76,553 research outputs found

    Spin-dependent three-nucleon force effects on nucleon-deuteron scattering

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    We construct a phenomenological three-nucleon force (3NF) model that gives a good description of polarization observables in elastic nucleon-deuteron (N-dd) scattering at a low energy together with a realistic nucleon-nucleon force and a 3NF arising from the exchange of two pions. Parameters of the model, which consists of spin-independent, spin-orbit, and tensor components, are determined to reproduce the three-nucleon binding energy and polarization observables in N-d scattering at 3 MeV. Predictions of the model 3NF on N-d polarization observables at higher energies are examined, and effects of each component on the observables are investigated.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Pressure, Resistance, and Current Activation of Anisotropic Compressible Hall States

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    Thermodynamic and electric properties of anisotropic compressible Hall states at higher Landau levels are studied using a mean field theory on the von Neumann lattice basis. It is shown that resistances agree with the recent experiments of anisotropic compressible states and the states have negative pressure. As implications, the collapse phenomena of the integer quantum Hall effect are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Physica

    A final solution to the mind-body problem by quantum language

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    Recently we proposed “quantum language”, which was not only characterized as the metaphysical and linguistic turn of quantum mechanics but also the linguistic turn of Descartes = Kant epistemology. And further we believe that quantum language is the only scientifically successful theory in dualistic idealism. If this turn is regarded as progress in the history of western philosophy (i.e., if “philosophical progress” is defined by “approaching to quantum language”), we should study the linguistic mind-body problem more than the epistemological mind-body problem. In this paper, we show that to solve the mind-body problem and to propose “measurement axiom” in quantum language are equivalent. Since our approach is always within dualistic idealism, we believe that our linguistic answer is the only true solution to the mindbody problem
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