treatments included: feed without lysine (P0), feed with lysine 1.2%/kg (P1), 1.4%/kg (P2), 1.6%/kg (P3), and 1.8%/kg (P4). The fish fry used amounted to 10 fish per container with a size of 2 cm and a weight of 0.10 grams, reared for 40 days. The results of data analysis using ANOVA showed that the provision of amino acid lysine had a significant effect on specific growth rate, but no significant effect on survival, feed conversion ratio and feed efficiency
Peningkatan Pertumbuhan Benih Ikan Tengadak, Barbonymus Schwanenfeldii (Bleeker 1853) melalui Pengaturan Salinitas dan Kalsium [The Increase Growth Of Tinfoil Barb Seed, Barbonymus Schwanenfeldii (Bleeker 1853) Through The Regulation Of Salinity And Calcium]
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan salinitas dan kadar kalsium optimal pada media pemeliharaan untuk me-ningkatkan pertumbuhan benih ikan tengadak (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan meliputi tiga salinitas media yaitu 0, 3, dan 6 ppt serta empat penambahan kalsium yaitu 0, 10, 20, dan 30 mg L-1. Padat penebaran ikan adalah 1 ekor L-1 dengan rata-rata panjang total 2,00±0,03 cm dan bobot rata-rata awal 0,33±0,05 g. Masa pemeliharaan ikan berlangsung selama 40 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa salinitas media 3 ppt dan penambahan kalsium 20 mg L"1 merupakan media pemeliharan terbaik untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan benih ikan tengadak dengan laju pertumbuhan bobot rerata harian 6,54±0,19% dan pertumbuhan panjang mutlak 3,49±0,03 cm. Sintasan tertinggi juga ditunjukkan pada perlakuan tersebut yaitu 95,24%
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi efektivitas produksi budidaya udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) pada kolam bundar dan petak di CV. Markisa farm Aceh Barat Daya. Metode yang dilakukan secara deskriptif dan perhitungan statistik hasil budidaya kolam bundar dan kolam petak. Serta partisipasi langsung dalam kegiatan budidaya udang vanamei dengan teori literatur atau pedoman yang digunakan. Penelitian menggunakan 2 kolam yang berbeda yaitu kolam bundar berukuran 706 m2 (diameter 30 m) padat tebar 170 ekor/m2 dan kolam petak berukuran 800 m2 padat tebar 206 ekor/m2. Parameter uji utama terdiri dari laju pertumbuhan, kelangsungan hidup dan efisiensi pakan, sedangkan parameter uji penunjang yaitu pH, suhu, salinitas dan oksigen terlarut dan performa udang vanamei meliputi Mean Body Weight (MBW), biomassa, survival rate (SR) dan Food Convertion Ratio (FCR). Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisa secara deskriptif. Panen total pada DOC 110 di kolam bundar MBW 30,30 gr, kolam petak 27,02 gr, SR kolam bundar 92,60%, kolam petak 86,65%, dan FCR kolam bundar yaitu 0,82, kolam petak 1,47. Analisis Usaha pada kolam bundar biaya investasi Rp.47.098.000, kolam petak Rp.64.015.000, biaya operasional kolam bundar 45.835.500, kolam petak Rp.77.335.500, penerimaan kolam bundar Rp.181.035.100, kolam petak Rp.170.799.600, total biaya kolam bundar Rp.88.163.764, kolam petak Rp.128.510.924. Dalam penelitian di CV. Markisa Farm Aceh Barat Daya efektivitas budidaya udang vanamei di kolam bundar dengan hasil yang baik
Supplementation of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Leaf Meal on Growth Performance of Bileh Fish (Rasbora sp.)
Bileh fish (Rasbora sp.) is one type of Acehnese freshwater fish that is very popular with the public because it has a delicious and savory taste. The main objective in conducting this study was to determine the effect of using Moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf flour as a supplement to commercial feed on the growth of bileh fish (Rasbora sp.). This study used a completely randomized design consisting of four treatments and three replications each. The doses of moringa flour used as the test treatment consisted of; P0 (control) = 0% moringa flour, P1 = 20% moringa flour, P2 = 30% moringa flour, P3 = 40% moringa flour. The parameters observed were proximate test, absolute weight growth, specific growth rate, absolute length growth, survival rate, feed efficiency and water quality consisting of temperature and pH. The results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the dosing of moringa flour in feed had a significant effect on absolute weight growth, absolute length growth and specific growth rate, but had no significant effect on the survival rate of bileh fish juvenile. The best dose of moringa leaf flour to increase the growth of bileh fish is the P3 treatment (moringa leaf flour) with an absolute weight growth value of 1.27 grams, absolute length growth of 5.93cm, and a survival rate in the P3 treatment of 98%
Beutong was one of the sub-districts in Nagan Raya Regency, with an area of ± 1.017 Km2. The shape of the earth's surface in the Beutong region supports freshwater fish cultivation. This activity aims to increase the understanding and skills of the target audience of cultivator partners in utilizing floating raft aquaponics technology and good fish farming methods. The method used in this activity was the method of counseling and technical guidance. The indicator of success in counseling and technical advice understands the material and practices presented by the presenters regarding floating raft aquaponics technology and good fish farming methods. This service activity was said to be successful if the target audience of cultivators obtains a questionnaire with a final average score of at least 85% of the post-test given. This activity was evaluated in the form of pre test and post test questionnaires about the material provided. The result of this service activity was an increase in additional income in the form of vegetables apart from fish farming. The turnover of the kale harvest was Rp. 75,000/harvest, and the turnover of the catfish was Rp. 4,050,000/harvest. The introduction of floating raft aquaponic technology and good fish farming methods has increased the understanding and skills of the target audience of UPR Mina Mandiri fish cultivating partners and the community around Beutong, Nagan Raya Regency. --- Beutong ialah salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Nagan Raya dengan luas daerah ± 1.017 Km2. Bentuk permukaan bumi wilayah Beutong mendukung untuk melakukan budidaya perikanan air tawar. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan khalayak sasaran mitra pembudidaya dalam memanfaatkan teknologi akuaponik rakit apung dan cara budidaya ikan yang baik. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah metode penyuluhan dan bimbingan teknis. Indikator keberhasilan pada metode penyuluhan dan bimbingan teknis adalah memahami materi dan praktek yang disampaikan oleh pemateri mengenai teknologi akuaponik rakit apung dan cara budidaya ikan yang baik. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dikatakan berhasil jika khalayak sasaran mitra pembudidaya memperoleh nilai rata-rata akhir minimal 85% dari kuesioner post test yang diberikan. Evaluasi kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam bentuk kuesioner pre test dan post test tentang materi yang diberikan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah terjadi peningkatan pendapatan tambahan berupa sayuran selain dari hasil budidaya ikan. Omset hasil panen kangkung adalah Rp 75.000/panen dan omset hasil panen lele Rp 4.050.000/panen. Introduksi teknologi akuaponik rakit apung dan cara budidaya ikan yang baik ini telah meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan khalayak sasaran mitra pembudidaya ikan UPR Mina Mandiri dan masyarakat yang ada di Beutong, Kabupaten Nagan Raya
AbstractSnakehead fish (Channa sp.) is one of Indonesia's native freshwater commodities that has been successfully domesticated by fish farmers, yet the domesticated snakehead fish culture still has problems, namely the low survival and growth of local snakehead fish. Overcoming this problem requires a technology that can optimize the survival and growth of the domesticated snakehead fish (Channa sp.). One technology that can be applied is the use of probiotics. This reserach aimed to examine different probiotics through feed to optimize the survival and growth of domesticated snakehead fish (Channa sp.). This research was conducted with an experimental method. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were control treatment (P0), treatment with probiotic composition of Lactobacillus sp., Bacillus spp. and Nitrosomonas sp. (P1), treatment with probiotic composition of Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (P2), and treatment with probiotic composition of Lactobacillus sp., Acetobacter, Rhodobacter sp., yeast (P3). The results showed that different probiotic feeding had a significant effect (P0.05) on the growth parameters. The composition of Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae probiotics is the best probiotic composition to increase survival and growth of domesticated snakehead fish.Keywords: Domestication, Growth, Survival Rate, Probiotic