2,587 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh disiplin pegawai dan pelayanan publik terhadap kepuasan masyarakat di Kantor Kecamatan Bontocani Kabupaten Bone. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deksriptif merupakan suatu metode yang bertujuan untuk memberikan deskripsi mengenai subjek penelitian berdasarkan data variabel yang di peroleh dari kelompok subjek tertentu dan analisis statistik inferensial teknik yang digunakan untuk mengkaji, menaksir dan mengambil kesimpulan berdasarkan data dari sempel untuk menggambarkan karakteristik dari suatu populasi. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh memberikan koefisien regresi ganda yang dituangkan dalam persamaan garis regresi, yaitu: Ăť=104.800+0,531 X1+0,061 X2. Sumbangan efektif variabel bebas secara bersama-sama terhadap variabel terikat 0,592 atau 59,2 %. Sementara masih ada 40,8 % karena pengaruh faktor lainnya. Variabel bebas yang paling kuat korelasinya terhadap variabel terikat adalah variabel disiplin pegawai yaitu sebesar 0,592 atau 59,2 %. Sedangkan variabel pelayanan publik korelasinya hanya 0,061 atau 6,1%
The Impact of Climatic Factors on Rice Production in Indonesia
Rice production is greatly affected by climatic factors which keep changing along with time. Therefore, the effects of climate change on rice production in Indonesia need to be studied. The objectives of this study are to determine: (1) the difference of interregional climate in each region and (2) the impact of climatic factors on rice production in Indonesia. Just and Pope Production function was used as the analytical frameworks, and Cobb-Douglas function form was used to analyze the data. The analysis was conducted with regards to rice production in ten provinces in Indonesia from 1985 to 2017. The result shows that there were some differences in climatic condition in each region in Indonesia. The regression analysis shows that maximum temperature and minimum temperature have positive impacts on rice production, on the other hand, El Nino and La Nina affect the production negatively. The results of this study can be considered by the policy makers in making decisions related to adaptation and mitigation on climate change encounter
Hubungan Gaya Belajar dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Yogyakarta II Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan gaya belajar auditorial,
kinestetik, dan visual dengan prestasi belajar kelompok mata pelajaran ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknologi yang terdiri dari kelompok mata pelajaran IPA, IPS,
bahasa, matematika, dan teknologi pada siswa kelas X MAN Yogyakarta II tahun
pelajaran 2009/2010.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional dengan subjek penelitian
sebanyak 225 dan sampel 99 siswa. Teknik sampling menggunakan random
sampling dengan cara undian. Pengumpulan data gaya belajar menggunakan angket
dan data prestasi belajar menggunakan dokumentasi. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas
instrumen dilakukan pada 70 siswa, diperoleh 55 item valid den gan reliabilitas
0,850. Teknik analisis data menggunakan ANAVA, korelasi Product Moment, dan
Korelasi Spearman.
Hasil uji anava menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan prestasi belajar
yang signifikan pada masing-masing kelompok mata pelajaran IPA, IPS, bah asa,
matematika, dan teknologi dengan siswa yang memiliki gaya belajar auditorial,
visual, dan kinestetik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Tidak ada
hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara gaya belajar kinestetik dengan prestasi
belajar kelompok mata pelajaran IPA dengan N=60 pada taraf signifikansi 5%
diperoleh rhitung =-0,003. (2) Tidak ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara
gaya belajar auditorial dengan prestasi belajar kelompok mata pelajaran IPS dengan
N=23 pada taraf signifikansi 5% diperoleh rhitung = 0,090. (3) Tidak ada hubungan
yang positif dan signifikan antara gaya belajar visual dengan prestasi belajar
kelompok mata pelajaran IPS dengan N=16 pada taraf signifikansi 5% diperoleh
rhitung = 0,283. (4) Tidak ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara gaya
belajar auditorial dengan prestasi belajar kelompok mata pelajaran bahasa dengan
N=23 pada taraf signifikansi 5% diperoleh r hitung = 0,200. (5) Tidak ada hubungan
yang positif dan signifikan antara gaya belajar visual dengan prestasi belajar
kelompok mata pelajaran bahasa dengan N=16 pada taraf signifikansi 5% diperoleh
rhitung = 0,377. (6) Tidak ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara gaya
belajar kinestetik dengan prestasi belajar kelompok mata pelajaran matematika
dengan N=60 pada taraf signifikansi 5% diperoleh r hitung = 0,052. (7) Tidak ada
hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara gaya belajar kinestetik dengan prestasi
belajar kelompok mata pelajaran teknologi dengan N=60 pada taraf signifikansi 5%
diperoleh rhitung = -0,010.
Kata Kunci: gaya belajar, prestasi belajar, siswa kelas X MAN Yogyakarta I
Strategi Komunikasi Pengembangan Pariwisata di Kelurahan Matakando Kota Bima
The implementation of tourism development policies in the Matakando Village Kota Bima requires an appropriate communication strategy. Mapping a communication strategy is one way for the government to develop regional potential in 10 Matakando Villages with all forms of available Natural Resources. Researchers examine tourism development through the implementation of communication strategies in understanding existing regulations as well as describing the use of government communication strategies to collaborate with various parties in tourism development in local areas. This situation requires a relevant collaborative approach and analysis of the suitability of the concept of implementing a communication strategy originating from regulations, observational data, collection of complementary documents to meet the needs of research on tourism development. Examined from this context, the researchers used a type of qualitative research through a literature review approach. This position places researchers to sort, select, analyze phenomena that occur within the scope of implementing communication strategy policies through a number of supporting documents, articles, tourism narratives in interpreting various issues regarding tourism development communication strategies. Based on the results of observations in the field and the results of document analysis, it was found that a number of implementations of policy communication strategies were found in the communication strategy for tourism development in Matakando Village, including adaptation to facility development and implementation of strategic policies. Facility development adaptation is related to environmental management through various supporting facilities in the development of local area spatial planning. Facility development adaptation is related to environmental management through various supporting facilities in the development of local area spatial planning. Meanwhile, the implementation of strategic policies is related to government collaboration with various parties in assisting tourism development in the Matakando sub-district
Risk of Chrysantemum Flower Supply Chain in Central Java Province and Yogyakarta Special Region
The distribution of chrysanthemum flowers from Bandungan District to consumers in the city can be at risk of damage. This study aims to determine the risk sources and types in the chrysanthemum supply chain; analyze risks probability and impact risk as well as risk capacity management among the chrysanthemum supply chain agents; and identify the risk priority in the chrysanthemum supply chains based on the level of loss and vulnerability. Data collection was conducted between April and September 2019 at Bandungan sub-distric Semarang distric. This study interviewed fifty farmers, fifteen middlemen, eight suppliers, and twentyfive  florists. Additionally, there were also interviewed three expert regarding chrysanthemum faming. These were the leader of Astha Bunda Kalirang farmers group, the head of marketing division of Astha Bunda Kaliurang Farmers Group, and staff on BPTP in Yogyakarta. Data was analyzed using Rapid Agricultural Risk Assessment (RapAgRisk). Results showed that there were six risk sources and 23 risk types that were present along the chrysanthemum supply chain. Six risks source such as natural hazard, weather, market, management and operational, logistical and infrastructure, and plant biological and environmental. Supply chain actors who have the highest risk are at farmer level.
This study aims to determine the effect of discussion methods on students’ communication skills.The method used in this research is an experimental research method with a Quasi-Experimentalmethod, with a Nonequivalent Control Group design which is a form of quasi-experimental or quasiexperimentalresearch methods. This study involved two classes, namely the experimental class andthe control class. Where the experimental class and the control class get the same learning in termsof assignments, content, teaching materials and learning time. The difference is in the treatmentgiven. The experimental class received teaching and learning treatment using the discussion method,while the control class used the lecture method. Data collection in the form of questionnaires anddocumentation. The sample used in this study amounted to 64 students. Where 32 students for theexperimental class and 32 students for the control class. he results of the study were shown by analyzingthe data using the formula “Paired sampe t-test”, then the results showed that t count> t table (9.976> 2.0395) with a significance level of 5%. And the resulting post-test mean score of the experimentalclass is 84.56 and the post-test mean score of the control class is 80.25. So, the post-test mean scoreof the experimental class is greater than the post-test mean score. -test control class. So the proposedhypothesis has been proven that the Discussion Method has an Influence on Student CommunicationSkills. This shows that the use of the discussion method has a positive effect on student communicationskills in Islamic education learning at SMK Negeri 3 Bekasi City
The background of the problem in this review is about the overall obstacles that occur in turjuman learning in schools. The use of an inappropriate learning method makes students bored and lacks concentration and in the use of this method there is still a lack of supporting power provided by educational institutions. The purpose of carrying out the research is to find out the implementation of turjuman learning, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the support and obstacles of turjuman learning at SMP IT Daarussalam. The research approach is using descriptive qualitative. The subjects used in the study were the head, deputy head, teachers and students of the turjuman class. The instrument of this research is the writer who researches directly, collects data and conducts analysis during the research process is ongoing. The results that have been obtained show that this turjuman learning applies the ummi approach with direct, repetition and sincere affection. Turjuman has three characteristics, including a more practical direct approach and the chosen teacher. Turjuman's learning is based on the ummi method of learning the Qur'an, practical media, and the teacher who teaches it. The excellence of Turjuman Ummi's learning is the type of learning that prioritizes student activity and the presence of professional teachers marked by certified teachers. Obstacles in Turjuman Ummi's learning are changes in students' vocal cords, good thinking skills to absorb material, and the lack sof learning media in the form of materials and other supporting media such as audio and video
Research on artificial intelligence has developed rapidly since the last fifteen years. Social studies and humanities scholars including linguists has put much attention on the relation between human-robot communications from wider and multidiscipline perspectives. Nonetheless, there is only a dearth of research investigating turn, sequence, and role-switching in humanoid interaction. Focusing on Sophia, the humanoid robot, the present study aims to examine three elements of dialogic- communication related to conversation. The present study applies a descriptive qualitative approach to investigate the research subject. Data consists of forms of utterances taken from two Sophia’s video that will be categorized into a sequence of organization, turn-taking, and role-switching functions. The results of present study show that Sophia is able to perform human-like interactional features in terms of providing adequate adjacency pairs, turn-taking, and a sequence of organizations. The present study shows that Sophia is not able to interrupt a conversation because it needs a brief moment of silence before replying.  
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