28 research outputs found
Mortality by HIV and ART status among medical inpatients.
<p>Mortality by HIV and ART status among medical inpatients.</p
Mortality by HIV and ART status among medical inpatients.
<p>Mortality by HIV and ART status among medical inpatients.</p
Distribution of inpatient HIV and ART status on the medical wards at KCH.
<p>Distribution of inpatient HIV and ART status on the medical wards at KCH.</p
TH2 and TH3 Pairings from Malawi and the Gambia.
<p>(a) This figure shows all TH2-x/TH3-y haplotype pairings comparing observed and expected. Those that are that are statistically over and under represented based upon our contingency table analysis (p≤0.00009 for Malawi and p≤0.003 for the Gambia) are colored blue. (b) The data shown are for those pairings in Malawi (blue) and the Gambia (green) that are either observed >5 times in our data, or those predicted to occur >5 times based upon our contingency analysis. Each pairing is represented a unique symbol. Of note, three pairings (TH2-1/TH3-1, TH2-6/TH3-1, and TH2-3/TH3-2) were over represented in both populations. In both figures, the diagonal line represents if there were non-random association of pairings based on predicted and observed values. Points above the line represent pairing over represented in the population, while those represented below the line are those under represented in the population. A complete list of these significant pairings is provided in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0062427#pone.0062427.s005" target="_blank">Table S2</a> and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0062427#pone.0062427.s006" target="_blank">S3</a>.</p
Location of TH2 and TH3 epitopes in the Structure of Circumsporozoite Protein.
<p>The relative location of TH2 (blue) and TH3 (pink) are shown within the protein structure.</p
Shared TH3 epitopes between Malawi and the Gambia.
<p>Shared TH3 epitopes between Malawi and the Gambia.</p
Shared TH2 between Malawi and the Gambia.
<p>Shared TH2 between Malawi and the Gambia.</p
WebLogo of Amino Acid Sequence of Circumsporozoite Protein from Malawi and the Gambia.
<p>Panel A and Panel B are the Weblogos for Malawi and the Gambia, respectively. In Panel A, the TH2 region (blue) and TH3 region (pink) are underlined. The TH2 epitope maps almost exclusively to the α-helix, while the TH3 epitope maps to the flap. The polymorphic residues and types of amino acids that populate these sites appear to be conserved between two geographically disparate African parasite populations. Bits represent the information content, which is a relative measurement of sequence conservation, with higher values representing conservation and lower values consistent with sequence diversity at a position.</p
Baseline characteristics by HIV and ART status among medical inpatients.
<p>Baseline characteristics by HIV and ART status among medical inpatients.</p